FIESTA-package {FIESTA} | R Documentation |
EcoMap SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Contains regional geographic delineations for analysis of ecological relationships across ecological units. ECOMAP is the term used for a USDA Forest Service initiative to map ecological units and encourage their use in ecosystem-based approaches to forest land conservation and management. It is coordinated at the national and regional levels by USDA Forest Service staff and implemented in cooperation with State forestry agencies and others. ECOMAP mapping criteria are outlined in the National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units ( y.htm). The framework systematically divides the country into progressively smaller areas of land and water that have similar physical and biological characteristics and ecological processes.
The EcoMap Provinces feature class contains ecological province polygons attributed with names and descriptions. The EcomapSections 2007 data set describes the ecological sections within the conterminous United States. The EcomapSubections 2007 data set describes the ecological subsections within the conterminous United States.
Converted to simple feature
Transformed CRS from longlat(EPSG:4269) to
Albers (EPSG:5070)
Saved to R object, with compression='xz'
FIESTA - Forest Inventory Estimation for Analysis
FIESTA is a research estimation tool for analysts that work with sample-based inventory data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program.
FIESTA can generate FIA's traditional state-wide estimates while also accommodate: unique population boundaries, different evaluation time periods, customized stratification schemes, non-standard variance equations, integration of multi-scale remotely-sensed data and other auxiliary information, and interaction with other modeling and estimation tools from CRAN's library of packages.
FIESTA contains a collection of functions that can query FIA databases, summarize and compile plot and spatial data, and generate estimates with associated sampling errors.
Tracey S. Frescino Maintainer: Tracey S. Frescino
Bechtold, William A.; Patterson, Paul L.; [Editors] 2005. The enhanced forest inventory and analysis program - national sampling design and estimation procedures. Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-80. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 85p.
R Development Core Team (2011). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0, URL
Burrill, E.A., Wilson, A.M., Turner, J.A., Pugh, S.A., Menlove, J., Christiansen, G., Conkling, B.L., Winnie, D., 2018. Forest Inventory and Analysis Database [WWW Document]. St Paul MN US Dep. Agric. For. Serv. North. Res. Stn. URL (accessed 3.6.21).
See Also
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