WYplt {FIESTA}R Documentation

FIA data. Plot-level data from FIA public database.


FIA plot-level data for the state of Wyoming, FIA Evaluation 561301, including inventory years 2011-2013.


A data frame with 20 columns and 3047 rows.


CN Unique FIADB identifier
PREV_PLT_CN Previous unique FIADB identifier
INVYR Inventory year
STATECD State code (FIPS)
CYCLE Inventory cycle number
SUBCYCLE Inventory subcycle number (Do not use subcycle 99 for estimation)
UNITCD Survey unit code
COUNTYCD County code
PLOT Phase 2 plot number (Public)
LON_PUBLIC Longitude - fuzzed/swapped (Decimal degrees; NAD83)
LAT_PUBLIC Latitude - fuzzed/swapped (Decimal degrees; NAD83)
PLOT_NONSAMPLE_REASN_CD Plot nonsampled reason
SAMP_METHOD_CD Sample method code
SUBP_EXAMINE_CD Subplots examined code
MANUAL Manual version number
MEASYEAR Measurement year
MEASMON Measurement month
MEASDAY Measurement day
REMPER Remeasurement period
DESIGNCD Plot design
P2PANEL Phase 2 panel number
SUBPANEL Subpanel number
ELEV Elevation (ft)
KINDCD Sample kind
MORT_TYP_CD Type of annual mortality volume (1:Current annual; 2:Periodic annual)
GROW_TYP_CD Type of annual volume growth (1:Current annual; 2:Periodic annual)
NF_PLOT_NONSAMPLE_REASN_CD Nonforest sampling status
P2VEG_SAMPLING_STATUS_CD P2 vegetation sampling status
PLOT_STATUS_CD Plot sampling status
NF_PLOT_STATUS_CD Nonforest plot sampling status
NBRCND DERIVED: Number of conditions for plot
NBRCNDFOR DERIVED: Number of different forest type conditions for plot
FORNONSAMP DERIVED: Plot status - sampled and nonsampled (Combination of PLOT_NONSAMPLE_REASN_CD and PLOT_STATUS_CD)
CCLIVEPLT DERIVED: Percent cover of live trees for plot (LIVE_CANOPY_CVR_PCT * CONDPROP_UNADJ)
UNIQUEID DERIVED: Unique identifier for plot location ('Z'+STATECD(2)+UNITCD(2)+COUNTYCD(3)+PLOT(5))


FIA national database (FIADB_1.7.0.00), downloaded September 18, 2016.


Burrill, E.A.; Wilson, A.M.; Turner, J.A.; Pugh, S.A.; Menlove, J.; Christiansen, G.; B.L. Conkling, B.L.: David, W. 2018. The Forest Inventory and Analysis Database: Database description and user guide version 8.0 for Phase 2.

[Package FIESTA version 3.6.4 Index]