embryogrowth-package | The package embryogrowth |
calibrate.datalogger | Calibrate data loggers and correct time series of temperatures |
ChangeSSM | Generate set of parameters for different forms of thermal norm of reaction |
DatabaseNestingArea | Database of RMU for marine turtles |
DatabaseTSD | Database of TSD information for reptiles |
DatabaseTSD.version | Version of database of TSD information for reptiles |
dydt.exponential | Return the derivative of the exponential function |
dydt.Gompertz | Return the derivative of the Gompertz function |
dydt.linear | Return the derivative of the linear function |
FormatNests | Create a dataset of class Nests to be used with searchR |
GenerateAnchor | Generate a set of anchored parameters |
GenerateConstInc | Generate a data.frame with constant incubation temperature and incubation duration |
Generate_hatchling_metric | Generate a data.frame that can be used as hatchling.metric value for searchR() |
GRTRN_MHmcmc | Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for Embryo Growth Rate Thermal Reaction Norm |
HatchingSuccess.fit | Fit a hatching success model to data using maximum likelihood |
HatchingSuccess.lnL | Return -log likelihood of the data and the parameters |
HatchingSuccess.MHmcmc | Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for hatching success |
HatchingSuccess.MHmcmc_p | Generates set of parameters to be used with HatchingSuccess.MHmcmc() |
HatchingSuccess.model | Return the hatching success according the set of parameters and temperatures |
hist.Nests | Show the histogram of temperatures with set of nests |
hist.NestsResult | Show the histogram of temperatures with set of nests |
info.nests | Calculte statistics about nests |
integral.exponential | Return the derivative of the exponential function |
integral.Gompertz | Return the result of the Gompertz function |
integral.linear | Return the linear function |
likelihoodR | Estimate the likelihood of a set of parameters for nest incubation data |
logLik.HatchingSuccess | Return -log L of a fit |
logLik.NestsResult | Return Log Likelihood of a fit generated by searchR |
logLik.STRN | Return Log Likelihood of a fit generated by STRN |
logLik.tsd | Return Log Likelihood of a fit generated by tsd |
movement | Analyze movement recorded within a nest with an accelerometer datalogger |
MovingIncubation | Simulate incubation of a nest with the beginning of incubation varying |
nest | Timeseries of temperatures for nests |
nobs.HatchingSuccess | Return number of observations of a fit |
nobs.NestsResult | Return number of observations of a fit |
plot.HatchingSuccess | Plot results of HatchingSuccess.fit() that best describe hatching success |
plot.NestsResult | Plot the embryo growth |
plot.tsd | Plot results of tsd() that best describe temperature-dependent sex determination |
plotR | Plot the fitted growth rate dependent on temperature and its density |
plot_transition | Show fonction used for transition |
predict.HatchingSuccess | Return prediction based on a model fitted with HatchingSuccess.fit() |
predict.tsd | Estimate sex ratio according to constant incubation temperature |
P_TRT | Estimate the transitional range of temperatures based on a set of parameters |
resultNest_3p_Dallwitz | Fit using the nest database |
resultNest_3p_Weibull | Result of the fit using the nest database using Weibull function |
resultNest_4p_normal | Result of the fit using the nest database using asymmetric normal function |
resultNest_4p_SSM | Fit using the nest database |
resultNest_4p_SSM_Linear | Fit using the nest database |
resultNest_4p_transition | Result of the fit using the nest database using transition |
resultNest_4p_trigo | Result of the fit using the nest database using trigonometric function |
resultNest_4p_weight | Fit using the nest database with weight |
resultNest_5p_Dallwitz | Fit using the nest database |
resultNest_6p_SSM | Fit using the nest database |
resultNest_mcmc_4p_SSM | Result of the mcmc using the nest database |
resultNest_mcmc_4p_SSM_Linear | Result of the mcmc using the nest database |
resultNest_mcmc_6p_SSM | Result of the mcmc using the nest database |
resultNest_mcmc_newp | Result of the mcmc using the nest database with anchored parameters |
resultNest_newp | Fit using the nest database with anchored parameters |
searchR | Fit the parameters that best represent nest incubation data. |
stages | Database of of embryonic development and thermosensitive period of development for sex determination |
STRN | Estimate the parameters that best describe the sexualisation thermal reaction norm within the TSP |
STRN_MHmcmc | Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for Sexualisation Thermal Reaction Norm |
summary.Nests | Summarize the information from a Nests object. |
switch.transition | Add a transition parameter on a set of parameters or remove it |
tempConst | Timeseries of constant temperatures for nests |
test.parallel | Estimate the likelihood of a set of parameters for nest incubation data with or without parallel computing option |
TRN_MHmcmc_p | Generates set of parameters to be used with GRTRN_MHmcmc() or STRN_MHmcmc() |
tsd | Estimate the parameters that best describe temperature-dependent sex determination |
tsd_MHmcmc | Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for Sex ratio |
tsd_MHmcmc_p | Generates set of parameters to be used with tsd_MHmcmc() |
TSP.list | Database of thermosensitive period of development for sex determination |
uncertainty.datalogger | Uncertainty of average temperatures obtained using temperature data logger |
web.tsd | Run a shiny application for basic functions of tsd function |
weightmaxentropy | Search for the weights of the nests which maximize the entropy of nest temperatures distribution |