A B C D E F G H K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X misc
adjbox | Plot an Adjusted Boxplot for Skew Distributions |
adjbox.default | Plot an Adjusted Boxplot for Skew Distributions |
adjbox.formula | Plot an Adjusted Boxplot for Skew Distributions |
adjboxStats | Statistics for Skewness-adjusted Boxplots |
adjOutlyingness | Compute (Skewness-adjusted) Multivariate Outlyingness |
aircraft | Aircraft Data |
airmay | Air Quality Data |
alcohol | Alcohol Solubility in Water Data |
ambientNOxCH | Daily Means of NOx (mono-nitrogen oxides) in air |
Animals2 | Brain and Body Weights for 65 Species of Land Animals |
anova.glmrob | Analysis of Robust Quasi-Deviance for "glmrob" Objects |
anova.lmrob | Analysis of Robust Deviances ('anova') for "lmrob" Objects |
biomassTill | Biomass Tillage Data |
bushfire | Campbell Bushfire Data |
BYlogreg | Bianco-Yohai Estimator for Robust Logistic Regression |
carrots | Insect Damages on Carrots |
chgDefaults | Change Defaults (Parameters) of "Psi Function" Objects |
chgDefaults-method | Change Defaults (Parameters) of "Psi Function" Objects |
chgDefaults-methods | Change Defaults (Parameters) of "Psi Function" Objects |
classPC | Compute Classical Principal Components via SVD or Eigen |
cloud | Cloud point of a Liquid |
coleman | Coleman Data Set |
colMedians | Fast Row or Column-wise Medians of a Matrix |
COM | Co-Median Location and Scatter "Covariance" Estimator |
comedian | Co-Median Location and Scatter "Covariance" Estimator |
condroz | Condroz Data |
covComed | Co-Median Location and Scatter "Covariance" Estimator |
covGK | Orthogonalized Gnanadesikan-Kettenring (OGK) Covariance Matrix Estimation |
covMcd | Robust Location and Scatter Estimation via MCD |
covOGK | Orthogonalized Gnanadesikan-Kettenring (OGK) Covariance Matrix Estimation |
covPlot | Robust Distance Plots |
CrohnD | Crohn's Disease Adverse Events Data |
cushny | Cushny and Peebles Prolongation of Sleep Data |
delivery | Delivery Time Data |
education | Education Expenditure Data |
epilepsy | Epilepsy Attacks Data Set |
estimethod | Extract the Estimation Method 'Estimethod' from a Fitted Model |
exAM | Example Data of Antille and May - for Simple Regression |
fitted.nlrob | Robust Fitting of Nonlinear Regression Models |
foodstamp | Food Stamp Program Participation |
fullRank | Remove Columns (or Rows) From a Matrix to Make It Full Rank |
functionX-class | Class "functionX" of Psi-like Vectorized Functions |
functionXal-class | Class "functionXal" of Functionals (of Psi-like functions) |
glmrob | Robust Fitting of Generalized Linear Models |
glmrobBY.control | Controlling Robust GLM Fitting by Different Methods |
glmrobMqle.control | Controlling Robust GLM Fitting by Different Methods |
glmrobMT.control | Controlling Robust GLM Fitting by Different Methods |
h.alpha.n | Compute h, the subsample size for MCD and LTS |
hampelPsi | Constructor for Objects "Psi Function" Class |
hard.rejection | Orthogonalized Gnanadesikan-Kettenring (OGK) Covariance Matrix Estimation |
hatvalues.lmrob | Summary Method for "lmrob" Objects |
hbk | Hawkins, Bradu, Kass's Artificial Data |
heart | Heart Catherization Data |
huberize | Huberization - Bringing Outliers In |
huberM | Safe (generalized) Huber M-Estimator of Location |
huberPsi | Constructor for Objects "Psi Function" Class |
kootenay | Waterflow Measurements of Kootenay River in Libby and Newgate |
lactic | Lactic Acid Concentration Measurement Data |
lmc | Left and Right Medcouple, Robust Measures of Tail Weight |
lmrob | MM-type Estimators for Linear Regression |
lmrob..D..fit | Compute Design Adaptive Scale estimate |
lmrob..M..fit | Compute M-estimators of regression |
lmrob.control | Tuning Parameters for lmrob() and Auxiliaries |
lmrob.fit | MM-type estimator for regression |
lmrob.fit.MM | MM-type estimator for regression |
lmrob.lar | Least Absolute Residuals / L1 Regression |
lmrob.M.S | M-S regression estimators |
lmrob.S | S-regression estimators |
los | Length of Stay Data |
ltsPlot | Robust LTS Regression Diagnostic Plots |
ltsReg | Least Trimmed Squares Robust (High Breakdown) Regression |
ltsReg.default | Least Trimmed Squares Robust (High Breakdown) Regression |
ltsReg.formula | Least Trimmed Squares Robust (High Breakdown) Regression |
mc | Medcouple, a Robust Measure of Skewness |
Mchi | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
milk | Daudin's Milk Composition Data |
model.matrix.lmrob | Summary Method for "lmrob" Objects |
Mpsi | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
MrhoInf | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
Mwgt | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
nlrob | Robust Fitting of Nonlinear Regression Models |
nlrob.algorithms | MM-, Tau-, CM-, and MTL- Estimators for Nonlinear Robust Regression |
nlrob.CM | MM-, Tau-, CM-, and MTL- Estimators for Nonlinear Robust Regression |
nlrob.control | Control Nonlinear Robust Regression Algorithms |
nlrob.MM | MM-, Tau-, CM-, and MTL- Estimators for Nonlinear Robust Regression |
nlrob.mtl | MM-, Tau-, CM-, and MTL- Estimators for Nonlinear Robust Regression |
nlrob.tau | MM-, Tau-, CM-, and MTL- Estimators for Nonlinear Robust Regression |
NOxEmissions | NOx Air Pollution Data |
outlierStats | Robust Regression Outlier Statistics |
pension | Pension Funds Data |
phosphor | Phosphorus Content Data |
pilot | Pilot-Plant Data |
plot-method | Plot an Object of the "Psi Function" Class |
plot-methods | Plot an Object of the "Psi Function" Class |
plot.lmrob | Plot Method for "lmrob" Objects |
plot.lts | Robust LTS Regression Diagnostic Plots |
plot.mcd | Robust Distance Plots |
possum.mat | Possum Diversity Data |
possumDiv | Possum Diversity Data |
predict.glmrob | Predict Method for Robust GLM ("glmrob") Fits |
predict.lmrob | Predict method for Robust Linear Model ("lmrob") Fits |
predict.nlrob | Robust Fitting of Nonlinear Regression Models |
print.lmrob | Print Method for Objects of Class "lmrob" |
print.lts | Least Trimmed Squares Robust (High Breakdown) Regression |
print.mcd | Robust Location and Scatter Estimation via MCD |
print.summary.glmrob | Summarizing Robust Fits of Generalized Linear Models |
print.summary.lmrob | Summary Method for "lmrob" Objects |
print.summary.lts | Summary Method for LTS objects |
print.summary.mcd | Summary Method for MCD objects |
psiFunc | Constructor for Objects "Psi Function" Class |
psi_func-class | Class of "Psi Functions" for M-Estimation |
pulpfiber | Pulp Fiber and Paper Data |
Qn | Robust Location-Free Scale Estimate More Efficient than MAD |
Qn.old | Robust Location-Free Scale Estimate More Efficient than MAD |
r6pack | Robust Distance based observation orderings based on robust "Six pack" |
radarImage | Satellite Radar Image Data from near Munich |
rankMM | Simple Matrix Rank |
residuals.glmrob | Residuals of Robust Generalized Linear Model Fits |
residuals.nlrob | Robust Fitting of Nonlinear Regression Models |
rmc | Left and Right Medcouple, Robust Measures of Tail Weight |
robustbase-deprecated | Tukey's Bi-square Score (Psi) and "Chi" (Rho) Functions and Derivatives |
rowMedians | Fast Row or Column-wise Medians of a Matrix |
rrcov.control | Control Settings for covMcd and ltsReg |
salinity | Salinity Data |
scaleTau2 | Robust Tau-Estimate of Scale |
SiegelsEx | Siegel's Exact Fit Example Data |
sigma | Extract 'Sigma' - Standard Deviation of Errors for Robust Models |
sigma.lmrob | Extract 'Sigma' - Standard Deviation of Errors for Robust Models |
smoothWgt | Smooth Weighting Function - Generalized Biweight |
Sn | Robust Location-Free Scale Estimate More Efficient than MAD |
splitFrame | Split Continuous and Categorical Predictors |
starsCYG | Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Data of Star Cluster CYG OB1 |
steamUse | Steam Usage Data (Excerpt) |
summarizeRobWeights | Print a Nice "summary" of Robustness Weights |
summary.glmrob | Summarizing Robust Fits of Generalized Linear Models |
summary.lmrob | Summary Method for "lmrob" Objects |
summary.lts | Summary Method for LTS objects |
summary.mcd | Summary Method for MCD objects |
summary.nlrob | Summarizing Robust Fits of Nonlinear Regression Models |
s_IQR | Orthogonalized Gnanadesikan-Kettenring (OGK) Covariance Matrix Estimation |
s_mad | Orthogonalized Gnanadesikan-Kettenring (OGK) Covariance Matrix Estimation |
s_Qn | Robust Location-Free Scale Estimate More Efficient than MAD |
s_Sn | Robust Location-Free Scale Estimate More Efficient than MAD |
telef | Number of International Calls from Belgium |
tolEllipsePlot | Tolerance Ellipse Plot |
toxicity | Toxicity of Carboxylic Acids Data |
tukeyChi | Tukey's Bi-square Score (Psi) and "Chi" (Rho) Functions and Derivatives |
tukeyPsi1 | Tukey's Bi-square Score (Psi) and "Chi" (Rho) Functions and Derivatives |
update.lmrobCtrl | Tuning Parameters for lmrob() and Auxiliaries |
vaso | Vaso Constriction Skin Data Set |
vcov.glmrob | Summarizing Robust Fits of Generalized Linear Models |
vcov.lmrob | Summary Method for "lmrob" Objects |
vcov.nlrob | Robust Fitting of Nonlinear Regression Models |
wagnerGrowth | Wagner's Hannover Employment Growth Data |
weights.glmrob | Extract Robustness and Model Weights |
weights.lmrob | Extract Robustness and Model Weights |
wgt.himedian | Weighted Hi-Median |
wood | Modified Data on Wood Specific Gravity |
x30o50 | Extreme Data examples |
.lmrob.hat | Summary Method for "lmrob" Objects |
.MCDcnp2 | Robust Location and Scatter Estimation via MCD |
.MCDcnp2.rew | Robust Location and Scatter Estimation via MCD |
.MCDcons | Robust Location and Scatter Estimation via MCD |
.MCDsingularityMsg | Robust Location and Scatter Estimation via MCD |
.Mchi | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
.Mchi.tuning.default | Tuning Parameters for lmrob() and Auxiliaries |
.Mchi.tuning.defaults | Tuning Parameters for lmrob() and Auxiliaries |
.Mpsi | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
.Mpsi.tuning.default | Tuning Parameters for lmrob() and Auxiliaries |
.Mpsi.tuning.defaults | Tuning Parameters for lmrob() and Auxiliaries |
.MrhoInf | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
.Mwgt | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
.Mwgt.psi1 | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
.psi.const | Find Tuning Constant(s) for "lqq" and "ggw" Psi Functions |
.psi.ggw.findc | Find Tuning Constant(s) for "lqq" and "ggw" Psi Functions |
.psi.lqq.findc | Find Tuning Constant(s) for "lqq" and "ggw" Psi Functions |
.psi2ipsi | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
.regularize.Mpsi | Psi / Chi / Wgt / Rho Functions for *M-Estimation |
.vcov.avar1 | MM-type Estimators for Linear Regression |
.vcov.w | MM-type Estimators for Linear Regression |
.wgtFUN.covComed | Co-Median Location and Scatter "Covariance" Estimator |
.wgtFUN.covMcd | Robust Location and Scatter Estimation via MCD |