.callOpenTiles_ArchR | 'callOpenTiles' Perform peak-calling on a set of fragments or an ArchR Project. |
.counts_plot_default_theme | Default ggplot theme for counts plot |
.gene_plot_theme | Common theme for gene plots |
addAccessibilityShift | 'addAccessibilityShift' |
addMotifSet | 'addMotifSet' |
annotateTiles | 'annotateTiles' |
bulkDimReduction | 'bulkDimReduction' |
bulkUMAP | 'bulkUMAP' |
callOpenTiles | 'callOpenTiles' Perform peak-calling on a set of fragments or an ArchR Project. |
callOpenTiles-method | 'callOpenTiles' Perform peak-calling on a set of fragments or an ArchR Project. |
combineSampleTileMatrix | 'combineSampleTileMatrix' |
differentialsToGRanges | 'differentialsToGRanges' Converts a data.frame matrix to a GRanges, preserving additional columns as GRanges metadata |
exampleBlackList | exampleBlackList |
exampleCellColData | exampleCellColData |
exampleFragments | exampleFragments |
exportCoverage | 'exportCoverage' |
exportDifferentials | 'exportDifferentials' |
exportMotifs | 'exportMotifs' |
exportOpenTiles | 'exportOpenTiles' |
exportSmoothedInsertions | 'exportSmoothedInsertions' |
extractRegion | 'extractRegion' |
filterCoAccessibleLinks | 'filterCoAccessibleLinks' |
finalModelObject | finalModelObject |
getAltTSS | Annotate Peaks falling in Transcription Start Sites (TSS) and identify alternatively regulated TSSs for each gene. |
getAnnotationDbFromInstalledPkgname | 'getAnnotationDbFromInstalledPkgname' Loads and attaches an installed TxDb or OrgDb-class Annotation database package. |
getCellPopMatrix | 'getCellPopMatrix' |
getCellTypes | 'getCellTypes' Extract cell type names from a Tile Results or Sample Tile object. |
getCellTypeTiles | 'getCellTypeTiles' Extract the GRanges for a particular cell type |
getCoAccessibleLinks | 'getCoAccessibleLinks' |
getCoverage | Get sample-specific coverage files for each sample-cell population. |
getDifferentialAccessibleTiles | 'getDifferentialAccessibleTiles' |
getIntensityThreshold | 'getIntensityThreshold' |
getModelValues | getModelValues from runZIGLMM output. |
getPopFrags | Extract fragments by populations from an ArchR Project |
getPromoterGenes | 'getPromoterGenes' |
getSampleCellTypeMetadata | 'getSampleCellTypeMetadata' Extract Sample-celltype specific metadata |
getSampleTileMatrix | 'getSampleTileMatrix' |
getSequencingBias | 'getSequencingBias' |
GRangesToString | 'GRangesToString' Converts a GRanges object to a string in the format 'chr1:100-200' |
mergeTileResults | 'mergeTileResults' |
MotifEnrichment | 'MotifEnrichment' |
MotifSetEnrichmentAnalysis | 'MotifSetEnrichmentAnalysis' |
packMOCHA | 'packMOCHA' |
pilotLMEM | Execute a pilot run of single linear model on a subset of data |
pilotZIGLMM | Execute a pilot run of model on a subset of data |
plotConsensus | 'plotConsensus' |
plotIntensityDistribution | 'plotIntensityDistribution' |
plotRegion | 'plotRegion' |
renameCellTypes | 'renameCellTypes' |
runLMEM | Run Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling for continuous, non-zero inflated data |
runZIGLMM | Run Zero-inflated Generalized Linear Mixed Modeling on pseudobulked scATAC data |
StringsToGRanges | 'StringsToGRanges' |
subsetMOCHAObject | 'subsetMOCHAObject' |
testCoAccessibility | 'testCoAccessibility' |
unpackMOCHA | 'unpackMOCHA' |
varZIGLMM | Zero-inflated Variance Decomposition for pseudobulked scATAC data |
youden_threshold | youden_threshold |