Interp {Ecfun}R Documentation

Interpolate between numbers or numbers of characters


Numeric interpolation is defined in the usual way:

xOut <- x*(1-proportion) + y*proportion

Character interpolation does linear interpolation on the number of characters of x and y. If length(proportion) == 1, interpolation is done on cumsum(nchar(.)). If length(proportion) > 1, interpolation is based on nchar. In either case, the interpolant is rounded to an integer number of characters. Interp then returns substring(y, ...) unless nchar(x) > nchar(y), when it returns substring(x, ...).

Character interpolation is used in two cases: (1) At least one of x and y is character. (2) At least one of x and y is neither logical, integer, numeric, complex nor raw, and class(unclass(.)) is either integer or character.

In all other cases, numeric interpolation is used.

NOTE: This seems to provide a relatively simple default for what most people would want from the six classes of atomic vectors (logical, integer, numeric, complex, raw, and character) and most other classes. For example, class(unclass(factor)) is integer. The second rule would apply to this converting it to character. The coredata of an object of class zoo could be most anything, but this relatively simple rule would deliver what most people want in most case. An exception would be an object with integer coredata. To handle this as numeric, a Interp.zoo function would have to be written.


Interp(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
Interp(x, y, proportion, 
        message0=character(0), ...)
InterpChkArgs(x, y, proportion, 
        message0=character(0), ...)
InterpChar(argsChk, ...)        
InterpNum(argsChk, ...)        


x, y

two vectors of the same class or to be coerced to the same class.


A number or numeric vector assumed to be between 0 and 1.


a character vector of length 3 giving arguments name.x, name.y, and proportion to pass to compareLengths to improve the value of any diagnostic message in case lengths are not compatible.


A character string to be passed with argnames to compareLengths to improve the value of any diagnostic message in case lengths are not compatible.


a list as returned by interpChkArgs


optional arguments for compareLengths


Interp is an S3 generic function to allow users to easily modify the behavior to interpolate between special classes of objects.

Interp has two basic algorithms for "Numeric" and "Character" interpolation.

The computations begin by calling InterpChkArgs to dispose quickly of simple cases (e.g, x or y missing or length 0 or if proportion is <= 0 or >= 1 or missing). It returns a list.

If the list contains a component named xout, Interp returns that value with no further computations.

Otherwise, the list returned by InterpChkArgs includes components "algorithm", "x", "y", "proportion", pLength1 (defined below), "raw", and "outclass". The "algorithm" component must be either "Numeric" or "Character". That algorithm is then performed as discussed below using arguments "x", "y", and "proportion"; all three will have the same length. The class of "x" and "y" will match the algorithm. The list component "raw" is logical: TRUE if the output will be raw or such that class(unclass(.)) of the output will be raw. In that case, a "Numeric" interpolation will be transformed back into "raw". "outclass" will either be a list of attributes to apply to the output or NA. If a list, xout will be added as component ".Data" to the list "outclass" and then then processed as'structure', outclass) to produce the desired output.

These two basic algorithms ("Numeric" and "Character") are the same if proportion is missing or not numeric: In that case Interp throws an error.

We now consider "Character" first, because it's domain of applicability is easier to describe. The "Numeric" algorithm is used in all other cases


* 1.1. The "CHARACTER" algorithm is used when at least one of x and y is neither logical, integer, numeric, complex nor raw and satisfies one of the following two additional conditions:

** 1.1.1. Either x or y is character.

** 1.1.2. class(unclass(.)) for at least one of x and y is either character or integer.

NOTE: The strengths and weaknesses of 1.1.2 can be seen in considering factors and integer vectors of class zoo: For both, class(unclass(.)) is integer. For factors, we want to use as.character(.). For zoo objects with coredata of class integer, we would want to use numeric interpolation. This is not allowed with the current code but could be easily implemented by writing Interp.zoo.

* 1.2. If either x or y is missing or has length 0, the one that is provided is returned unchanged.

* 1.3. Next determine the class of the output. This depends on whether neither, one or both of x and y have one of the six classes of atomic vectors (logical, integer, numeric, complex, raw, character):

** 1.3.1. If both x and y have one of the six atomic classes and one is character, return a character object.

** 1.3.2. If only one of x and y have an atomic class, return an object of the class of the other.

** 1.3.3. If neither of x nor y have a basic class, return an object with the class of y.

* 1.4. Set pLength1 <- (length(proportion) == 1):

** 1.4.1. If(pLength1) do the linear interpolation on cumsum(nchar(.)).

** 1.4.2. Else do the linear interpolation on nchar.

* 1.5. Next check x, y and proportion for comparable lengths: If all have length 0, return an object of the appropriate class. Otherwise, call compareLengths(x, proportion), compareLengths(y, proportion), and compareLengths(x, y).

* 1.6. Extend x, y, and proportion to the length of the longest using rep.

* 1.7. nchOut <- the number of characters to output using numeric interpolation and rounding the result to integer.

* 1.8. Return substring(y, 1, nchOut) except when the number of characters from x exceed those from y, in which case return substring(x, 1, nchOut). [NOTE: This meets the naive end conditions that the number of characters matches that of x when proportion is 0 and matches that of y when proportion is 1. This can be used to "erase" characters moving from one frame to the next in a video. See the examples.


* 2.1. Confirm that this does NOT satisfy the condition for the "Character" algorithm.

* 2.2. If either x or y is missing or has length 0, return the one provided.

* 2.3. Next determine the class of the output. As for "Character" described in section 1.3, this depends on whether neither, one or both of x and y have a basic class other than character (logical, integer, numeric, complex, raw):

** 2.3.1. If proportion <= 0, return x unchanged. If proportion >= 1, return y unchanged.

** 2.3.2. If neither x nor y has a basic class, return an object of class equal that of y.

** 2.3.3. If exactly one of x and y does not have a basic class, return an object of class determined by class(unclass(.)) of the non-basic argument.

** 2.3.4. When interpolating between two objects of class raw, convert the interpolant back to class raw. Do this even when 2.3.2 or 2.3.3 applies and class(unclass(.)) of both x and y are of class raw.

* 2.4. Next check x, y and proportion for comparable lengths: If all have length 0, return an object of the appropriate class. Otherwise, call compareLengths(x, proportion), compareLengths(y, proportion), and compareLengths(x, y).

* 2.5. Compute the desired interpolation and convert it to the required class per step 2.3 above.


Interp returns a vector whose class is described in "* 1.3" and "* 2.3" in "Details" above.

InterpChkArgs returns a list or throws an error as described in "Details" above.


Spencer Graves


The Writing R Extensions manual (available via help.start()) lists six different classes of atomic vectors: logical, integer, numeric, complex, raw and character. See also Wickham, Hadley (2014) Advanced R, especially Wickham (2013, section on "Atomic vectors" in the chapter on "Data structures").

See Also

classIndex interpPairs

Many other packages have functions with names like interp, interp1, and interpolate. Some do one-dimensional interpolation. Others do two-dimensional interpolation. Some offer different kinds of interpolation beyond linear. At least one is a wrapper for approx.


## 1.  numerics 
# 1.1.  standard 
xNum <- interpChar(1:3, 4:5, (0:3)/4)
# answer 
xN. <- c(1, 2.75, 3.5, 4)

all.equal(xNum, xN.)

# 1.2.  with x but not y:  
# return that vector with a warning

xN1 <- Interp(1:4, p=.5)
# answer 
xN1. <- 1:4

all.equal(xN1, xN1.)

## 2.  Single character vector 

i.5 <- Interp(c('a', 'bc', 'def'), character(0), p=0.3)
# with y = NULL or character(0), 
# Interp returns x 

all.equal(i.5, c('a', 'bc', 'def'))

i.5b <- Interp('', c('a', 'bc', 'def'), p=0.3)
# Cumulative characters (length(proportion)=1):  
#     0.3*(total 6 characters) = 1.2 characters
i.5. <- c('a', 'b', '')

all.equal(i.5b, i.5.)

## 3.  Reverse character example 
i.5c <- Interp(c('a', 'bc', 'def'), '', 0.3)
# check:  0.7*(total 6 characers) = 4.2 characters
i.5c. <- c('a', 'bc', 'd')

all.equal(i.5c, i.5c.)

## 4.  More complicated example
xCh <- Interp('', c('Do it', 'with R.'), 
              c(0, .5, .9)) 
# answer 
xCh. <- c('', 'with', 'Do i') 

all.equal(xCh, xCh.)

## 5.  Still more complicated 
xC2 <- Interp(c('a', 'fabulous', 'bug'), 
                  c('bigger or', 'just', 'big'), 
                  c(.3, .3, 1) )
x.y.longer <- c('bigger or', 'fabulous', 'big')
# use y with ties 
# nch smaller        1          4         3
# nch larger         9          8         3
# d.char             8,         4,        0 
# prop              .3,        .7,        1 
# prop*d.char      2.4,       2.8,        0
# smaller+p*d        3,         7,        3
xC2. <- c('big', 'fabulou', 'big')                 

all.equal(xC2, xC2.)

## 6.  with one NULL 
null1 <- Interp(NULL, 1, .3)

all.equal(null1, 1)

null2 <- Interp('abc', NULL, .3)

all.equal(null2, 'abc')

## 7.  length=0 
log0 <- interpChar(logical(0), 2, .6)

all.equal(log0, 1.2)

## 8.  Date
(Jan1.1980 <- as.Date('1980-01-01'))

Jan1.1972i <- Interp(0, Jan1.1980, .2)
# check 
Jan1.1972 <- as.Date('1972-01-01')

all.equal(Jan1.1972, round(Jan1.1972i))

## 9.  POSIXct 
(Jan1.1980c <- as.POSIXct(Jan1.1980))

(Jan1.1972ci <- Interp(0, Jan1.1980c, .2))
# check 
(Jan1.1972ct <- as.POSIXct(Jan1.1972))

abs(difftime(Jan1.1972ct, Jan1.1972ci, 

[Package Ecfun version 0.3-2 Index]