adj_list_2_matrix | Convert adjacency list to a matrix |
as.matrix | TreeHarp Cast a TreeHarp to Matrix. |
autoharp | autoharp: Semi-Automatic Grading of R and Rmd Scripts |
carve_mst | Carve a Minimal Spanning Tree Out |
carve_subtree | Carve out branches to form a new tree. |
check_correctness | Check correctness of student solution rmd. |
check_rmd | Check if a File is Rmd |
check_runtime | Calculate Run-time Statistics |
clean_dir | Removes md Files when no HTML Present |
copy_e2e | Copy an object from one env to another. |
count_fn_call | Forestharp helpers |
count_fn_in_fn | Forestharp helpers |
count_lam_fn | Forestharp helpers |
count_lints_all | Lint counter |
count_lints_one | File lint counter |
count_self_fn | Forestharp helpers |
detect_fn_arg | Forestharp helpers |
detect_fn_call_in_for | Forestharp helpers |
detect_for_in_fn_def | Forestharp helpers |
detect_growing | Forestharp helpers |
detect_nested_for | Forestharp helpers |
env_size | Calculates the Total Memory Used |
examplify_to_r | Convert from Examplify to R |
extract_actual_args | Forestharp helpers |
extract_assigned_objects | Forestharp helpers |
extract_chunks | Extract chunks that match a pattern. |
extract_fn_call | Forestharp helpers |
extract_formal_args | Forestharp helpers |
extract_non_chunks | Extract non-chunks from an Rmd file. |
extract_self_fn | Forestharp helpers |
fapply | Apply a function to a forest of trees. |
find_branch_num | Find the branch that leads from one node to another. |
forestharp-helpers | Forestharp helpers |
generate_all_subtrees | Generate all subtrees from a tree. |
generate_thumbnails | Generate a html of thumbnails |
get_adj_list | Generic for Getting Adjacency List |
get_adj_list-method | Generic for Getting Adjacency List |
get_child_ids | Generic for Getting Child Node Ids |
get_child_ids-method | Generic for Getting Child Node Ids |
get_child_ids2 | Get the children node ids |
get_levels | Obtains the node levels from a tree. |
get_libraries | Extracts the Packages Used in An Rmd File. |
get_next_depth_id | Get the id and depth of a child node. |
get_next_subtree | Generate the next sub-tree. |
get_node_types | Generic for Getting Node Types |
get_node_types-method | Generic for Getting Node Types |
get_parent_call_id | Get Node Id of Parent Call |
get_parent_id | Generic for Getting Parent Node Id. |
get_parent_id-method | Generic for Getting Parent Node Id. |
get_parent_id2 | Get the parent node id |
get_recursive_index | Obtain an index to extract out a sub-call |
get_summary_output | Function to extract the summary content |
is_connected | Checks if a graph is connected. |
is_cyclic_r | Checks if a graph contains any cycles. |
is_subtree_rooted_at | Checks if a tree is rooted at a node of another tree. |
jaccard_treeharp | Computes Jaccard Index |
join_treeharps | Root a list of trees. |
K2 | Compute tree similarity |
keep_branches | Keep only branches specified by node numbers |
lang_2_tree | Convert language object to tree. |
length-method | An R expression as a tree. |
log_summary | Generate a dataframe from the log file. |
lum_local_match | Match Filenames from LumiNUS. |
matrix_2_adj_list | Convert adjacency matrix to a list. |
names-method | An R expression as a tree. |
path_to_root | Extract a path from node to root. |
plot-method | TreeHarp Plotting TreeHarp Objects |
populate_soln_env | Returns solution environment and test code from template. |
prune_depth | Prune a tree up to a specified depth. |
rbind_to_nodes_info | Update node information. |
remove_extension | Obtains the Root File Name, without Extension. |
render_one | Run a single Rmd file through autoharp. |
replace_sp_chars_filename | Replace Special Characters in File Name |
reset_path | Reset search path of current R session |
rmd_to_forestharp | Convert to TreeHarp objects |
rmd_to_token_count | Count tokens in R/Rmd |
run_tuner | Runs the student-facing feedback app |
show-method | An R expression as a tree. |
subtree_at | Extract a sub-tree. |
to_BFS | Function to rearrage nodes in BFS |
TreeHarp | An R expression as a tree. |
TreeHarp-class | An R expression as a tree. |
TreeHarp-method | An R expression as a tree. |
tree_sim | Compute tree similarity |
update_adj_list | Update adjacency list. |