FIESTA-package |
EcoMap SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
datBarplot |
Data - Generates frequency barplot. |
datBarStacked |
Data - Generates frequency barplot. |
datFilter |
Data - Filters data table. |
datFreq |
Data - Get frequency table for specified variable(s). |
datLineplot |
Data - Generates line graph. |
datLUTclass |
Data - Create a variable with classified values. |
datLUTnm |
Data - Gets variable description or class. |
datLUTspp |
Data - Gets variable description or class for SPCD. |
datPBplotchg |
Data - Generates barplot of photo-based change estimates. |
datPBpnt2pct |
Data - Transpose point data to plot-level percent by domain. |
datPivot |
Data - Generates a pivot table. |
datPlotcnt |
Database - Get plot counts. |
datSumCond |
Data - Aggregates numeric condition data to plot level. |
datSumTree |
Data - Aggregates tree and/or seedling data to the plot, condition, or subplot level. |
datSumTreeDom |
Data - Aggregates numeric tree data by tree domain (i.e. species) to plot or condition-level. |
DBgetCSV |
Database - Extracts data table(s) from FIA DataMart. |
DBgetEvalid |
Database - Gets or checks FIA EVALIDs and/or gets inventory years from FIA's online publicly-available DataMart ( |
DBgetPlots |
Database - Extracts inventory plot data from FIA DataMart. |
DBgetSQLite |
Database - Queries a SQLite database table. |
DBgetStrata |
Database - Gets stratification information from FIA database. |
DBgetXY |
Database - Extracts plot coordinates. |
DBqryCSV |
Database - Queries FIA Online Database. |
dbTables |
List of population tables. |
EcoMap SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
Reference tables - gdal data types. |
kindcd3old |
Reference table - List of RMRS plots that have fallen out of inventory because they were not found or they were in the wrong place. |
modGBarea |
Green-Book module - Generate area estimates. |
modGBchng |
Green-Book module - Generate area estimates. |
modGBdwm |
Green-Book module - Generate area estimates. |
modGBp2veg |
Green-Book module - Generate area estimates. |
modGBpop |
Green-Book module - Generate population data for GB module. |
modGBratio |
Green-Book module - Generate ratio estimates. |
modGBtree |
Green-Book module - Generate tree estimates. |
modMAarea |
Model-Assisted module - Generate model-assisted area estimates. |
modMApop |
Model-Assisted module - Generate population data for MA module. |
modMAratio |
Model-Assisted module - Generate model-assisted tree estimates. |
modMAtree |
Model-Assisted module - Generate model-assisted tree estimates. |
modPB |
Photo-Based module - Generate photo-based estimates. |
modPBpop |
Photo-Based module - Generate population data for PB module. |
modSAarea |
Small area module - Generate small area tree estimates. |
modSApop |
Small area module - Compile population data for SA module. |
modSAtree |
Small area module - Generate small area tree estimates. |
modWFarea |
West-Fest module - Generate population data for WF module. |
modWFpop |
West-Fest module - Generate population data for WF module. |
modWFtree |
West-Fest module - Generate population data for WF module. |
popFilters |
Population data filters. |
popTableIDs |
List of population table unique IDs. |
popTables |
List of population tables. |
ref_codes |
Reference tables - Code definitions. |
ref_cond |
Reference table - Metadata for cond default variables output from DBgetPlots() |
ref_conversion |
Reference table - for conversion factors. |
ref_diacl2in |
Reference table - diameter 2-inch class codes (DIA). |
ref_domain |
Reference table - for generating tables. |
ref_estvar |
Reference table - for generating estimates |
ref_plt |
Reference table - Metadata for plt default variables output from DBgetPlots() |
ref_popType |
Reference table - popType codes. |
ref_shp |
Reference table - Metadata for shp_* default variables output from DBgetPlots() |
ref_species |
Reference table - Code definitions. |
ref_statecd |
Reference table - state codes (STATECD). |
ref_titles |
Reference table - Variable titles. |
ref_tree |
Reference table - Metadata for tree default variables output from DBgetPlots() |
ref_units |
Reference table - for variable units. |
spClassifyRast |
Data - Reclass raster. |
spClipPoint |
Spatial - Clip (intersect) point vector layer with polygon vector layer. |
spClipPoly |
Spatial - Clip (intersect) polygon vector layer with polygon vector layer. |
spClipRast |
Spatial - Subsets a raster to a polygon extent or boundary. |
spExportSpatial |
Spatial - Exports an sf object. |
spExtractPoly |
Spatial - Extracts point attribute values from SpatialPolygons layer(s). |
spExtractRast |
Spatial - Extracts point attribute values from raster layer(s). |
spGetAuxiliary |
Spatial wrapper - Extracts and compiles auxiliary data within a specified boundary. |
spGetEstUnit |
Spatial wrapper - Extracts point attribute values and area from a simple feature or raster estimation unit layer. |
spGetPlots |
Spatial wrapper - Extracts plot data within a given boundary. |
spGetSAdoms |
Spatial wrapper - Generate a set of model domain units for Small Area Estimation (SAE) strategies. |
spGetStates |
Spatial wrapper - Extracts states that intersect a boundary. |
spGetStrata |
Spatial wrapper - Extracts point attribute values and pixel counts for strata and estimation unit spatial layers. |
spGetXY |
Spatial wrapper - Extracts XY coordinates within a given boundary. |
spImportSpatial |
Spatial - Imports a spatial vector layer to an S4 Spatial object. |
spMakeSpatialPoints |
Spatial - Generates an S4 SpatialPoints object from X/Y coordinates. |
spPoly2Rast |
Spatial - Converts SpatialPolygons layer to raster. |
spReprojectRaster |
Spatial - Reprojects an Esri shapefile (*shp) or S4 Spatial object. |
spReprojectVector |
Spatial - Reprojects an sf spatial object. |
spUnionPoly |
Spatial - Generate a unioned sf object with polygons and attributes from two sf polygon objects. |
spZonalRast |
Spatial - Extracts summary statistics by polygon (i.e., zone) for a raster. |
stunitco |
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with FIA state, unit, county codes and names |
WYcond |
FIA data. Condition-level data from FIA public database. |
WYp2veg_subplot_spp |
FIA data. P2 vegetation species data from FIA public database. |
WYp2veg_subp_structure |
FIA data. P2 vegetation structure data from FIA public database. |
WYplt |
FIA data. Plot-level data from FIA public database. |
WYpltassgn |
FIA data. Plot assignment data from FIA public database. |
WYseed |
FIA data. Seedling data from FIA public database. |
WYstratalut |
FIA data. Post-stratification data from FIA public database. |
WYsubplot |
FIA data. Subplot data from FIA public database. |
WYsubp_cond |
FIA data. Subplot condition data from FIA public database. |
WYtree |
FIA data. Tree-level data from FIA public database. |
WYunitarea |
FIA data. Acres data from FIA public database. |
WYunitzonal |
Zonal data. Zonal means for auxiliary data in counties in Wyoming. |