coffee_stroke {dosresmeta}R Documentation

Eleven prospective studies on the relation between coffee consumption and stroke risk


The dataset reports the summarized dose-response results from eleven prospective studies on the relation between coffee consumption and risk of stroke.


A data frame with 68 observations on the following 12 variables:

id id of the studies included in the analysis.
author names of the first author of the studies.
type code for study design.
dose assigned dose levels.
cases number of cases for each exposure level.
n total number of subjects (type = "ci") or person-years (type = "ir") for each exposure level.
rr adjusted risk estimates for each exposure level.
lb lower bound for the confidence limits of the adjusted risk estimates.
ub upper bound for the confidence limits of the adjusted risk estimates.
logrr natural logarithm of the adjusted risk estimates.
se standard error for the logarithm of the adjusted risk estimates.
nordic indicator variable for the study to be conducted in the nordic countries (1 = yes).


Alessio Crippa, <>


Larsson, S. C., Orsini, N. (2011). Coffee consumption and risk of stroke: a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. American journal of epidemiology, 174(9), 993-1001.

[Package dosresmeta version 2.0.1 Index]