Modeling for Single-Cell Open Chromatin Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘MOCHA’ version 1.1.0

Help Pages

.callOpenTiles_ArchR 'callOpenTiles' Perform peak-calling on a set of fragments or an ArchR Project.
.counts_plot_default_theme Default ggplot theme for counts plot
.gene_plot_theme Common theme for gene plots
addAccessibilityShift 'addAccessibilityShift'
addMotifSet 'addMotifSet'
annotateTiles 'annotateTiles'
bulkDimReduction 'bulkDimReduction'
bulkUMAP 'bulkUMAP'
callOpenTiles 'callOpenTiles' Perform peak-calling on a set of fragments or an ArchR Project.
callOpenTiles-method 'callOpenTiles' Perform peak-calling on a set of fragments or an ArchR Project.
combineSampleTileMatrix 'combineSampleTileMatrix'
differentialsToGRanges 'differentialsToGRanges' Converts a data.frame matrix to a GRanges, preserving additional columns as GRanges metadata
exampleBlackList exampleBlackList
exampleCellColData exampleCellColData
exampleFragments exampleFragments
exportCoverage 'exportCoverage'
exportDifferentials 'exportDifferentials'
exportMotifs 'exportMotifs'
exportOpenTiles 'exportOpenTiles'
exportSmoothedInsertions 'exportSmoothedInsertions'
extractRegion 'extractRegion'
filterCoAccessibleLinks 'filterCoAccessibleLinks'
finalModelObject finalModelObject
getAltTSS Annotate Peaks falling in Transcription Start Sites (TSS) and identify alternatively regulated TSSs for each gene.
getAnnotationDbFromInstalledPkgname 'getAnnotationDbFromInstalledPkgname' Loads and attaches an installed TxDb or OrgDb-class Annotation database package.
getCellPopMatrix 'getCellPopMatrix'
getCellTypes 'getCellTypes' Extract cell type names from a Tile Results or Sample Tile object.
getCellTypeTiles 'getCellTypeTiles' Extract the GRanges for a particular cell type
getCoAccessibleLinks 'getCoAccessibleLinks'
getCoverage Get sample-specific coverage files for each sample-cell population.
getDifferentialAccessibleTiles 'getDifferentialAccessibleTiles'
getIntensityThreshold 'getIntensityThreshold'
getModelValues getModelValues from runZIGLMM output.
getPopFrags Extract fragments by populations from an ArchR Project
getPromoterGenes 'getPromoterGenes'
getSampleCellTypeMetadata 'getSampleCellTypeMetadata' Extract Sample-celltype specific metadata
getSampleTileMatrix 'getSampleTileMatrix'
getSequencingBias 'getSequencingBias'
GRangesToString 'GRangesToString' Converts a GRanges object to a string in the format 'chr1:100-200'
mergeTileResults 'mergeTileResults'
MotifEnrichment 'MotifEnrichment'
MotifSetEnrichmentAnalysis 'MotifSetEnrichmentAnalysis'
packMOCHA 'packMOCHA'
pilotLMEM Execute a pilot run of single linear model on a subset of data
pilotZIGLMM Execute a pilot run of model on a subset of data
plotConsensus 'plotConsensus'
plotIntensityDistribution 'plotIntensityDistribution'
plotRegion 'plotRegion'
renameCellTypes 'renameCellTypes'
runLMEM Run Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling for continuous, non-zero inflated data
runZIGLMM Run Zero-inflated Generalized Linear Mixed Modeling on pseudobulked scATAC data
StringsToGRanges 'StringsToGRanges'
subsetMOCHAObject 'subsetMOCHAObject'
testCoAccessibility 'testCoAccessibility'
unpackMOCHA 'unpackMOCHA'
varZIGLMM Zero-inflated Variance Decomposition for pseudobulked scATAC data
youden_threshold youden_threshold