acl {mokken}R Documentation

Adjective Checklist Data


Scores of 433 students on 218 items from a Dutch version of the Adjective Checklist.




A 433 by 218 matrix containing integers. dimnames(acl)[[2]] are adjectives


Each item is an adjective with five ordered answer categories (0 = completely disagree, 1 = disagree, 2 = agree nor disagree, 3 = agree, 4 = completely agree). The respondents were instructed to consider whether an adjective described their personality, and mark the answer category that fits best to this description. The 218 items constitute 22 scales (see table); 77 items of the 218 items that constitute the ten scales were negatively worded. The negatively worded items are indicated by an asterisk in the dimnames and their item scores have been reversed. The Deference scale measures in fact the opposite of Deference.

Communality Items 1-10 Change Items 111-119
Achievement Items 11-20 Succorance Items 120-129
Dominance Items 21-30 Abasement Items 130-139
Endurance Items 31-40 Deference* Items 140-149
Order Items 41-50 Personal Adjustment Items 150-159
Intraception Items 51-60 Ideal Self Items 160-169
Nurturance Items 61-70 Critical parent Items 170-179
Affiliation Items 71-80 Nurturant parent Items 180-189
Exhibition Items 81-90 Adult Items 190-199
Autonomy Items 91-100 Free Child Items 200-209
Aggression Items 101-110 Adapted Child Items 210-218


Data were kindly made available by H. C. M. Vorst from the University of Amsterdam. The original Adjective Checklist was developed by Gough and Heilbrun (1980).


Gough, H. G., & Heilbrun,A. B. (1980) The Adjective Check List, Manual 1980 Edition. Consulting Psychologists Press.

Van der Ark, L. A. (2007) Mokken scale analysis in R. Journal of Statistical Software. doi:10.18637/jss.v020.i11



[Package mokken version 3.1.2 Index]