Partial Least Squares Regression for Generalized Linear Models

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Documentation for package ‘plsRglm’ version 1.5.1

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plsRglm-package plsRglm-package
aic.dof Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria and Generalized minimum description length
AICpls AIC function for plsR models
aze Microsatellites Dataset
aze_compl As aze without missing values
bic.dof Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria and Generalized minimum description length
bootpls Non-parametric Bootstrap for PLS models
bootplsglm Non-parametric Bootstrap for PLS generalized linear models
bordeaux Quality of wine dataset
bordeauxNA Quality of wine dataset
boxplots.bootpls Boxplot bootstrap distributions
coef.plsRglmmodel coef method for plsR models
coef.plsRmodel coef method for plsR models
coefs.plsR Coefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSR models
coefs.plsR.raw Raw coefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSR models
coefs.plsRglm Coefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSGLR models
coefs.plsRglm.raw Raw coefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSGLR models
coefs.plsRglmnp Coefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSGLR models
coefs.plsRnp Coefficients for bootstrap computations of PLSR models
confints.bootpls Bootstrap confidence intervals
CorMat Correlation matrix for simulating plsR datasets
Cornell Cornell dataset
cv.plsR Partial least squares regression models with k-fold cross-validation
cv.plsRglm Partial least squares regression glm models with k-fold cross validation
cv.plsRglmmodel.default Partial least squares regression glm models with k-fold cross validation
cv.plsRglmmodel.formula Partial least squares regression glm models with k-fold cross validation
cv.plsRmodel.default Partial least squares regression models with k-fold cross-validation
cv.plsRmodel.formula Partial least squares regression models with k-fold cross-validation
cvtable Table method for summary of cross validated PLSR and PLSGLR models
cvtable.plsR Table method for summary of cross validated PLSR and PLSGLR models
cvtable.plsRglm Table method for summary of cross validated PLSR and PLSGLR models
dicho Dichotomization
fowlkes Fowlkes dataset
gmdl.dof Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria and Generalized minimum description length
infcrit.dof Information criteria
kfolds2Chisq Computes Predicted Chisquare for k-fold cross-validated partial least squares regression models.
kfolds2Chisqind Computes individual Predicted Chisquare for k-fold cross validated partial least squares regression models.
kfolds2coeff Extracts coefficients from k-fold cross validated partial least squares regression models
kfolds2CVinfos_glm Extracts and computes information criteria and fits statistics for k-fold cross validated partial least squares glm models
kfolds2CVinfos_lm Extracts and computes information criteria and fits statistics for k-fold cross validated partial least squares models
kfolds2Mclassed Number of missclassified individuals for k-fold cross validated partial least squares regression models.
kfolds2Mclassedind Number of missclassified individuals per group for k-fold cross validated partial least squares regression models.
kfolds2Press Computes PRESS for k-fold cross validated partial least squares regression models.
kfolds2Pressind Computes individual PRESS for k-fold cross validated partial least squares regression models.
loglikpls loglikelihood function for plsR models
permcoefs.plsR Coefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of PLSR models
permcoefs.plsR.raw Raw coefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of PLSR models
permcoefs.plsRglm Coefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of PLSGLR models
permcoefs.plsRglm.raw Raw coefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of PLSGLR models
permcoefs.plsRglmnp Coefficients for permutation bootstrap computations of PLSGLR models
permcoefs.plsRnp Coefficients computation for permutation bootstrap
pine Pine dataset
pineNAX21 Incomplete dataset from the pine caterpillars example
pine_full Complete Pine dataset
pine_sup Complete Pine dataset Plot method for table of summary of cross validated plsRglm models Plot method for table of summary of cross validated plsR models
plots.confints.bootpls Plot bootstrap confidence intervals
plsR Partial least squares Regression models with leave one out cross validation
plsR.dof Computation of the Degrees of Freedom
plsRglm Partial least squares Regression generalized linear models
plsRglmmodel.default Partial least squares Regression generalized linear models
plsRglmmodel.formula Partial least squares Regression generalized linear models
plsRmodel.default Partial least squares Regression models with leave one out cross validation
plsRmodel.formula Partial least squares Regression models with leave one out cross validation
PLS_glm Partial least squares Regression generalized linear models
PLS_glm_formula Partial least squares Regression generalized linear models
PLS_glm_kfoldcv Partial least squares regression glm models with k-fold cross validation
PLS_glm_kfoldcv_formula Partial least squares regression glm models with k-fold cross validation
PLS_glm_wvc Light version of PLS_glm for cross validation purposes
PLS_lm Partial least squares Regression models with leave one out cross validation
PLS_lm_formula Partial least squares Regression models with leave one out cross validation
PLS_lm_kfoldcv Partial least squares regression models with k-fold cross-validation
PLS_lm_kfoldcv_formula Partial least squares regression models with k-fold cross-validation
PLS_lm_wvc Light version of PLS_lm for cross validation purposes
predict.plsRglmmodel Print method for plsRglm models
predict.plsRmodel Print method for plsR models
print.coef.plsRglmmodel Print method for plsRglm models
print.coef.plsRmodel Print method for plsR models Print method for plsRglm models Print method for plsR models
print.plsRglmmodel Print method for plsRglm models
print.plsRmodel Print method for plsR models
print.summary.plsRglmmodel Print method for summaries of plsRglm models
print.summary.plsRmodel Print method for summaries of plsR models
signpred Graphical assessment of the stability of selected variables
simul_data_complete Data generating detailed process for multivariate plsR models
simul_data_UniYX Data generating function for univariate plsR models
simul_data_UniYX_binom Data generating function for univariate binomial plsR models
simul_data_YX Data generating function for multivariate plsR models Summary method for plsRglm models Summary method for plsR models
summary.plsRglmmodel Summary method for plsRglm models
summary.plsRmodel Summary method for plsR models
tilt.bootpls Non-parametric tilted bootstrap for PLS regression models
tilt.bootplsglm Non-parametric tilted bootstrap for PLS generalized linear regression models
XbordeauxNA Incomplete dataset for the quality of wine dataset
XpineNAX21 Incomplete dataset from the pine caterpillars example