datLUTnm {FIESTA} | R Documentation |
Data - Gets variable description or class.
Merge a look-up table to append new variables, names, or categories to x.
x = NULL,
uniquex = NULL,
LUTvar = NULL,
LUTnewvar = NULL,
LUTnewvarnm = NULL,
FIAname = FALSE,
group = FALSE,
NAclass = "Other",
add0 = FALSE,
stopifmiss = FALSE,
xtxt = NULL,
dsn = NULL,
dbconn = NULL,
dbconnopen = FALSE,
dbwrite = FALSE,
dbreturn = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE,
savedata = FALSE,
savedata_opts = NULL,
gui = FALSE
xvar |
String. Name of variable in the data table to join to. |
x |
Data frame or comma-delimited file (*.csv). The data table with variable to classify. |
uniquex |
String. Unique values to match, if x is NULL. |
Data frame or comma-delimited file (*.csv). Name of the file with collapsed classes (If FIAname=FALSE). |
LUTvar |
String. Name of variable in LUT with values matching that xvar. If LUTvar=NULL, LUTvar=xvar. |
LUTnewvar |
String. Name(s) of other variable(s) in the look-up table to include in join. If NULL, all other variables in table will be included. |
LUTnewvarnm |
String. Different name(s) for LUTnewvar. If NULL, names will default to LUTnewvar. The length of LUTnewvarnm must equal the length for LUTnewvar. |
FIAname |
Logical. If TRUE, get FIA reference name based on (ref_codes) within FIESTA. |
group |
Logical. If TRUE and FIA=TRUE, the group variables in reference table (ref_codes) are merged to data table (GROUPCD, GROUPNM). |
NAclass |
String. NA values in xvar will be changed to NAclass. |
add0 |
Logical. IF TRUE, keep all codes in look up table. If FALSE, only include codes that are in x. |
spcdname |
String. Name for species output type ('COMMON', 'SCIENTIFIC', 'SYMBOL', 'COMMON_SCIENTIFIC'). |
stopifmiss |
Logical. IF TRUE, stops function if missing codes in LUTx. |
xtxt |
String.* Name of x table for more useful information in warnings. |
dsn |
String. Data source name of database with x. |
dbconn |
Open database connection. |
dbconnopen |
Logica. If TRUE, keep database connection open. |
dbwrite |
Logical. If TRUE, write class column to database table x. |
dbreturn |
Logical. If TRUE, return table with class column. |
overwrite |
Logical. If TRUE, and the class name already exists in x, overwrites class name. |
savedata |
Logical. If TRUE, saves data to outfolder. |
savedata_opts |
List. See help(savedata_options()) for a list of options. Only used when savedata = TRUE. If out_layer = NULL, default = 'datlut'. |
gui |
Logical. If gui, user is prompted for parameters. |
xLUT |
The input data table with look-up table variable(s). |
xLUTnm |
Name of the new variable(s). |
Look up table with categories. |
If savedata = TRUE, a comma-delimited file is output to the outfolder as outfn. If outfn = NULL, the name of the file will be datlut_'date'.csv.
For available reference tables: sort(unique(ref_codes$VARIABLE))
Tracey S. Frescino
# Append forest type names using the reference table above.
ref_fortypcd <- ref_codes[ref_codes$VARIABLE == "FORTYPCD",]
WYcondlut <- datLUTnm(WYcond,
xvar = "FORTYPCD",
LUT = ref_fortypcd,
LUTvar = "VALUE",
LUTnewvar = "MEANING",
LUTnewvarnm = "FORTYPNM")
WYcond2 <- WYcondlut$xLUT
head(WYcond2[WYcond2$FORTYPCD > 0, ])
# Append forest type names the FIAname parameter. If the xvar is in the stored
# reference table, the name and values will automatically be appended.
WYcondlut2 <- datLUTnm(WYcond,
xvar = "FORTYPCD",
FIAname = TRUE)
WYcond3 <- WYcondlut2$xLUT
head(WYcond3[WYcond3$FORTYPCD > 0, ])