Table {arrow}R Documentation

Table class


A Table is a sequence of chunked arrays. They have a similar interface to record batches, but they can be composed from multiple record batches or chunked arrays.

S3 Methods and Usage

Tables are data-frame-like, and many methods you expect to work on a data.frame are implemented for Table. This includes [, [[, $, names, dim, nrow, ncol, head, and tail. You can also pull the data from an Arrow table into R with See the examples.

A caveat about the $ method: because Table is an R6 object, $ is also used to access the object's methods (see below). Methods take precedence over the table's columns. So, tab$Slice would return the "Slice" method function even if there were a column in the table called "Slice".

R6 Methods

In addition to the more R-friendly S3 methods, a Table object has the following R6 methods that map onto the underlying C++ methods:

There are also some active bindings:

[Package arrow version 16.1.0 Index]