strsplit1 {Ecfun}R Documentation

Split the first field


Split the first field from x, identified as all the characters preceding the first unquoted occurrence of split.


strsplit1(x, split=',', Quote='"', ...)



a character vector to be split


the split character


a quote character: Occurrences of split between pairs of Quote are ignored.


optional arguments for grep


This function was written to help parse data from the US Department of Health and Human Services on cyber-security breaches affecting 500 or more individuals. As of 2014-06-03 the csv version of these data included commas in quotes that are not sep characters. This function was written to split the fields one at a time to allow manual processing to make it easier to correct parsing errors.


1. spl1 <- regexpr(split, x, ...)

2. Qt1 <- regexpr(Quote, x, ...)

3. For any (Qt1<spl1), look for Qt2 <- regexpr(Quote, substring(x, Qt1+1)), then look for spl1 <- regexpr(split, substring(x, Qt1+Qt2+1))

4. out <- list(substr(x, 1, spl1-1), substr(x, spl1+1))


A list of length 2: The first component of the list contains the character strings found before the first unquoted occurrence of split. The second component contains the character strings remaining after the characters up to the identified split are removed.


Spencer Graves

See Also

strsplit substring grep


chars2split <- c(qs00='abcdefg', qs01='abc,def', 
   qs10a='"abcdefg', qs10b='abc"defg', 
   qs1.1='"abc,def', qs20='"abc" def', 
   qs2.1='"ab,c" def', qs21='"abc", def', qs22.1='"a,b",c')    

split <- strsplit1(chars2split)

# answer
split. <- list(c(qs00='abcdefg', qs01='abc', qs10a='"abcdefg', 
   qs10b='abc"defg', qs1.1='"abc,def', qs20='"abc" def', 
   qs2.1='"ab,c" def', qs21='"abc"', qs22.1='"a,b"'), 
               c(qs00='', qs01='def', qs10a='', 
   qs10b='', qs1.1='', qs20='', qs2.1='', 
   qs21=' def', qs22.1='c') )

all.equal(split, split.)

[Package Ecfun version 0.3-2 Index]