A Framework for Dimensionality Reduction

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Documentation for package ‘dimRed’ version 0.2.6

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A C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R T U misc

dimRed-package The dimRed package

-- A --

as.data.frame Converts to data.frame
as.data.frame-method Class "dimRedData"
as.data.frame-method Class "dimRedResult"
as.dimRedData Converts to dimRedData
as.dimRedData-method Converts to dimRedData
AUC_lnK_R_NX Method AUC_lnK_R_NX
AUC_lnK_R_NX-method Method AUC_lnK_R_NX
AutoEncoder AutoEncoder
AutoEncoder-class AutoEncoder

-- C --

cophenetic_correlation Method cophenetic_correlation
cophenetic_correlation-method Method cophenetic_correlation

-- D --

dataSetList Example Data Sets for dimensionality reduction
dataSets Example Data Sets for dimensionality reduction
DiffusionMaps Diffusion Maps
DiffusionMaps-class Diffusion Maps
dimRed The dimRed package
dimRedData Class "dimRedData"
dimRedData-class Class "dimRedData"
dimRedMethod-class Class "dimRedMethod"
dimRedMethodList dimRedMethodList
dimRedQualityList Quality Criteria for dimensionality reduction.
dimRedResult Class "dimRedResult"
dimRedResult-class Class "dimRedResult"
distance_correlation Method distance_correlation
distance_correlation-method Method distance_correlation
DrL Distributed Recursive Graph Layout
DrL-class Distributed Recursive Graph Layout
DRR Dimensionality Reduction via Regression
DRR-class Dimensionality Reduction via Regression

-- E --

embed dispatches the different methods for dimensionality reduction
embed-method dispatches the different methods for dimensionality reduction

-- F --

FastICA Independent Component Analysis
FastICA-class Independent Component Analysis
FruchtermanReingold Fruchterman Reingold Graph Layout
FruchtermanReingold-class Fruchterman Reingold Graph Layout

-- G --

getData Method getData
getData-method Class "dimRedData"
getDimRedData Method getDimRedData
getDimRedData-method Class "dimRedResult"
getMeta Method getMeta
getMeta-method Class "dimRedData"
getNDim Method getNDim
getNDim-method Class "dimRedResult"
getOrgData Method getOrgData
getOrgData-method Class "dimRedResult"
getOtherData Method getOtherData
getOtherData-method Class "dimRedResult"
getPars Method getPars
getPars-method Class "dimRedResult"
getRotationMatrix getRotationMatrix

-- H --

HLLE Hessian Locally Linear Embedding
HLLE-class Hessian Locally Linear Embedding

-- I --

installSuggests getSuggests
inverse Class "dimRedResult"
inverse-method Class "dimRedResult"
Isomap Isomap embedding
Isomap-class Isomap embedding

-- K --

KamadaKawai Graph Embedding via the Kamada Kawai Algorithm
KamadaKawai-class Graph Embedding via the Kamada Kawai Algorithm
kPCA Kernel PCA
kPCA-class Kernel PCA

-- L --

LaplacianEigenmaps Laplacian Eigenmaps
LaplacianEigenmaps-class Laplacian Eigenmaps
LCMC-method Method LCMC
loadDataSet Example Data Sets for dimensionality reduction

-- M --

makeKNNgraph makeKNNgraph
maximize_correlation Maximize Correlation with the Axes
maximize_correlation-method Maximize Correlation with the Axes
MDS Metric Dimensional Scaling
MDS-class Metric Dimensional Scaling
mean_R_NX Method mean_R_NX
mean_R_NX-method Method mean_R_NX
mixColor1Ramps Mixing color ramps
mixColor2Ramps Mixing color ramps
mixColor3Ramps Mixing color ramps
mixColorRamps Mixing color ramps

-- N --

ndims Method ndims
ndims-method Class "dimRedData"
ndims-method Class "dimRedResult"
nMDS Non-Metric Dimensional Scaling
nMDS-class Non-Metric Dimensional Scaling
NNMF Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
NNMF-class Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
nrow-method Class "dimRedData"

-- P --

PCA Principal Component Analysis
PCA-class Principal Component Analysis
PCA_L1 Principal Component Analysis with L1 error.
PCA_L1-class Principal Component Analysis with L1 error.
plot Plotting of dimRed* objects
plot-method Plotting of dimRed* objects
plot.dimRed Plotting of dimRed* objects
plot.dimRedData Plotting of dimRed* objects
plot.dimRedResult Plotting of dimRed* objects
plot_R_NX plot_R_NX
predict-method Class "dimRedResult"
print Method print
print-method Class "dimRedResult"

-- Q --

quality Quality Criteria for dimensionality reduction.
quality-method Quality Criteria for dimensionality reduction.
quality.dimRedResult Quality Criteria for dimensionality reduction.
Q_global Method Q_global
Q_global-method Method Q_global
Q_local Method Q_local
Q_local-method Method Q_local
Q_NX Method Q_NX
Q_NX-method Method Q_NX

-- R --

reconstruction_error Method reconstruction_error
reconstruction_error-method Method reconstruction_error
reconstruction_rmse Method reconstruction_rmse
reconstruction_rmse-method Method reconstruction_rmse
R_NX Method R_NX
R_NX-method Method R_NX

-- T --

total_correlation Method total_correlation
total_correlation-method Method total_correlation
tSNE t-Distributed Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding
tSNE-class t-Distributed Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding

-- U --

UMAP Umap embedding
UMAP-class Umap embedding

-- misc --

[-method Class "dimRedData"