plotRegion {MOCHA} | R Documentation |
Plots the region that you've summarized across
all cell groupings (groups=initial getPopFrags() split) with optional motif
overlay, chromosome position ideogram, and additional GRanges tracks. If
plotting motif overlay, ensure that motif annotations have been added to
your counts SummarizedExperiment. A basic plot can be rendered with just a
counts SummarizedExperiment, but additional formatting arguments allow for
further customization. Note that to show specific genes with the option
'whichGenes' the RMariaDB package must be installed.
plotType = "area",
base_size = 12,
counts_color = NULL,
range_label_size = 2,
legend.position = NULL,
legendRatio = 0.25,
facet_label_side = "top",
counts_color_var = "Groups",
counts_group_colors = NULL,
counts_theme_ls = NULL,
motifSetName = NULL,
motif_y_space_factor = 4,
motif_stagger_labels_y = FALSE,
motif_weights = NULL,
motif_weight_name = "Motif Weight",
motif_weight_colors = c(darkblue = -10, gray = 0, darkred = 10),
motif_lab_size = 1,
motif_lab_alpha = 0.25,
motif_line_alpha = 0.25,
motif_line_size = 0.75,
showGene = TRUE,
whichGenes = NULL,
monotoneGenes = FALSE,
db_id_col = "REFSEQ",
collapseGenes = FALSE,
gene_theme_ls = NULL,
additionalGRangesTrack = NULL,
linkdf = NULL,
showIdeogram = TRUE,
ideogram_genome = "hg19",
relativeHeights = c(Chr = 0.9, `Normalized Counts` = 7, Links = 1.5, Genes = 2,
AdditionalGRanges = 4.5),
verbose = FALSE
countSE |
A SummarizedExperiment from MOCHA::getCoverage |
plotType |
Options include 'overlaid','area', 'line', or 'RidgePlot'. default is 'area', which will plot a separate track for each group with the area filled in under the curve. Setting plotType to 'overlaid' will overlay count plot histograms across samples, instead of faceting out separately. Setting plotType to 'RidgePlot' will generate a RidgePlot across all groups. |
base_size |
Numeric, default 12. Global plot base text size parameter |
counts_color |
Optional color palette. A named vector of color values where names are unique values in the 'color_var' column |
range_label_size |
Numeric value, default 4. Text size for the y-axis range label |
legend.position |
Any acceptable 'legend.position' argument to theme(). Default NULL will place legend for overlaid plots at (0.8,0.8), or to the "right" for faceted plots. |
legendRatio |
Ratio of width or height of the main plot to the legend. Useful if the legend is to large. If only used when legend.position is set to top, bottom, left, or right. |
facet_label_side |
Direction character value, default "top". Can also be "right", "left", or "bottom". Position of facet label. |
counts_color_var |
Character value, default "Groups". Column name from countdf to use to color counts plots. Only used if counts_group_colors provided |
counts_group_colors |
Optional named color vector. Values as colors, names are levels of 'counts_color_var'. If provided, will color the plots specifically using 'scale_color_manual()' |
counts_theme_ls |
A list of named theme arguments passed to theme(). For example, 'list(axis.ticks = element_blank())'. Default NULL will use '.counts_plot_default_theme'. |
motifSetName |
The name of the motif set in ArchRProj to use for annotation. Example: 'JasparMotifs' |
motif_y_space_factor |
A factor for vertical spacing between motif labels. Default 4. Increase to make labels farther apart, decrease to make labels closer. |
motif_stagger_labels_y |
= FALSE Logical value, default FALSE. If TRUE, will stagger motif labels in adjacent columns in the vertical direction |
motif_weights |
Optional numeric vector, default NULL. If provided will be used to color motif labels by the weighted values |
motif_weight_name |
Character value, default "Motif Weight". Used to label the legend for motif colors |
motif_weight_colors |
Named numeric vector. Names should be color values and breaks should be the corresponding values of motif_weights. Values outside the highest and lowest value will appear as max or min defined color value. |
motif_lab_size |
Numeric value, default 1. Size of motif labels. |
motif_lab_alpha |
Numeric value, default 0.25. Alpha for motif labels. |
motif_line_alpha |
Numeric value, default 0.25. Alpha for motif lines. |
motif_line_size |
Numeric value, default 1. Size of motif lines. |
showGene |
Logical value, default TRUE. Whether or not the gene track should be plotted. |
whichGenes |
Name of gene for plotting this specific gene in region. |
monotoneGenes |
Boolean. Determines whether to color-code genes by gene name, or to set them all to dark gray. |
db_id_col |
Character value. Column in 'OrgDb' containing the output id for 'whichGenes' plotting. Default "REFSEQ". |
collapseGenes |
Options include 'collapseAll', 'longestTx', or 'None' Default 'None' will plot the expanded view of the reference genes, 'collapseAll' if you want collapse the gene tracks into one, and 'longestTx' will only plot the longest transcript of each gene. |
gene_theme_ls |
Named list of parameters passed to 'theme()' for the gene plot. Default NULL will use '.gene_plot_theme' |
additionalGRangesTrack |
A GRanges object containing additional track plot data |
linkdf |
A dataframe with co-accessible links to display as an additional track |
showIdeogram |
Logical value, default TRUE. If TRUE plots the chromosome ideogram at the top of the multi-track plot |
ideogram_genome |
Character value, a genome name for the ideogram plot. Default 'hg19'. |
relativeHeights |
Named numeric vector of relative heights for each of the 4 track plots to enable clean visualization when there are many tracks. Unused tracks will be ignored. Default value = c('Chr' = 0.9, 'Normalized Counts' = 7, 'Genes'= 2, 'AdditionalGRanges' = 4.5) |
verbose |
Set TRUE to display additional messages. Default is FALSE. |
The input ggplot object with motif labels overlaid
## Not run:
# my_count_SE is a counts data frame generated by extractRegion()
# Simple counts + ideogram + all genes:
plotRegion(countSE = my_count_SE)
# Motif overlay for a project my_proj containing "JasparMotifs" annotations:
countSE = my_count_SE, motifSetName = "JasparMotifs",
motif_lab_alpha = 1, motif_line_alpha = 1
# Motif overlay w/ weights:
countSE = my_count_SE, motifSetName = "JasparMotifs", motif_lab_alpha = 1,
motif_line_alpha = 1, motif_weights = my_enrichment_weights
## End(Not run)