Utilities for Nonlinear Regression and Repeated Measurements Models

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Documentation for package ‘rmutil’ version 1.1.10

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A C D F G I L M N P Q R T U V W misc

-- A --

as.data.frame Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
as.data.frame.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
as.data.frame.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
as.data.frame.tccov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
as.data.frame.tvcov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
as.matrix Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
as.matrix.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
as.matrix.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
as.matrix.tccov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
as.matrix.tvcov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects

-- C --

capply A Fast Simplified Version of 'tapply'
coef.gnlm Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
contr.mean Contrast Matrix for Constraints about the Mean
covariates Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
covariates.formulafn Methods for formulafn Functions
covariates.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
covariates.tccov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
covariates.tvcov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
covind Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
covind.default Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects

-- D --

DataMethods Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
dbetabinom Beta Binomial Distribution
dboxcox Box-Cox Distribution
dburr Burr Distribution
dconsul Consul Distribution
ddoublebinom Double Binomial Distribution
ddoublepois Double Poisson Distribution
delta Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
delta.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
delta.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
description Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
description.default Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
description.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
deviance.gnlm Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
df.residual.gnlm Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
dftorep Transform a Dataframe to a repeated Object
dgammacount Gamma Count Distribution
dgextval Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
dggamma Generalized Gamma Distribution
dginvgauss Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
dglogis Generalized Logistic Distribution
dgweibull Generalized Weibull Distribution
dhjorth Hjorth Distribution
dinvgauss Inverse Gaussian Distribution
dlaplace Laplace Distribution
dlevy Levy Distribution
dmultbinom Multiplicative Binomial Distribution
dmultpois Multiplicative Poisson Distribution
dpareto Pareto Distribution
dpowexp Power Exponential Distribution
dpvfpois Power Variance Function Poisson Distribution
dsimplex Simplex Distribution
dskewlaplace Skew Laplace Distribution
dtwosidedpower Two-Sided Power Distribution

-- F --

finterp Formula Interpreter
finterp.data.frame Formula Interpreter
finterp.default Formula Interpreter
finterp.repeated Formula Interpreter
finterp.tccov Formula Interpreter
finterp.tvcov Formula Interpreter
fmobj Object Finder
fnenvir Check Covariates and Parameters of a Function
fnenvir.data.frame Check Covariates and Parameters of a Function
fnenvir.default Check Covariates and Parameters of a Function
fnenvir.repeated Check Covariates and Parameters of a Function
fnenvir.tccov Check Covariates and Parameters of a Function
fnenvir.tvcov Check Covariates and Parameters of a Function
formula Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
formula.formulafn Methods for formulafn Functions
formula.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
formula.tccov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects

-- G --

gauss.hermite Calculate Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Points
gettvc Find the Most Recent Value of a Time-varying Covariate Before Each Observed Response

-- I --

int Vectorized Numerical Integration
int2 Vectorized Two-dimensional Numerical Integration
iprofile Produce Individual Time Profiles for Plotting
iprofile.default Produce Individual Time Profiles for Plotting

-- L --

lin.diff.eqn Solution of Autonomous Linear Differential Equations
lvna Create a repeated Object, Leaving NAs

-- M --

mexp Matrix Exponentiation
model Methods for formulafn Functions
model.formulafn Methods for formulafn Functions
mprofile Produce Marginal Time Profiles for Plotting
mprofile.default Produce Marginal Time Profiles for Plotting
mu1.0o1c Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu1.1o1c Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu1.1o2c Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu1.1o2cc Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu1.1o2cl Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu2.0o1c Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu2.0o1cfp Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu2.0o2c1 Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu2.0o2c1fp Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu2.0o2c2 Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu2.0o2c2fp Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu2.1o1c Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
mu2.1o1cfp Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models

-- N --

names Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
names.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
names.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
names.tccov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
names.tvcov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
nesting Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
nesting.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
nesting.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
nobs Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
nobs.data.frame Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
nobs.default Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
nobs.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
nobs.tvcov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects

-- P --

parameters Methods for formulafn Functions
parameters.formulafn Methods for formulafn Functions
pbetabinom Beta Binomial Distribution
pboxcox Box-Cox Distribution
pburr Burr Distribution
pconsul Consul Distribution
pdoublebinom Double Binomial Distribution
pdoublepois Double Poisson Distribution
pgammacount Gamma Count Distribution
pgextval Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
pggamma Generalized Gamma Distribution
pginvgauss Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
pglogis Generalized Logistic Distribution
pgweibull Generalized Weibull Distribution
phjorth Hjorth Distribution
pinvgauss Inverse Gaussian Distribution
pkpd Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models
plaplace Laplace Distribution
plevy Levy Distribution
plot.iprofile Produce Individual Time Profiles for Plotting
plot.mprofile Produce Marginal Time Profiles for Plotting
plot.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
plot.residuals Plot Residuals
plot.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
pmultbinom Multiplicative Binomial Distribution
pmultpois Multiplicative Poisson Distribution
ppareto Pareto Distribution
ppowexp Power Exponential Distribution
ppvfpois Power Variance Function Poisson Distribution
print.fmobj Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
print.formulafn Methods for formulafn Functions
print.gnlm Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
print.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
print.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
print.tccov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
print.tvcov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
psimplex Simplex Distribution
pskewlaplace Skew Laplace Distribution
ptwosidedpower Two-Sided Power Distribution

-- Q --

qbetabinom Beta Binomial Distribution
qboxcox Box-Cox Distribution
qburr Burr Distribution
qconsul Consul Distribution
qdoublebinom Double Binomial Distribution
qdoublepois Double Poisson Distribution
qgammacount Gamma Count Distribution
qgextval Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
qggamma Generalized Gamma Distribution
qginvgauss Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
qglogis Generalized Logistic Distribution
qgweibull Generalized Weibull Distribution
qhjorth Hjorth Distribution
qinvgauss Inverse Gaussian Distribution
qlaplace Laplace Distribution
qlevy Levy Distribution
qmultbinom Multiplicative Binomial Distribution
qmultpois Multiplicative Poisson Distribution
qpareto Pareto Distribution
qpowexp Power Exponential Distribution
qpvfpois Power Variance Function Poisson Distribution
qsimplex Simplex Distribution
qskewlaplace Skew Laplace Distribution
qtwosidedpower Two-Sided Power Distribution

-- R --

rbetabinom Beta Binomial Distribution
rboxcox Box-Cox Distribution
rburr Burr Distribution
rconsul Consul Distribution
rdoublebinom Double Binomial Distribution
rdoublepois Double Poisson Distribution
read.list Read a List of Matrices from a File for Unbalanced Repeated Measurements
read.rep Read a Rectangular Data Set from a File to Create a repeated Object
read.surv Read a List of Matrices from a File for Repeated Times to Events
response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
response.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
response.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
resptype Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
resptype.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
resptype.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
restovec Create a response Object
rgammacount Gamma Count Distribution
rgextval Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
rggamma Generalized Gamma Distribution
rginvgauss Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution
rglogis Generalized Logistic Distribution
rgweibull Generalized Weibull Distribution
rhjorth Hjorth Distribution
rinvgauss Inverse Gaussian Distribution
rlaplace Laplace Distribution
rlevy Levy Distribution
rmna Create a repeated Object, Removing NAs
rmultbinom Multiplicative Binomial Distribution
rmultpois Multiplicative Poisson Distribution
rmutil Utilities for Repeated Measurements Library
rpareto Pareto Distribution
rpowexp Power Exponential Distribution
rpvfpois Power Variance Function Poisson Distribution
rsimplex Simplex Distribution
rskewlaplace Skew Laplace Distribution
rtwosidedpower Two-Sided Power Distribution
runge.kutta Runge-Kutta Method for Solving Differential Equations

-- T --

tcctomat Create a Time-constant, Inter-individual Covariate (tccov) Object
times Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
times.default Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
times.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
transform Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
transform.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
transform.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
transform.tccov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
transform.tvcov Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
tvctomat Create a Time-varying, Intra-individual Covariate (tvcov) Object

-- U --

units Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
units.default Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
units.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects

-- V --

vcov.gnlm Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects

-- W --

weights Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
weights.gnlm Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
weights.repeated Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
weights.response Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects
wr Find the Response Vector and Design Matrix for a W&R Model Formula

-- misc --

%^% Power of a Matrix