Conducts Mokken Scale Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘mokken’ version 3.1.0

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mokken-package Mokken Scale Analysis
acl Adjective Checklist Data
aisp Automated Item Selection Procedure (AISP) for Mokken Scale Analysis
autonomySupport Autonomy Support Data
balance Balance Data
cavalini Coping Strategies
check.bounds Check the relative lower bound for scalability coefficients Check conditional association to indentify local dependence.
check.errors Check the number of Guttman errors (Gplus) and the number of infrequent scores (Oplus) for each respondent
check.iio Check of Invariant Item Ordering
check.monotonicity Check of Monotonicity
check.norms Standard errors for norm statistics
check.pmatrix Check of Nonintersection Using Method Pmatrix
check.reliability Computation of reliability statistics
check.restscore Check of Nonintersection Using Method Restscore
coefH Scalability coefficents H
coefZ Computation of Z-Values
DS14 DS14
ICC Intraclass correlation
mcmi Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
MLcoefH Two-level scalability coefficents H
MLcoefZ Computation of Z-Values for two-level scalability coefficients
MLweight Weights for Guttman Errors in two-level test data
mokken Mokken Scale Analysis
plot.iio.class Plot iio.class objects
plot.monotonicity.class Plot monotonicity.class objects
plot.pmatrix.class Plot pmatrix.class objects
plot.restscore.class Plot restscore.class objects
recode Recodes negatively worded items
search Automated Item Selection Procedure (AISP) for Mokken Scale Analysis
search.extended Automated Item Selection Procedure (AISP) for Mokken Scale Analysis Automated Item Selection Procedure (AISP) for Mokken Scale Analysis
search.normal Automated Item Selection Procedure (AISP) for Mokken Scale Analysis
summary.iio.class Summarize iio.class objects
summary.monotonicity.class Summarize monotonicity.class objects
summary.pmatrix.class Summarize pmatrix.class objects
summary.restscore.class Summarize restscore.class objects
SWMD SWMD Data Subset
transreas Transitive Reasoning
transreas2 Transitive Reasoning Data
twoway Two-way imputation