datFilter {FIESTA} | R Documentation |
Data - Filters data table.
Subsets a data table by specified filter(s).
xfilter = NULL,
xfiltervar = NULL,
othertabnms = NULL,
uniqueid = "PLT_CN",
vardelete = NULL,
title.filter = NULL,
savedata = FALSE,
filternm = NULL,
stopifnull = FALSE,
returnDT = TRUE,
xnm = NULL,
savedata_opts = NULL,
gui = FALSE
x |
Data frame, sf data frame or comma-delimited file (*.csv). A data frame to filter. |
xfilter |
String. A filter expression. Must be R syntax. (e.g., "STATUSCD == 1", "INVYR within double quotes (e.g., "SPP == 'Lodgepole'"). If NULL, a window pops up to select filter variable(s) and filter value(s). |
xfiltervar |
String. The filtervar if you know what it is. If NULL, a window will pop up to select filter value(s). |
othertabnms |
String vector. Name(s) of the objects or comma-delimited files to subset. Names must be in quotes (e.g., othertables=c('tree', 'cond')). |
uniqueid |
String. Unique identifier of x. Only needed if othertables != NULL. The uniqueid must be the same for all tables except if PLT_CN and CN. |
vardelete |
String vector. Vector of variables you would like deleted from filter list. Mostly used for internal queries. |
title.filter |
String. Title of the filter query window. Mostuly used for internal queries. |
savedata |
Logical. If TRUE, writes output data to outfolder. |
filternm |
String. Optional. Name of filter, for feedback purposes. |
stopifnull |
Logical. If TRUE, stop if output is NULL. |
returnDT |
Logical. If TRUE, returns a data table. If FALSE, returns a data frame. |
xnm |
String. Name for filter attribute. Used for warning messages. |
savedata_opts |
List. See help(savedata_options()) for a list of options. Only used when savedata = TRUE. If out_layer = NULL, default = 'datf'. |
gui |
Logical. If TRUE, pop-up windows will appear for user-interface. |
If no parameters, then user is prompted for input. If partial parameters, default parameter values are used.
A list of the following items:
xf |
A data frame of filtered x. |
xfilter |
The xfilter. |
If othertables != NULL, the other tables, named with 'in' prefix
If message returned is 'filter removed all records', either the filter removed all records in x or the filter is incorrect.
Tracey S. Frescino
# Set up data for example
tab <- data.frame(cbind(CONDCLASS=c(1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1),
FORTYPCD = c(182, 184, 201, 221, 221, 184, 221, 182,
182, 201, 182, 221)))
# Filter for value not equal to 182
datFilter(x = tab, xfilter = "FORTYPCD != 182")
# Filter on two conditions, grab xf object from list
datFilter(x = WYcond, xfilter = "FORTYPCD == c(221) & STDSZCD == 3")$xf