Procedures for Gaussian and Non Gaussian Geostatistical (Large) Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘GeoModels’ version 2.0.1

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anomalies Annual precipitation anomalies in U.S.
austemp Maximum australian temperature
CheckBiv Checking Bivariate covariance models
CheckDistance Checking Distance
CheckSph Checking if a covariance is valid only on the sphere
CheckST Checking SpaceTime covariance models
CkCorrModel Checking Correlation Model
CkInput Checking Input
CkLikelihood Checking Composite-likelihood Type
CkModel Checking Random Field type
CkType Checking Likelihood Objects
CkVarType Checking Variance Estimates Type
CompIndLik2 Optimizes the Composite indipendence log-likelihood
CompLik Optimizes the Composite log-likelihood
CompLik2 Optimizes the Composite log-likelihood
CorrelationPar Lists the Parameters of a Correlation Model
CorrParam Lists the Parameters of a Correlation Model
GeoAniso Spatial Anisotropy correction
GeoCorrFct Spatial and Spatio-temporal correlation or covariance of (non) Gaussian random fields
GeoCorrFct_Cop Spatial and Spatio-temporal correlation or covariance of (non) Gaussian random fields (copula models)
GeoCovariogram Computes the fitted variogram model.
GeoCovDisplay Image plot displaying the pattern of the sparsness of a covariance matrix.
GeoCovmatrix Spatial and Spatio-temporal Covariance Matrix of (non) Gaussian random fields
GeoCV n-fold kriging Cross-validation
GeoFit Max-Likelihood-Based Fitting of Gaussian and non Gaussian random fields.
GeoFit2 Max-Likelihood-Based Fitting of Gaussian and non Gaussian RFs.
GeoKrig Spatial (bivariate) and spatio temporal optimal linear prediction for Gaussian and non Gaussian random fields.
GeoKrigloc Spatial (bivariate) and spatio temporal optimal linear local prediction for Gaussian and non Gaussian RFs.
GeoNA Deleting NA values (missing values) from a spatial or spatio-temporal dataset.
GeoNeighborhood Spatio (temporal) neighborhood selection for local kriging.
GeoNeighIndex Spatial or spatiotemporal near neighbour indices.
GeoNosymindices GeoNosymindices.
GeoOutlier Spatio (temporal) outliers detection
GeoPit Probability integral or normal score tranformation
GeoQQ Quantile-quantile plot
GeoResiduals Computes fitted covariance and/or variogram
GeoScatterplot h-scatterplot for space and space-time data.
GeoSim Simulation of Gaussian and non Gaussian Random Fields.
GeoSimapprox Fast simulation of Gaussian and non Gaussian Random Fields.
GeoSimCopula Simulation of Gaussian and non Gaussian Random Fields using copula.
GeoTests Statistical Hypothesis Tests for Nested Models
GeoVarestbootstrap Update a 'GeoFit' object using parametric bootstrap for std error estimation
GeoVariogram Empirical semi-variogram estimation
GeoWLS WLS of Random Fields
Lik Optimizes the Log Likelihood
MatDecomp Matrix decomposition
MatInv Square root, inverse and log determinant of a (semi)positive definite matrix, given a matrix decomposition.
MatLogDet Square root, inverse and log determinant of a (semi)positive definite matrix, given a matrix decomposition.
MatSqrt Square root, inverse and log determinant of a (semi)positive definite matrix, given a matrix decomposition.
NuisParam Lists the Nuisance Parameters of a Random Field
NuisParam2 Internal function handling Nuisance Parameters of a Random Field
plot.GeoVariogram Plot empirical spatial, spatio-temporal and spatial bivariate semi-Variogram
print.GeoFit Max-Likelihood-Based Fitting of Gaussian and non Gaussian random fields.
print.GeoSim Simulation of Gaussian and non Gaussian Random Fields.
print.GeoSimCopula Simulation of Gaussian and non Gaussian Random Fields using copula.
print.GeoWLS WLS of Random Fields
Prscores Computation of three predictive scores: RMSE, LSCORE, CRPS based on drop-one cross-validation prediction for spatial, spatiotemporal and bivariate Gaussian RF.
SimCE Circulant embeeding simulation
sp2Geo Extracting information from an sp or spacetime object
spanish_wind August monthly average wind speed in Spain between 1970-2000
StartParam Initializes the Parameters for Estimation Procedures
winds Irish Daily Wind Speeds
winds.coords Weather Stations of the Irish Daily Wind Speeds
WlsStart Computes Starting Values based on Weighted Least Squares