Machine Learning in R

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Documentation for package ‘mlr’ version 2.19.1

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mlr-package mlr: Machine Learning in R

-- A --

acc Performance measures.
addRRMeasure Compute new measures for existing ResampleResult
Aggregation Aggregation object.
aggregations Aggregation methods.
agri.task European Union Agricultural Workforces clustering task.
analyzeFeatSelResult Show and visualize the steps of feature selection.
asROCRPrediction Converts predictions to a format package ROCR can handle.
auc Performance measures.

-- B --

b632 Aggregation methods.
b632plus Aggregation methods.
bac Performance measures.
batchmark Run machine learning benchmarks as distributed experiments.
bc.task Wisconsin Breast Cancer classification task.
benchmark Benchmark experiment for multiple learners and tasks.
BenchmarkResult BenchmarkResult object.
ber Performance measures.
bh.task Boston Housing regression task.
bootstrapB632 Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
bootstrapB632plus Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
bootstrapOOB Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
brier Performance measures.
brier.scaled Performance measures.

-- C --

cache_helpers Get or delete mlr cache directory
calculateConfusionMatrix Confusion matrix.
calculateROCMeasures Calculate receiver operator measures.
CalibrationData Generate classifier calibration data.
capLargeValues Convert large/infinite numeric values in a data.frame or task.
cindex Performance measures. Performance measures.
ClassifTask Create a classification task.
ClusterTask Create a cluster task.
configureMlr Configures the behavior of the package.
ConfusionMatrix Confusion matrix
convertBMRToRankMatrix Convert BenchmarkResult to a rank-matrix.
convertMLBenchObjToTask Convert a machine learning benchmark / demo object from package mlbench to a task.
costiris.task Iris cost-sensitive classification task.
CostSensClassifModel Wraps a classification learner for use in cost-sensitive learning.
CostSensClassifWrapper Wraps a classification learner for use in cost-sensitive learning.
CostSensRegrModel Wraps a regression learner for use in cost-sensitive learning.
CostSensRegrWrapper Wraps a regression learner for use in cost-sensitive learning.
CostSensTask Create a cost-sensitive classification task.
CostSensWeightedPairsModel Wraps a classifier for cost-sensitive learning to produce a weighted pairs model.
CostSensWeightedPairsWrapper Wraps a classifier for cost-sensitive learning to produce a weighted pairs model.
createDummyFeatures Generate dummy variables for factor features.
createSpatialResamplingPlots Create (spatial) resampling plot objects.
crossover Crossover.
crossval Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
cv10 Create a description object for a resampling strategy.
cv2 Create a description object for a resampling strategy.
cv3 Create a description object for a resampling strategy.
cv5 Create a description object for a resampling strategy.

-- D --

db Performance measures.
deleteCacheDir Get or delete mlr cache directory
downsample Downsample (subsample) a task or a data.frame.
dropFeatures Drop some features of task.

-- E --

estimateRelativeOverfitting Estimate relative overfitting.
estimateResidualVariance Estimate the residual variance.
expvar Performance measures.
extractFDABsignal Bspline mlq features
extractFDADTWKernel DTW kernel features
extractFDAFeatures Extract features from functional data.
extractFDAFourier Fast Fourier transform features.
extractFDAFPCA Extract functional principal component analysis features.
extractFDAMultiResFeatures Multiresolution feature extraction.
extractFDATsfeatures Time-Series Feature Heuristics
extractFDAWavelets Discrete Wavelet transform features.

-- F --

f1 Performance measures.
FailureModel Failure model.
fdr Performance measures.
featperc Performance measures.
FeatSelControl Create control structures for feature selection.
FeatSelControlExhaustive Create control structures for feature selection.
FeatSelControlGA Create control structures for feature selection.
FeatSelControlRandom Create control structures for feature selection.
FeatSelControlSequential Create control structures for feature selection.
FeatSelResult Result of feature selection.
FeatureImportanceData Generate feature importance.
filterFeatures Filter features by thresholding filter values.
FilterValues Calculates feature filter values.
fixedcv Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
fn Performance measures.
fnr Performance measures.
fp Performance measures.
fpr Performance measures.
friedmanPostHocTestBMR Perform a posthoc Friedman-Nemenyi test.
friedmanTestBMR Perform overall Friedman test for a BenchmarkResult.
fuelsubset.task FuelSubset functional data regression task.

-- G --

G1 Performance measures.
G2 Performance measures.
generateCalibrationData Generate classifier calibration data.
generateCritDifferencesData Generate data for critical-differences plot.
generateFeatureImportanceData Generate feature importance.
generateFilterValuesData Calculates feature filter values.
generateHyperParsEffectData Generate hyperparameter effect data.
generateLearningCurveData Generates a learning curve.
generatePartialDependenceData Generate partial dependence.
generateThreshVsPerfData Generate threshold vs. performance(s) for 2-class classification.
getBMRAggrPerformances Extract the aggregated performance values from a benchmark result.
getBMRFeatSelResults Extract the feature selection results from a benchmark result.
getBMRFilteredFeatures Extract the feature selection results from a benchmark result.
getBMRLearnerIds Return learner ids used in benchmark.
getBMRLearners Return learners used in benchmark.
getBMRLearnerShortNames Return learner short.names used in benchmark.
getBMRMeasureIds Return measures IDs used in benchmark.
getBMRMeasures Return measures used in benchmark.
getBMRModels Extract all models from benchmark result.
getBMRPerformances Extract the test performance values from a benchmark result.
getBMRPredictions Extract the predictions from a benchmark result.
getBMRTaskDescriptions Extract all task descriptions from benchmark result (DEPRECATED).
getBMRTaskDescs Extract all task descriptions from benchmark result.
getBMRTaskIds Return task ids used in benchmark.
getBMRTuneResults Extract the tuning results from a benchmark result.
getCacheDir Get or delete mlr cache directory
getCaretParamSet Get tuning parameters from a learner of the caret R-package.
getClassWeightParam Get the class weight parameter of a learner.
getConfMatrix Confusion matrix.
getDefaultMeasure Get default measure.
getFailureModelDump Return the error dump of FailureModel.
getFailureModelMsg Return error message of FailureModel.
getFeatSelResult Returns the selected feature set and optimization path after training.
getFeatureImportance Calculates feature importance values for trained models.
getFilteredFeatures Returns the filtered features.
getFunctionalFeatures Get only functional features from a task or a data.frame. Get only functional features from a task or a data.frame.
getFunctionalFeatures.Task Get only functional features from a task or a data.frame.
getHomogeneousEnsembleModels Deprecated, use 'getLearnerModel' instead.
getHyperPars Get current parameter settings for a learner.
getLearnerId Get the ID of the learner.
getLearnerModel Get underlying R model of learner integrated into mlr.
getLearnerNote Get the note for the learner.
getLearnerPackages Get the required R packages of the learner.
getLearnerParamSet Get the parameter set of the learner.
getLearnerParVals Get the parameter values of the learner.
getLearnerPredictType Get the predict type of the learner.
getLearnerProperties Query properties of learners.
getLearnerShortName Get the short name of the learner.
getLearnerType Get the type of the learner.
getMeasureProperties Query properties of measures.
getMlrOptions Returns a list of mlr's options.
getMultilabelBinaryPerformances Retrieve binary classification measures for multilabel classification predictions.
getNestedTuneResultsOptPathDf Get the 'opt.path's from each tuning step from the outer resampling.
getNestedTuneResultsX Get the tuned hyperparameter settings from a nested tuning.
getOOBPreds Extracts out-of-bag predictions from trained models.
getParamSet Get a description of all possible parameter settings for a learner.
getPredictionDump Return the error dump of a failed Prediction.
getPredictionProbabilities Get probabilities for some classes.
getPredictionResponse Get response / truth from prediction object.
getPredictionSE Get response / truth from prediction object.
getPredictionTaskDesc Get summarizing task description from prediction.
getPredictionTruth Get response / truth from prediction object.
getProbabilities Deprecated, use 'getPredictionProbabilities' instead.
getResamplingIndices Get the resampling indices from a tuning or feature selection wrapper..
getRRDump Return the error dump of ResampleResult.
getRRPredictionList Get list of predictions for train and test set of each single resample iteration.
getRRPredictions Get predictions from resample results.
getRRTaskDesc Get task description from resample results (DEPRECATED).
getRRTaskDescription Get task description from resample results (DEPRECATED).
getStackedBaseLearnerPredictions Returns the predictions for each base learner.
getTaskClassLevels Get the class levels for classification and multilabel tasks.
getTaskCosts Extract costs in task.
getTaskData Extract data in task.
getTaskDesc Get a summarizing task description.
getTaskDescription Deprecated, use getTaskDesc instead.
getTaskFeatureNames Get feature names of task.
getTaskFormula Get formula of a task.
getTaskId Get the id of the task.
getTaskNFeats Get number of features in task.
getTaskSize Get number of observations in task.
getTaskTargetNames Get the name(s) of the target column(s).
getTaskTargets Get target data of task.
getTaskType Get the type of the task.
getTuneResult Returns the optimal hyperparameters and optimization path after training.
getTuneResultOptPath Get the optimization path of a tuning result.
gmean Performance measures.
gpr Performance measures.
growingcv Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
gunpoint.task Gunpoint functional data classification task.

-- H --

hasFunctionalFeatures Check whether the object contains functional features.
hasLearnerProperties Query properties of learners.
hasMeasureProperties Query properties of measures.
hasProperties Deprecated, use 'hasLearnerProperties' instead.
helpLearner Access help page of learner functions.
helpLearnerParam Get specific help for a learner's parameters.
holdout Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
hout Create a description object for a resampling strategy.

-- I -- Performance measures.
ibrier Performance measures.
imputations Built-in imputation methods.
impute Impute and re-impute data
imputeConstant Built-in imputation methods.
imputeHist Built-in imputation methods.
imputeLearner Built-in imputation methods.
imputeMax Built-in imputation methods.
imputeMean Built-in imputation methods.
imputeMedian Built-in imputation methods.
imputeMin Built-in imputation methods.
imputeMode Built-in imputation methods.
imputeNormal Built-in imputation methods.
imputeUniform Built-in imputation methods.
iris.task Iris classification task.
isFailureModel Is the model a FailureModel?

-- J --

joinClassLevels Join some class existing levels to new, larger class levels for classification problems.

-- K --

kappa Performance measures.
kendalltau Performance measures.

-- L --

Learner Create learner object.
learnerArgsToControl Convert arguments to control structure.
LearnerProperties Query properties of learners.
learners List of supported learning algorithms.
LearningCurveData Generates a learning curve.
listFilterEnsembleMethods List ensemble filter methods.
listFilterMethods List filter methods.
listLearnerProperties List the supported learner properties
listLearners Find matching learning algorithms.
listLearners.character Find matching learning algorithms.
listLearners.default Find matching learning algorithms.
listLearners.Task Find matching learning algorithms.
listMeasureProperties List the supported measure properties.
listMeasures Find matching measures.
listMeasures.character Find matching measures.
listMeasures.default Find matching measures.
listMeasures.Task Find matching measures.
listTaskTypes List the supported task types in mlr
logloss Performance measures.
lsr Performance measures.
lung.task NCCTG Lung Cancer survival task.

-- M --

mae Performance measures.
makeAggregation Specify your own aggregation of measures.
makeBaggingWrapper Fuse learner with the bagging technique.
makeClassificationViaRegressionWrapper Classification via regression wrapper.
makeClassifTask Create a classification task.
makeClusterTask Create a cluster task.
makeConstantClassWrapper Wraps a classification learner to support problems where the class label is (almost) constant.
makeCostMeasure Creates a measure for non-standard misclassification costs.
makeCostSensClassifWrapper Wraps a classification learner for use in cost-sensitive learning.
makeCostSensRegrWrapper Wraps a regression learner for use in cost-sensitive learning.
makeCostSensTask Create a cost-sensitive classification task.
makeCostSensWeightedPairsWrapper Wraps a classifier for cost-sensitive learning to produce a weighted pairs model.
makeCustomResampledMeasure Construct your own resampled performance measure.
makeDownsampleWrapper Fuse learner with simple downsampling (subsampling).
makeDummyFeaturesWrapper Fuse learner with dummy feature creator.
makeExtractFDAFeatMethod Constructor for FDA feature extraction methods.
makeExtractFDAFeatsWrapper Fuse learner with an extractFDAFeatures method.
makeFeatSelControlExhaustive Create control structures for feature selection.
makeFeatSelControlGA Create control structures for feature selection.
makeFeatSelControlRandom Create control structures for feature selection.
makeFeatSelControlSequential Create control structures for feature selection.
makeFeatSelWrapper Fuse learner with feature selection.
makeFilter Create a feature filter.
makeFilterEnsemble Create an ensemble feature filter.
makeFilterWrapper Fuse learner with a feature filter method.
makeFixedHoldoutInstance Generate a fixed holdout instance for resampling.
makeFunctionalData Create a data.frame containing functional features from a normal data.frame.
makeImputeMethod Create a custom imputation method.
makeImputeWrapper Fuse learner with an imputation method.
makeLearner Create learner object.
makeLearners Create multiple learners at once.
makeMeasure Construct performance measure.
makeModelMultiplexer Create model multiplexer for model selection to tune over multiple possible models.
makeModelMultiplexerParamSet Creates a parameter set for model multiplexer tuning.
makeMulticlassWrapper Fuse learner with multiclass method.
makeMultilabelBinaryRelevanceWrapper Use binary relevance method to create a multilabel learner.
makeMultilabelClassifierChainsWrapper Use classifier chains method (CC) to create a multilabel learner.
makeMultilabelDBRWrapper Use dependent binary relevance method (DBR) to create a multilabel learner.
makeMultilabelNestedStackingWrapper Use nested stacking method to create a multilabel learner.
makeMultilabelStackingWrapper Use stacking method (stacked generalization) to create a multilabel learner.
makeMultilabelTask Create a multilabel task.
makeOverBaggingWrapper Fuse learner with the bagging technique and oversampling for imbalancy correction.
makeOversampleWrapper Fuse learner with simple ove/underrsampling for imbalancy correction in binary classification.
makePreprocWrapper Fuse learner with preprocessing.
makePreprocWrapperCaret Fuse learner with preprocessing.
makeRegrTask Create a regression task.
makeRemoveConstantFeaturesWrapper Fuse learner with removal of constant features preprocessing.
makeResampleDesc Create a description object for a resampling strategy.
makeResampleInstance Instantiates a resampling strategy object.
makeRLearner Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
makeRLearner.classif.fdausc.glm Classification of functional data by Generalized Linear Models.
makeRLearner.classif.fdausc.kernel Learner for kernel classification for functional data. Learner for nonparametric classification for functional data.
makeRLearnerClassif Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
makeRLearnerCluster Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
makeRLearnerCostSens Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
makeRLearnerMultilabel Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
makeRLearnerRegr Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
makeRLearnerSurv Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
makeSMOTEWrapper Fuse learner with SMOTE oversampling for imbalancy correction in binary classification.
makeStackedLearner Create a stacked learner object.
makeSurvTask Create a survival task.
makeTuneControlCMAES Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with CMAES.
makeTuneControlDesign Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with predefined design.
makeTuneControlGenSA Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with GenSA.
makeTuneControlGrid Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with grid search.
makeTuneControlIrace Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with Irace.
makeTuneControlMBO Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with MBO.
makeTuneControlRandom Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with random search.
makeTuneMultiCritControlGrid Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning.
makeTuneMultiCritControlMBO Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning.
makeTuneMultiCritControlNSGA2 Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning.
makeTuneMultiCritControlRandom Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning.
makeTuneWrapper Fuse learner with tuning.
makeUndersampleWrapper Fuse learner with simple ove/underrsampling for imbalancy correction in binary classification.
makeWeightedClassesWrapper Wraps a classifier for weighted fitting where each class receives a weight.
makeWrappedModel Induced model of learner.
mape Performance measures.
mcc Performance measures.
mcp Performance measures.
meancosts Performance measures.
Measure Construct performance measure.
measureACC Performance measures.
measureAU1P Performance measures.
measureAU1U Performance measures.
measureAUC Performance measures.
measureAUNP Performance measures.
measureAUNU Performance measures.
measureBAC Performance measures.
measureBER Performance measures.
measureBrier Performance measures.
measureBrierScaled Performance measures.
measureEXPVAR Performance measures.
measureF1 Performance measures.
measureFDR Performance measures.
measureFN Performance measures.
measureFNR Performance measures.
measureFP Performance measures.
measureFPR Performance measures.
measureGMEAN Performance measures.
measureGPR Performance measures.
measureKAPPA Performance measures.
measureKendallTau Performance measures.
measureLogloss Performance measures.
measureLSR Performance measures.
measureMAE Performance measures.
measureMAPE Performance measures.
measureMCC Performance measures.
measureMEDAE Performance measures.
measureMEDSE Performance measures.
measureMMCE Performance measures.
measureMSE Performance measures.
measureMSLE Performance measures.
measureMulticlassBrier Performance measures.
measureMultilabelACC Performance measures.
measureMultilabelF1 Performance measures.
measureMultilabelHamloss Performance measures.
measureMultilabelPPV Performance measures.
measureMultilabelSubset01 Performance measures.
measureMultilabelTPR Performance measures.
measureNPV Performance measures.
measurePPV Performance measures.
MeasureProperties Query properties of measures.
measureQSR Performance measures.
measureRAE Performance measures.
measureRMSE Performance measures.
measureRMSLE Performance measures.
measureRRSE Performance measures.
measureRSQ Performance measures.
measures Performance measures.
measureSAE Performance measures.
measureSpearmanRho Performance measures.
measureSSE Performance measures.
measureSSR Performance measures.
measureTN Performance measures.
measureTNR Performance measures.
measureTP Performance measures.
measureTPR Performance measures.
measureWKAPPA Performance measures.
medae Performance measures.
medse Performance measures.
mergeBenchmarkResults Merge different BenchmarkResult objects.
mergeSmallFactorLevels Merges small levels of factors into new level.
mlr mlr: Machine Learning in R
mlrFamilies mlr documentation families
mmce Performance measures.
ModelMultiplexer Create model multiplexer for model selection to tune over multiple possible models.
mse Performance measures.
msle Performance measures.
mtcars.task Motor Trend Car Road Tests clustering task.
multiclass.au1p Performance measures.
multiclass.au1u Performance measures.
multiclass.aunp Performance measures.
multiclass.aunu Performance measures.
multiclass.brier Performance measures.
multilabel.acc Performance measures.
multilabel.f1 Performance measures.
multilabel.hamloss Performance measures.
multilabel.ppv Performance measures.
multilabel.subset01 Performance measures.
multilabel.tpr Performance measures.
MultilabelTask Create a multilabel task.

-- N --

normalizeFeatures Normalize features.
npv Performance measures.

-- O --

oversample Over- or undersample binary classification task to handle class imbalancy.

-- P --

parallelization Supported parallelization methods
PartialDependenceData Generate partial dependence.
performance Measure performance of prediction.
phoneme.task Phoneme functional data multilabel classification task.
pid.task PimaIndiansDiabetes classification task.
plotBMRBoxplots Create box or violin plots for a BenchmarkResult.
plotBMRRanksAsBarChart Create a bar chart for ranks in a BenchmarkResult.
plotBMRSummary Plot a benchmark summary.
plotCalibration Plot calibration data using ggplot2.
plotCritDifferences Plot critical differences for a selected measure.
plotFilterValues Plot filter values using ggplot2.
plotHyperParsEffect Plot the hyperparameter effects data
plotLearnerPrediction Visualizes a learning algorithm on a 1D or 2D data set.
plotLearningCurve Plot learning curve data using ggplot2.
plotPartialDependence Plot a partial dependence with ggplot2.
plotResiduals Create residual plots for prediction objects or benchmark results.
plotROCCurves Plots a ROC curve using ggplot2.
plotThreshVsPerf Plot threshold vs. performance(s) for 2-class classification using ggplot2.
plotTuneMultiCritResult Plots multi-criteria results after tuning using ggplot2.
ppv Performance measures.
predict.WrappedModel Predict new data.
predictLearner Predict new data with an R learner.
print.ConfusionMatrix Confusion matrix.
print.ROCMeasures Calculate receiver operator measures.

-- Q --

qsr Performance measures.

-- R --

rae Performance measures.
reduceBatchmarkResults Reduce results of a batch-distributed benchmark.
reextractFDAFeatures Re-extract features from a data set
RegrTask Create a regression task.
reimpute Re-impute a data set
removeConstantFeatures Remove constant features from a data set.
removeHyperPars Remove hyperparameters settings of a learner.
repcv Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
resample Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
ResampleDesc Create a description object for a resampling strategy.
ResampleInstance Instantiates a resampling strategy object.
ResamplePrediction Prediction from resampling.
ResampleResult ResampleResult object.
RLearner Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
RLearnerClassif Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
RLearnerCluster Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
RLearnerMultilabel Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
RLearnerRegr Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
RLearnerSurv Internal construction / wrapping of learner object.
rmse Performance measures.
rmsle Performance measures.
rrse Performance measures.
rsq Performance measures.

-- S --

sae Performance measures.
selectFeatures Feature selection by wrapper approach.
setAggregation Set aggregation function of measure.
setHyperPars Set the hyperparameters of a learner object.
setHyperPars2 Only exported for internal use.
setId Set the id of a learner object.
setLearnerId Set the ID of a learner object.
setMeasurePars Set parameters of performance measures
setPredictThreshold Set the probability threshold the learner should use.
setPredictType Set the type of predictions the learner should return.
setThreshold Set threshold of prediction object.
silhouette Performance measures.
simplifyMeasureNames Simplify measure names.
smote Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique to handle class imbalancy in binary classification.
sonar.task Sonar classification task.
spam.task Spam classification task.
spatial.task J. Muenchow's Ecuador landslide data set
spearmanrho Performance measures.
sse Performance measures.
ssr Performance measures.
subsample Fit models according to a resampling strategy.
subsetTask Subset data in task.
summarizeColumns Summarize columns of data.frame or task.
summarizeLevels Summarizes factors of a data.frame by tabling them.
SurvTask Create a survival task.

-- T --

Task Create a classification, regression, survival, cluster, cost-sensitive classification or multilabel task.
TaskDesc Description object for task.
test.join Aggregation methods.
test.max Aggregation methods.
test.mean Aggregation methods.
test.median Aggregation methods.
test.min Aggregation methods.
test.range Aggregation methods.
test.rmse Aggregation methods. Aggregation methods.
test.sum Aggregation methods.
testgroup.mean Aggregation methods. Aggregation methods.
ThreshVsPerfData Generate threshold vs. performance(s) for 2-class classification.
timeboth Performance measures.
timepredict Performance measures.
timetrain Performance measures.
tn Performance measures.
tnr Performance measures.
tp Performance measures.
tpr Performance measures.
train Train a learning algorithm.
train.max Aggregation methods.
train.mean Aggregation methods.
train.median Aggregation methods.
train.min Aggregation methods.
train.range Aggregation methods.
train.rmse Aggregation methods. Aggregation methods.
train.sum Aggregation methods.
trainLearner Train an R learner.
TuneControl Control object for tuning
TuneControlCMAES Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with CMAES.
TuneControlDesign Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with predefined design.
TuneControlGenSA Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with GenSA.
TuneControlGrid Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with grid search.
TuneControlIrace Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with Irace.
TuneControlMBO Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with MBO.
TuneControlRandom Create control object for hyperparameter tuning with random search.
TuneMultiCritControl Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning.
TuneMultiCritControlGrid Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning.
TuneMultiCritControlMBO Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning.
TuneMultiCritControlNSGA2 Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning.
TuneMultiCritControlRandom Create control structures for multi-criteria tuning.
TuneMultiCritResult Result of multi-criteria tuning.
tuneParams Hyperparameter tuning.
tuneParamsMultiCrit Hyperparameter tuning for multiple measures at once.
TuneResult Result of tuning.
tuneThreshold Tune prediction threshold.

-- U --

undersample Over- or undersample binary classification task to handle class imbalancy.

-- W --

wkappa Performance measures.
wpbc.task Wisonsin Prognostic Breast Cancer (WPBC) survival task.
WrappedModel Induced model of learner.

-- Y --

yeast.task Yeast multilabel classification task.