R2BayesX-package |
Estimate STAR Models with BayesX |
r2bayesx-package |
Estimate STAR Models with BayesX |
add.neighbor |
Add Neighborhood Relations |
bayesx |
Estimate STAR Models with BayesX |
bayesx.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.bl.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.factor.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.gk.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.gs.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.kr.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.lasso.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.mrf.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.nigmix.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.ps.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.ra.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.re.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.ridge.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.rw1.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.rw2.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.season.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.t2.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.te.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.construct.tensor.smooth.construct |
Construct BayesX Model Term Objects |
bayesx.control |
Control Parameters for BayesX |
bayesx.term.options |
Show BayesX Term Options |
bayesx_logfile |
BayesX Log-Files |
bayesx_prgfile |
BayesX Program-Files |
bayesx_runtime |
BayesX Program-Runtimes |
BeechBnd |
Beech Location Map |
BeechGra |
Beech Neighborhood Information |
bnd2gra |
Convert Boundary Format to Graph Format |
bnd2sp |
Convert sp and bnd format into each other |
bxopts |
Show BayesX Term Options |
colorlegend |
Plot a Color Legend |
cprob |
Extract Contour Probabilities |
delete.neighbor |
Delete Neighborhood Relations |
Deviance Information Criterion |
DIC.bayesx |
Deviance Information Criterion |
drawmap |
Plot Maps |
FantasyBnd |
Fantasy Map |
fitted.bayesx |
Extract BayesX Fitted Values and Residuals |
forest |
Forest Health Data |
ForestHealth |
Forest Health Data |
GAMart |
GAM Artificial Data Set |
gamart |
GAM Artificial Data Set |
Gerneralized Cross Validation Criterion |
GCV.bayesx |
Gerneralized Cross Validation Criterion |
GermanyBnd |
Germany Map |
get.neighbor |
Obtain Neighbors of Given Regions |
getscript |
Generate an executable R fitted model script |
gra2nb |
Convert nb and gra format into each other |
GRstats |
Compute Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostics from multicore BayesX models. |
logfile |
BayesX Log-Files |
MunichBnd |
Munich Map |
nb2gra |
Convert nb and gra format into each other |
parse.bayesx.input |
Parse BayesX Input |
plot.bayesx |
Default BayesX Plotting |
plot.bnd |
Plot Maps |
plot2d |
2D Effect Plot |
plot3d |
3D Effect Plot |
plotblock |
Factor Variable and Random Effects Plots |
plotmap |
Plot Maps |
plotnonp |
2D Effect Plot |
plotsamples |
Plot Sampling Path(s) of Coefficient(s) and Variance(s) |
plotsurf |
3D Effect Plot |
predict.bayesx |
Prediction from fitted BayesX objects |
prgfile |
BayesX Program-Files |
R2BayesX |
Estimate STAR Models with BayesX |
r2bayesx |
Estimate STAR Models with BayesX |
read.bayesx.output |
Read BayesX Output from Directories |
read.bnd |
Read Geographical Information in Boundary Format |
read.gra |
Read Geographical Information in Graph Format |
residuals.bayesx |
Extract BayesX Fitted Values and Residuals |
runtime |
BayesX Program-Runtimes |
samples |
Extract Samples of Coefficients and Variances |
shp2bnd |
convert a shape-file into a boundary object |
sliceplot |
Plot Slices of Bivariate Functions |
sp2bnd |
Convert sp and bnd format into each other |
summary.bayesx |
Bayesx Summary Statistics |
sx |
Construct BayesX Model Terms in A Formula |
term.freqs |
Extract model term selection frequencies. |
write.bayesx.input |
Write the BayesX Program |
write.bnd |
Saving Maps in Boundary Format |
write.gra |
Saving Maps in Graph Format |
zambia |
Determinants of Childhood Malnutrition in Zambia |
ZambiaBnd |
Zambia Map |
ZambiaNutrition |
Determinants of Childhood Malnutrition in Zambia |