Multivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘dosresmeta’ version 2.0.1

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dosresmeta-package Multivariate dose-response meta-analysis
alcohol_crc Eight published studies on the relation between alcohol intake and colon-rectal cancer.
alcohol_cvd Six published studies on the relation between alcohol intake and cardiovascular disease risk.
alcohol_esoph Fourteen case-control studies on the relation between alcohol consumption and esophageal cancer
alcohol_lc Four published studies on the relation between alcohol intake and lung cancer.
ari Five clinical trials on the relation between aripiprazole and schizophrenia
blup.dosresmeta Best Linear Unbiased Predictions from dosresmeta Models
bmi_rc Four case-control studies on the relation between Body Mass Index and renal cell cancer
cc_ex Case-control data on alcohol and breast cancer risk
ci_ex Cumulative incidence data on high-fat dairy food and colorectal cancer risk
coef.dosresmeta Extract Coefficients and (Co)Variance Matrix from dosresmeta Objects
coffee_cancer Eight prospective studies on the relation between coffee consumption and cancer mortality
coffee_cvd Thirteen prospective studies on the relation between coffee consumption and cardiovascular mortality
coffee_mort Twenty-one prospective studies on the relation between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality
coffee_stroke Eleven prospective studies on the relation between coffee consumption and stroke risk
covar.logrr Computes the covariance matrix for a set of log relative risks
covar.smd Computes mean and standardized mean differences for continuous outcome with corresponding co(variance) matrix
dosresmeta Multivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis
dosresmeta.control Ancillary Parameters for Controlling the Fit in dosresmeta Models Multivariate Dose-Response Meta-Analysis
dosresmeta.fixed Fixed-Effects Estimator for dosresmeta Models ML and REML Estimators for dosresmeta Models
dosresmeta.reml ML and REML Estimators for dosresmeta Models
dosresmetaObject dosresmeta Object
fish_ra Six studies on the relation between fish consumption and rheumatoid arthritis risk
fpgrid Grid with combinations of p for two-order fractional polynomials
fracpol Fractional Polynomials
gof Computes statistics to evaluate the goodness-of-fit from dosresmeta Objects
grl Approximating effective-counts as proposed by Greenland & Longnecker
hamling Approximating effective-counts as proposed by Hamling
ir_ex Incidence-rate data on fiber intake and coronary heart disease risk
iter.igls Likelihood Functions for dosresmeta Models
logLik.dosresmeta Extract Log-Likelihood from dosresmeta Objects
milk_mort Eleven prospective studies on the relation between milk consumption and all-cause mortality
milk_ov Nine studies on the relation between milk consumption and ovarian cancer
mlprof.fn Likelihood Functions for dosresmeta Models Likelihood Functions for dosresmeta Models Likelihood Functions for dosresmeta Models
oc_breast Twenty-two case-control studies on the relation between oral contraceptives use and breast cancer
predict.dosresmeta Predicted Values from dosresmeta Models
print.dosresmeta Summarizing dosresmeta Models
print.gof.dosresmeta Computes statistics to evaluate the goodness-of-fit from dosresmeta Objects
print.qtest.dosresmeta Cochran Q Test of Heterogeneity for dosresmeta Models
print.summary.dosresmeta Summarizing dosresmeta Models
print.waldtest Wald Test for Model Coefficients
process_bc Ten studies on the relation between processed meat and bladder cancer
qtest.dosresmeta Cochran Q Test of Heterogeneity for dosresmeta Models
red_bc Twelve studies on the relation between red meat and bladder cancer
remlprof.fn Likelihood Functions for dosresmeta Models Likelihood Functions for dosresmeta Models
sim_os Simulated data for one-stage dose-response meta-analysis
summary.dosresmeta Summarizing dosresmeta Models
vcov.dosresmeta Extract Coefficients and (Co)Variance Matrix from dosresmeta Objects
vpc Variance Partition Components for dosresmeta Objects
waldtest Wald Test for Model Coefficients