modMAarea {FIESTA}R Documentation

Model-Assisted module - Generate model-assisted area estimates.


Generates area estimates by estimation unit. Estimates are calculated from McConville et al. (2018)'s mase R package.


  prednames = NULL,
  modelselect = FALSE,
  landarea = "FOREST",
  pcfilter = NULL,
  rowvar = NULL,
  colvar = NULL,
  bootstrap = FALSE,
  returntitle = FALSE,
  savedata = FALSE,
  table_opts = NULL,
  title_opts = NULL,
  savedata_opts = NULL,
  gui = FALSE,
  modelselect_bydomain = FALSE,



List. Population data objects returned from modMApop().


String. mase (i.e., model-assisted) method to use ('greg', 'gregEN', 'ratio').


Logical. If TRUE, the finite population term is removed from estimator to match FIA estimates.


String vector. Name(s) of predictor variables to include in model.


Logical. If TRUE, an elastic net regression model is fit to the entire plot level data, and the variables selected in that model are used for the proceeding estimation.


String. The sample area filter for estimates ('ALL', 'FOREST', 'TIMBERLAND'). If landarea=FOREST, filtered to COND_STATUS_CD = 1; If landarea=TIMBERLAND, filtered to SITECLCD in(1:6) and RESERVCD = 0.


String. A filter for plot or cond attributes (including pltassgn). Must be R logical syntax.


String. Name of the row domain variable in cond or tree. If only one domain, rowvar = domain variable. If more than one domain, include colvar. If no domain, rowvar = NULL.


String. Name of the column domain variable in cond or tree.


Logical. If TRUE, returns bootstrap variance estimates, otherwise uses Horvitz-Thompson estimator under simple random sampling without replacement.


Logical. If TRUE, returns title(s) of the estimation table(s).


Logical. If TRUE, saves table(s) to outfolder.


List. See help(table_options()) for a list of options.


List. See help(title_options()) for a list of options.


List. See help(savedata_options()) for a list of options. Only used when savedata = TRUE.


Logical. If gui, user is prompted for parameters.


Logical. If TRUE, modelselection will occur at the domain level as specified by rowvar and/or colvar and not at the level of the entire sample.


Parameters for modMApop() if MApopdat is NULL.


If variables are NULL, then it will prompt user to input variables.

Necessary variables:

Data Variable Description
tree tuniqueid Unique identifier for each plot, to link to pltstrat (ex. PLT_CN).
CONDID Unique identifier of each condition on plot, to link to cond. Set CONDID=1, if only 1 condition per plot.
cond cuniqueid Unique identifier for each plot, to link to pltstrat (ex. PLT_CN).
CONDID Unique identifier of each condition on plot. Set CONDID=1, if only 1 condition per plot.
CONDPROP_UNADJ Unadjusted proportion of condition on each plot. Set CONDPROP_UNADJ=1, if only 1 condition per plot.
COND_STATUS_CD Status of each forested condition on plot (i.e. accessible forest, nonforest, water, etc.)
NF_COND_STATUS_CD If ACI=TRUE. Status of each nonforest condition on plot (i.e. accessible nonforest, nonsampled nonforest)
SITECLCD If landarea=TIMBERLAND. Measure of site productivity.
RESERVCD If landarea=TIMBERLAND. Reserved status.
pltstrat puniqueid Unique identifier for each plot, to link to cond (ex. CN).
STATECD Identifies state each plot is located in.
INVYR Identifies inventory year of each plot.
PLOT_STATUS_CD Status of each plot (i.e. sampled, nonsampled). If not included, all plots are assumed as sampled.

Reference names are available for the following variables:


If FIA=TRUE or unitvar=NULL and colvar=NULL, one data frame is returned with tree estimates and percent sample errors. Otherwise, a list is returned with tree estimates in one data frame (est) and percent sample errors in another data frame (est.pse). If rawdata=TRUE, another list is returned including raw data used in the estimation process. If addtitle=TRUE and returntitle=TRUE, the title for est/pse is returned. If savedata=TRUE, all data frames are written to outfolder.


Data frame. Tree estimates by rowvar, colvar (and estimation unit). If FIA=TRUE or one estimation unit and colvar=NULL, estimates and percent sampling error are in one data frame.


Data frame. Percent sampling errors for estimates by rowvar and colvar (and estimation unit).


List with 1 or 2 string vectors. If returntitle=TRUE a list with table title(s). The list contains one title if est and pse are in the same table and two titles if est and pse are in separate tables.


List of data frames. If rawdata=TRUE, a list including: number of plots by plot status, if in dataset (plotsampcnt); number of conditions by condition status (condsampcnt); data used for post-stratification (stratdat); and 1-8 tables with calculated variables used for processing estimates and percent sampling error for table cell values and totals (See processing data below).

Raw data


Table. Number of plots by plot status (ex. sampled forest on plot, sampled nonforest, nonsampled).


DF. Number of conditions by condition status (forest land, nonforest land, noncensus water, census water, nonsampled).


Data frame. Strata information by estimation unit.

Variable Description
ESTUNIT estimation unit
STRATA strata
ACRES area by strata for estimation unit
n.strata number of plots in strata (and estimation unit) number of plots for estimation unit
TOTACRES total area for estimation unit
strwt proportion of area (or number of plots) by strata (strata weight)
expfac.strata expansion factor (in area unit (e.g., acres) by strata (areavar/n.strata)
processing data

Data frames. Separate data frames containing calculated variables used in estimation process. The number of processing tables depends on the input parameters. The tables include: total by estimation unit (unit.totest); rowvar totals (unit.rowest), and if colvar is not NULL, colvar totals, (unit.colvar); and a combination of rowvar and colvar (unit.grpvar). If FIA=TRUE, the raw data for the summed estimation units are also included (totest, rowest, colest, grpest, respectively). These tables do not included estimate proportions (nhat and nhat.var).

The data frames include the following information:

Variable Description
nhat estimated proportion of trees
nhat.var estimated variance of estimated proportion of trees
ACRES total area for estimation unit
est estimated area of trees nhat*ACRES
est.var estimated variance of estimated area of trees nhat.var*areavar^2 standard error of estimated area of trees sqrt(est.var) coefficient of variation of estimated area of trees
pse percent sampling error of estimate*100
CI99left left tail of 99 percent confidence interval for estimated area
CI99right right tail of 99 percent confidence interval for estimated area
CI95left left tail of 95 percent confidence interval for estimated area
CI95right right tail of 95 percent confidence interval for estimated area
CI67left left tail of 67 percent confidence interval for estimated area
CI67right right tail of 67 percent confidence interval for estimated area

Table(s) are also written to outfolder.


The adjustment factor is necessary to account for nonsampled conditions. It is calculated for each estimation unit by strata. by summing the unadjusted proportions of the subplot, microplot, and macroplot (i.e. *PROP_UNADJ) and dividing by the number of plots in the strata/estimation unit).

An adjustment factor is determined for each tree based on the size of the plot it was measured on. This is identified using TPA_UNADJ as follows:

SUBPLOT 6.018046
MICROPLOT 74.965282
MACROPLOT 0.999188

If ACI=FALSE, only nonsampled forest conditions are accounted for in the adjustment factor.
If ACI=TRUE, the nonsampled nonforest conditions are removed as well and accounted for in adjustment factor. This is if you are interested in estimates for all lands or nonforest lands in the All-Condition-Inventory.

If MAmethod='PS', and stratcombine=TRUE, and less than 2 plots in any one estimation unit, all estimation units with 10 or less plots are combined. The current method for combining is to group the estimation unit with less than 10 plots with the estimation unit following in consecutive order (numeric or alphabetical), restrained by survey unit (UNITCD) if included in dataset, and continuing until the number of plots equals 10. If there are no estimation units following in order, it is combined with the estimation unit previous in order.

If MAmethod='GREG', and autoxreduce=TRUE, and there is an error because of multicolinearity, a variable reduction method is applied to remove correlated variables. The method used is based on the variance-inflation factor (vif) from a linear model. The vif estimates how much the variance of each x variable is inflated due to mulitcolinearity in the model.

There are several objectives for including rowlut/collut look-up tables: 1) to include descriptive names that match row/column codes in the input table; 2) to use number codes that match row/column names in the input table for ordering rows; 3) to add rows and/or columns with 0 values for consistency. No duplicate names are allowed.

Include 2 columns in the table:
1-the merging variable with same name as the variable in the input merge table;
2-the ordering or descriptive variable.
If the ordering variable is the rowvar/colvar in the input table and the descriptive variable is in rowlut/collut, set row.orderby/col.orderby equal to rowvar/colvar. If the descriptive variable is the rowvar/colvar in the input table, and the ordering code variable is in rowlut/collut, set row.orderby/col.orderby equal to the variable name of the code variable in rowlut/collut.

The following variables are converted from pounds (from FIA database) to short tons by multiplying the variable by 0.0005. DRYBIO_AG, DRYBIO_BG, DRYBIO_WDLD_SPP, DRYBIO_SAPLING, DRYBIO_STUMP, DRYBIO_TOP, DRYBIO_BOLE, DRYBIOT, DRYBIOM, DRYBIOTB, JBIOTOT, CARBON_BG, CARBON_AG

For Interior-West FIA, mortality estimates are mainly based on whether a tree has died within the last 5 years of when the plot was measured. If a plot was remeasured, mortality includes trees that were alive the previous visit but were dead in the next visit. If a tree was standing the previous visit, but was not standing in the next visit, no diameter was collected (DIA = NA) but the tree is defined as mortality.

Common tree filters:

"STATUSCD == 1" Live trees
"STATUSCD == 2" Dead trees
"TPAMORT_UNADJ > 0" Mortality trees
"STATUSCD == 2 & DIA >= 5.0" Dead trees >= 5.0 inches diameter
"STATUSCD == 2 & AGENTCD == 30" Dead trees from fire


Tracey S. Frescino


Kelly McConville, Becky Tang, George Zhu, Shirley Cheung, and Sida Li (2018). mase: Model-Assisted Survey Estimation. R package version 0.1.2


# Set up population dataset (see ?modMApop() for more information)
MApopdat <- modMApop(popTabs = list(tree = FIESTA::WYtree,
                                    cond = FIESTA::WYcond),
                     pltassgn = FIESTA::WYpltassgn,
                     pltassgnid = "CN",
                     unitarea = FIESTA::WYunitarea,
                     unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT",
                     unitzonal = FIESTA::WYunitzonal,
                     prednames = c("dem", "tcc", "tpi", "tnt"),
                     predfac = "tnt")

# Use GREG estimator to estimate area of forest land in our population
mod1 <- modMAarea(MApopdat = MApopdat, 
          MAmethod = "greg", 
          landarea = "FOREST")

# Use GREG estimator to estimate area of forest land by forest type and
# stand-size class
mod2 <- modMAarea(MApopdat = MApopdat,
          MAmethod = "greg",
          landarea = "FOREST",
          rowvar = "FORTYPCD",
          colvar = "STDSZCD")

[Package FIESTA version 3.6.4 Index]