Assessing Normality of Stationary Process

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Documentation for package ‘nortsTest’ version 1.1.2

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nortsTest-package 'Assessing Normality of a Stationary Process.'
arch.test The ARCH effect test function.
autoplot.numeric Automatically create a ggplot for time series objects.
autoplot.ts Automatically create a ggplot for time series objects.
check_plot Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_plot.Arima Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_plot.arima0 Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_plot.ets Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_plot.fGarch Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_plot.forecast Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_plot.HoltWinters Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_plot.lm Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_plot.numeric Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_plot.ts Generic function for a visual check of residuals in time series models.
check_residuals Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
check_residuals.Arima Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
check_residuals.arima0 Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
check_residuals.ets Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
check_residuals.fGarch Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
check_residuals.forecast Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
check_residuals.HoltWinters Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
check_residuals.lm Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
check_residuals.numeric Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
check_residuals.ts Generic functions for checking residuals in time series models
cvm_bootstrap.test The Sieve Bootstrap Cramer Von Mises test for normality.
elbouch.statistic Computes El Bouch, et al.'s z statistic.
elbouch.test Computes El Bouch, et al.'s test for normality of multivariate dependent samples.
epps.statistic Estimates the Epps statistic.
epps.test The asymptotic Epps and Pulley Test for normality.
epps_bootstrap.test The Sieve Bootstrap Epps and Pulley test for normality.
fortify.ts Automatically create a ggplot for time series objects.
ggacf 'acf' plot.
gghist Histogram with optional normal density functions.
ggnorm 'qqplot' with normal 'qqline'
ggpacf 'pacf' plot.
jb_bootstrap.test The Sieve Bootstrap Jarque-Bera test for normality.
Lm.test The Lagrange Multiplier test for arch effect.
lobato.statistic Computes the Lobato and Velasco statistic.
lobato.test The asymptotic Lobato and Velasco's Test for normality.
lobato_bootstrap.test The Sieve Bootstrap Lobato and Velasco's Test for normality.
normal.test The normality test for stationary process
nortsTest 'Assessing Normality of a Stationary Process.'
random.projection Generate a random projection.
rp.sample Generates a test statistics sample of random projections.
rp.test The k random projections test for normality.
seasonal.test The Seasonal unit root tests function
shapiro_bootstrap.test The Sieve Bootstrap Shapiro test for normality.
sieve.bootstrap Generates a sieve bootstrap sample.
uroot.test The Unit root tests function.
vavra.sample Vávra test's sieve Bootstrap sample for Anderson Darling statistic
vavra.test The Psaradakis and Vávra test for normality.