Functions for 'Ecdat'

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Documentation for package ‘Ecfun’ version 0.3-2

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Arrows Draw arrows between pairs of points.
as.Date1970 Date from a number of days since the start of 1970.
asNumericChar Coerce to numeric dropping commas and info after a blank
asNumericDF Coerce to numeric dropping commas and info after a blank
BoxCox Box-Cox power transformation and its inverse
camelParse Split a character string where a capital letter follows a lowercase letter
canbeNumeric Can a variable reasonably be coerced to numeric?
checkNames Check and return names
classIndex Convert class to an integer 1-8 and vice versa
compareLengths Compare the lengths of two objects
compareOverlap Compare y between newDat and refDat for shared values of x Confidence interval for sample variance or standard deviation
confint.var Confidence interval for sample variance or standard deviation
countByYear Allocate a total by year
countsByYear Allocate totals by year
createMessage Compose a message as a single substring from a character vector
createX2matchY Create X to match Y
Date3to1 Convert three YMD vectors to a Date
dateCols Identify YMD names in a character vector
Dates3to1 Convert 3-column dates in data to class Date
deletedFunctions Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
dtruncdist Truncated distribution
getElement2 Extract a named element from an object with a default
grepNonStandardCharacters grep for nonstandard characters
index2class Convert class to an integer 1-8 and vice versa
Interp Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters
Interp.default Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters
InterpChar Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters
interpChar Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters
interpChar.default Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters
interpChar.list Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters
InterpChkArgs Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters
InterpNum Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters
interpPairs interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list
interpPairs.function interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list
interpPairs.list interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list
invBoxCox Box-Cox power transformation and its inverse
lines.qqnorm2 Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Symbols
logVarCor Log-diagonal representation of a variance matrix Identify the row of 'y' best matching each row of 'x'
matchName Match surname and givenName in a table
matchName1 Match surname and givenName in a table
matchQuote Match isolated quotes across records
mergeUShouse.senate Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
mergeVote Merge Roll Call Vote
missing0 Missing or length 0
nchar0 Zero characters or NULL
Newdata Create a new data.frame for predict
parseCommas Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics
parseCommas.default Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics
parseDollars Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics
parseName Parse surname and given name
Ping ping a Uniform resource locator (URL)
plot.qqnorm2 Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Symbols
plot.qqnorm2s Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Lines and Multiple Symbols
pmatch2 Value matching or partial matching
pmatchIC pmatch ignoring case
points.qqnorm2 Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Symbols
ptruncdist Truncated distribution
qqnorm2 Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Symbols
qqnorm2s Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Lines and Multiple Symbols
qqnorm2t Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Lines and Multiple Symbols
qtruncdist Truncated distribution
rasterImageAdj rasterImage adjusting to zero distortion
read.transpose Read a data table in transpose form
readCookPVI Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
readCookPVI. Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
readDates3to1 read.csv with Dates in 3 columns
readFinancialCrisisFiles Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
readNIPA Read a National Income and Product Accounts data table
readUShouse Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
readUSsenate Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
readUSstateAbbreviations Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
recode2 bivariate recode
rgrep Reverse grep
rtruncdist Truncated distribution
sign Sign function with zero option
simulate.bic.glm A "simulate" method for a 'BMA::bic.glm' object
simulate.glm A "simulate" method for a glm object
strsplit1 Split the first field
subNonStandardCharacters sub nonstandard characters with replacement
subNonStandardNames sub for nonstandard names
trimImage Trim zero rows or columns from an object of class 'Image'.
truncdist Truncated distribution
UShouse.senate Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
USsenateClass Functions deleted from the Ecfun package
whichAeqB Index of a single match