Arrows |
Draw arrows between pairs of points. |
as.Date1970 |
Date from a number of days since the start of 1970. |
asNumericChar |
Coerce to numeric dropping commas and info after a blank |
asNumericDF |
Coerce to numeric dropping commas and info after a blank |
BoxCox |
Box-Cox power transformation and its inverse |
camelParse |
Split a character string where a capital letter follows a lowercase letter |
canbeNumeric |
Can a variable reasonably be coerced to numeric? |
checkNames |
Check and return names |
classIndex |
Convert class to an integer 1-8 and vice versa |
compareLengths |
Compare the lengths of two objects |
compareOverlap |
Compare y between newDat and refDat for shared values of x | |
Confidence interval for sample variance or standard deviation |
confint.var |
Confidence interval for sample variance or standard deviation |
countByYear |
Allocate a total by year |
countsByYear |
Allocate totals by year |
createMessage |
Compose a message as a single substring from a character vector |
createX2matchY |
Create X to match Y |
Date3to1 |
Convert three YMD vectors to a Date |
dateCols |
Identify YMD names in a character vector |
Dates3to1 |
Convert 3-column dates in data to class Date |
deletedFunctions |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
dtruncdist |
Truncated distribution |
getElement2 |
Extract a named element from an object with a default |
grepNonStandardCharacters |
grep for nonstandard characters |
index2class |
Convert class to an integer 1-8 and vice versa |
Interp |
Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters |
Interp.default |
Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters |
InterpChar |
Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters |
interpChar |
Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters |
interpChar.default |
Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters |
interpChar.list |
Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters |
InterpChkArgs |
Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters |
InterpNum |
Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters |
interpPairs |
interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list | |
interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list |
interpPairs.function |
interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list |
interpPairs.list |
interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list |
invBoxCox |
Box-Cox power transformation and its inverse |
lines.qqnorm2 |
Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Symbols |
logVarCor |
Log-diagonal representation of a variance matrix | |
Identify the row of 'y' best matching each row of 'x' |
matchName |
Match surname and givenName in a table |
matchName1 |
Match surname and givenName in a table |
matchQuote |
Match isolated quotes across records |
mergeUShouse.senate |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
mergeVote |
Merge Roll Call Vote |
missing0 |
Missing or length 0 |
nchar0 |
Zero characters or NULL |
Newdata |
Create a new data.frame for predict |
parseCommas |
Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics | |
Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics |
parseCommas.default |
Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics |
parseDollars |
Convert character string with Dollar signs and commas to numerics |
parseName |
Parse surname and given name |
Ping |
ping a Uniform resource locator (URL) |
plot.qqnorm2 |
Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Symbols |
plot.qqnorm2s |
Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Lines and Multiple Symbols |
pmatch2 |
Value matching or partial matching |
pmatchIC |
pmatch ignoring case |
points.qqnorm2 |
Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Symbols |
ptruncdist |
Truncated distribution |
qqnorm2 |
Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Symbols |
qqnorm2s |
Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Lines and Multiple Symbols |
qqnorm2t |
Normal Probability Plot with Multiple Lines and Multiple Symbols |
qtruncdist |
Truncated distribution |
rasterImageAdj |
rasterImage adjusting to zero distortion |
read.transpose |
Read a data table in transpose form |
readCookPVI |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
readCookPVI. |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
readDates3to1 |
read.csv with Dates in 3 columns |
readFinancialCrisisFiles |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
readNIPA |
Read a National Income and Product Accounts data table |
readUShouse |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
readUSsenate |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
readUSstateAbbreviations |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
recode2 |
bivariate recode |
rgrep |
Reverse grep |
rtruncdist |
Truncated distribution |
sign |
Sign function with zero option |
simulate.bic.glm |
A "simulate" method for a 'BMA::bic.glm' object |
simulate.glm |
A "simulate" method for a glm object |
strsplit1 |
Split the first field |
subNonStandardCharacters |
sub nonstandard characters with replacement |
subNonStandardNames |
sub for nonstandard names |
trimImage |
Trim zero rows or columns from an object of class 'Image'. |
truncdist |
Truncated distribution |
UShouse.senate |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
USsenateClass |
Functions deleted from the Ecfun package |
whichAeqB |
Index of a single match |