Tunable Simulation of B- And T-Cell Receptor Repertoires

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Documentation for package ‘immuneSIM’ version 0.8.7

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codon_replacement Replaces codons with synonymous codons
codon_replacement_reconstruction Decodes immuneSIM repertoire codon replacements events.
combine_into_paired Generates a dataframe from separate heavy and light or beta and alpha chain dataframes
gen_code Translation dictionary amino acid <-> nucleotide codon
hotspot_df Hotspot dataframe for SHM
hub_seqs_exclusion Deletes top hub sequences from repertoire, changing the network architecture.
immuneSIM Simulates an immune repertoire based on user-defined parameters
insertions_and_deletion_lengths_df Dataframe containing insertion sequences and deletion lengths
length_dist_simulation Vector containing VDJ length distributions
list_example_repertoires Example repertoires
list_germline_genes_allele_01 Collection of germline genes and frequencies
load_insdel_data Loads full insertion/deletion data from GitHub
motif_implantation Implant random or predefined motifs into CDR3
one_spot_df One Spot
plot_repertoire_A_vs_B Comparative plots of main repertoire features of two input repertoires (length distribution, amino acid frequency, VDJ usage, kmer occurrence)
plot_report_repertoire Plots main repertoire features (length distribution,amino acid frequencies and VDJ usage)
shm_event_reconstruction Decodes immuneSIM repertoire shm_events column.