Clustering and Classification using Model-Based Mixture Models

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Documentation for package ‘MixAll’ version 1.5.16

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B C D E G H I K L M P S misc

MixAll-package MixAll Allows to estimate parametric mixture models with mixed data sets and missing data.

-- B --

birds Qualitative data : morphological description of birds
bullsEye Quantitative Data: bullsEye label Data: label Data:

-- C --

car Qualitative data : Car Evaluation
ClusterAlgo ['ClusterAlgo'] class for Cluster algorithms.
clusterAlgo Create an instance of the ['ClusterAlgo'] class
ClusterAlgo-class ['ClusterAlgo'] class for Cluster algorithms.
ClusterAlgoPredict ['ClusterAlgoPredict'] class for predict algorithm.
clusterAlgoPredict Create an instance of the ['ClusterAlgoPredict'] class
ClusterAlgoPredict-class ['ClusterAlgoPredict'] class for predict algorithm.
clusterCategorical Create an instance of the ['ClusterCategorical'] class
ClusterCategorical-class Definition of the ['ClusterCategorical'] class
ClusterCategoricalComponent Definition of the ['ClusterCategoricalComponent'] class
ClusterCategoricalComponent-class Definition of the ['ClusterCategoricalComponent'] class
clusterCategoricalNames Create a vector of Categorical mixture model names.
ClusterDiagGaussian Definition of the ['ClusterDiagGaussian'] class
clusterDiagGaussian Create an instance of the ['ClusterDiagGaussian'] class
ClusterDiagGaussian-class Definition of the ['ClusterDiagGaussian'] class
ClusterDiagGaussianComponent Definition of the ['ClusterDiagGaussianComponent'] class
ClusterDiagGaussianComponent-class Definition of the ['ClusterDiagGaussianComponent'] class
clusterDiagGaussianNames Create a vector of diagonal Gaussian mixture model names.
clusterFastStrategy A strategy is a multistage empirical process for finding a good estimate in the clustering estimation process.
ClusterGamma Definition of the ['ClusterGamma'] class
clusterGamma Create an instance of the ['ClusterGamma'] class
ClusterGamma-class Definition of the ['ClusterGamma'] class
ClusterGamma-method Plotting of a class ['ClusterGamma']
ClusterGammaComponent Definition of the ['ClusterGammaComponent'] class
ClusterGammaComponent-class Definition of the ['ClusterGammaComponent'] class
clusterGammaNames Create a vector of gamma mixture model names.
ClusterInit Constructor of the ['ClusterInit'] class
clusterInit Create an instance of ['ClusterInit'] class
ClusterInit-class Constructor of the ['ClusterInit'] class
clusterMixedData Create an instance of the ['ClusterMixedDataModel'] class
ClusterMixedDataModel Definition of the ['ClusterMixedDataModel'] class
ClusterMixedDataModel-class Definition of the ['ClusterMixedDataModel'] class
ClusterPoisson Definition of the ['ClusterPoisson'] class
clusterPoisson Create an instance of the ['ClusterPoisson'] class
ClusterPoisson-class Definition of the ['ClusterPoisson'] class
ClusterPoisson-method Plotting of a class ['ClusterPoisson']
ClusterPoissonComponent Definition of the ['IClusterComponent'] class
ClusterPoissonComponent-class Definition of the ['IClusterComponent'] class
clusterPoissonNames Create a vector of Poisson mixture model names.
ClusterPredict Class ['ClusterPredict'] for predicting
clusterPredict Create an instance of ['ClusterPredict'] class
ClusterPredict-class Class ['ClusterPredict'] for predicting
ClusterPredictMixedData Class ['ClusterPredictMixedData'] for predicting
ClusterPredictMixedData-class Class ['ClusterPredictMixedData'] for predicting
clusterSemiSEMStrategy A strategy is a multistage empirical process for finding a good estimate in the clustering estimation process.
clusterSEMStrategy A strategy is a multistage empirical process for finding a good estimate in the clustering estimation process.
ClusterStrategy Constructor of ['ClusterStrategy'] class
clusterStrategy A strategy is a multistage empirical process for finding a good estimate in the clustering estimation process.
ClusterStrategy-class Constructor of ['ClusterStrategy'] class
clusterValidCategoricalNames Create a vector of Categorical mixture model names.
clusterValidDiagGaussianNames Create a vector of diagonal Gaussian mixture model names.
clusterValidGammaNames Create a vector of gamma mixture model names.
clusterValidPoissonNames Create a vector of Poisson mixture model names.

-- D --

DebTrivedi Counting Data: DebTrivedi

-- E --

Extract Extract parts of a MixAll S4 class

-- G --

geyser Quantitative data: Old Faithful Geyser

-- H --

HeartDisease Mixed data : Cleveland Heart Disease Data Mixed data : Cleveland Heart Disease Data
HeartDisease.cont Mixed data : Cleveland Heart Disease Data Mixed data : Cleveland Heart Disease Data

-- I --

IClusterComponent Definition of the ['IClusterComponent'] class
IClusterComponent-class Definition of the ['IClusterComponent'] class
IClusterModel Interface base Class ['IClusterModel'] for Cluster models.
IClusterModel-class Interface base Class ['IClusterModel'] for Cluster models.
IClusterPredict Interface class ['IClusterPredict'] for predicting
IClusterPredict-class Interface class ['IClusterPredict'] for predicting

-- K --

kmm Create an instance of the ['KmmModel'] class
KmmComponent Definition of the ['KmmComponent'] class
KmmComponent-class Definition of the ['KmmComponent'] class
kmmMixedData Create an instance of the ['KmmMixedDataModel'] class
KmmMixedDataModel Definition of the ['KmmMixedDataModel'] class
KmmMixedDataModel-class Definition of the ['KmmMixedDataModel'] class
KmmModel Definition of the ['KmmModel'] class
KmmModel-class Definition of the ['KmmModel'] class
kmmNames Create a vector of Kernel mixture model (KMM) names.
kmmStrategy Create an instance of ['ClusterStrategy'] class
kmmValidKernelNames Create a vector of Kernel mixture model (KMM) names.
kmmValidModelNames Create a vector of Kernel mixture model (KMM) names.

-- L --

LearnAlgo ['LearnAlgo'] class for Cluster algorithms.
learnAlgo Create an instance of the ['LearnAlgo'] class
LearnAlgo-class ['LearnAlgo'] class for Cluster algorithms.
learnCategorical Create an instance of a learn mixture model
learnDiagGaussian Create an instance of a learn mixture model
learnGamma Create an instance of a learn mixture model
learnMixedData This function learn the optimal mixture model when the class labels are known according to the 'criterion' among the list of model given in 'models'.
learnPoisson Create an instance of a learn mixture model

-- M --

missingValues Return the missing values of a component or a cluster class.
missingValues-method Return the missing values of a component or a cluster class.
MixAll MixAll Allows to estimate parametric mixture models with mixed data sets and missing data.

-- P --

plot-ClusterCategorical Plotting of a class ['ClusterCategorical']
plot-ClusterDiagGaussian Plotting of a class ['ClusterDiagGaussian']
plot-ClusterGamma, Plotting of a class ['ClusterGamma']
plot-ClusterMixedDataModel Plotting of a class ['ClusterMixedDataModel']
plot-ClusterPoisson, Plotting of a class ['ClusterPoisson']
plot-KmmComponent Plotting of a class ['KmmComponent']
plot-KmmMixedDataModel Plotting of a class ['KmmMixedDataModel']
plot-KmmModel Plotting of a class ['KmmModel']
plot-method Plotting of a class ['ClusterCategorical']
plot-method Plotting of a class ['ClusterDiagGaussian']
plot-method Plotting of a class ['ClusterGamma']
plot-method Plotting of a class ['ClusterMixedDataModel']
plot-method Plotting of a class ['ClusterPoisson']
plot-method Plotting of a class ['KmmComponent']
plot-method Plotting of a class ['KmmMixedDataModel']
plot-method Plotting of a class ['KmmModel']
print Print a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
print-algo-method Print a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
print-init-method Print a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
print-method Print a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
print-strategy-method Print a MixAll S4 class to standard output.

-- S --

show Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-algo-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-ClusterCategorical-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-ClusterCategoricalComponent-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-ClusterDiagGaussian-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-ClusterDiagGaussianComponent-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-ClusterGamma-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-ClusterGammaComponent-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-ClusterMixedDataModel-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-ClusterPoisson-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-ClusterPoissonComponent-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-IClusterComponent-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-init-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-KmmComponent-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-KmmMixedDataModel-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-KmmModel-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
show-strategy-method Show description of a MixAll S4 class to standard output.
summary Produce summary of a MixAll S4 class.
summary-ClusterCategoricalComponent-method Produce summary of a MixAll S4 class.
summary-method Produce summary of a MixAll S4 class.

-- misc --

[ Extract parts of a MixAll S4 class
[-method Extract parts of a MixAll S4 class
[<--method Extract parts of a MixAll S4 class