cavalini {mokken}R Documentation

Coping Strategies


Data came from 17 polytomous items administered to 828 respondents (Cavalini, 1992) asking them how they coped actively with the bad smell from a factory in the neighborhood of their homes.




A 828 by 17 matrix containing integers. attributes(cavalini) gives details on the items.


Items have four ordered answer categories, never (score 0), seldom (1), often (2), and always (3). The 17 items constitute 4 scales (for detailed information, see Sijtsma & Molenaar, 2002, pp. 82-86).

Item1 Keep windows closed
Item2 No laundry outside
Item3 Search source of malodor
Item4 No blankets outside
Item5 Try to find solutions
Item6 Go elsewhere for fresh air
Item7 Call environmental agency
Item8 Think of something else
Item9 File complaint with producer
Item10 Acquiesce in odor annoyance
Item11 Do something to get rid of it
Item12 Say ``it might have been worse''
Item13 Experience unrest
Item14 Talk to friends and family
Item15 Seek diversion
Item16 Avoid breathing through the nose
Item17 Try to adapt to situation


Cavalini, P. M. (1992). It's an ill wind that brings no good. Studies on odour annoyance and the dispersion of odorant concentrations from industries. Unpublished doctoral disseratation. University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Sijtsma, K., & Molenaar, I. W. (2002) Introduction to nonparametric item response theory. Sage.

See Also




[Package mokken version 3.1.2 Index]