dbTables {FIESTA} | R Documentation |
List of population tables.
Returns a list of user-supplied parameters and parameter values for data tables to be supplied to *DB functions.
plot_layer = "PLOT",
cond_layer = "COND",
tree_layer = "TREE",
seed_layer = "SEEDLING",
plotgeom_layer = "PLOTGEOM",
vsubpspp_layer = "P2VEG_SUBPLOT_SPP",
vsubpstr_layer = "P2VEG_SUBP_STRUCTURE",
invsubp_layer = "INVASIVE_SUBPLOT_SPP",
subplot_layer = "SUBPLOT",
subpcond_layer = "SUBP_COND",
dwm_layer = "COND_DWM_CALC",
sccm_layer = "SUBP_COND_CHNG_MTRX",
grm_layer = "TREE_GRM_COMPONENT",
grmb_layer = "TREE_GRM_BEGIN",
grmm_layer = "TREE_GRM_MIDPT",
survey_layer = "SURVEY",
popeval_layer = "POP_EVAL",
popevalgrp_layer = "POP_EVAL_GRP",
popevaltyp_layer = "POP_EVAL_TYP",
popstratum_layer = "POP_STRATUM",
popestnunit_layer = "POP_ESTN_UNIT",
ppsa_layer = "POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN",
refspp_layer = "REF_SPECIES",
other_layers = NULL,
plot_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Plot-level data (PLOT). |
cond_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Condition-level data (COND). |
tree_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Tree-level data (TREE). |
seed_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Seedling data (SEEDLING). |
plotgeom_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Plot-level GIS extracted data (PLOTGEOM). |
vsubpspp_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Understory vegetation species data (P2VEG_SUBPLOT_SPP). |
vsubpstr_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Understory vegetation structure data (P2VEG_SUBP_STRUCTURE). |
invsubp_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Understory vegetation invasives data (INVASIVE_SUBPLOT_SPP). |
subplot_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Subplot-level data (SUBPLOT). |
subpcond_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Subplot condition-level data (SUBP_COND). |
dwm_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Down wood material data (COND_DWM_CALC) |
sccm_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Subplot-level change matrix data (SUBP_COND_CHNG_MTRX). |
grm_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Tree growth, removal, mortality data (TREE_GRM_COMPONENT). |
grmb_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Tree growth, removal, mortality begin data (TREE_GRM_BEGIN). |
grmm_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Tree growth, removal, mortality midpoint data (TREE_GRM_MIDPT). |
survey_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Population survey (SURVEY) data. |
popeval_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Population evaluation (POP_EVAL) data. |
popevalgrp_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Population evaluation group data (POP_EVAL_GRP). |
popevaltyp_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Population evaluation type data (POP_EVAL_TYP). |
popstratum_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Population stratum data (POP_STRATUM). |
popestnunit_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Population estimation unit data (POP_ESTN_UNIT). |
ppsa_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Population plot stratum assignment data ( (POP_PLOT_STRATUM_ASSGN). |
refspp_layer |
R object, comma-delimited file(*.csv), or name of layer in database. Reference table for species (REF_SPECIES). |
other_layers |
String. Other layer(s) in database to clip and/or extract from database (Note: must include PLT_CN variable as unique identifier). |
... |
For extendibility. |
If no parameters, an empty list is returned.
A list of user-supplied parameters and parameter values for strata.
Tracey S. Frescino
dbTables(plot_layer = FIESTA::WYplt)