Estimate Structured Additive Regression Models with 'BayesX'

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Documentation for package ‘R2BayesX’ version 1.1-5

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R2BayesX-package Estimate STAR Models with BayesX
r2bayesx-package Estimate STAR Models with BayesX
add.neighbor Add Neighborhood Relations
bayesx Estimate STAR Models with BayesX
bayesx.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.factor.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.gk.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects Construct BayesX Model Term Objects Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.lasso.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.mrf.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.nigmix.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.ra.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.ridge.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.rw1.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.rw2.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.season.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.t2.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.te.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.construct.tensor.smooth.construct Construct BayesX Model Term Objects
bayesx.control Control Parameters for BayesX
bayesx.term.options Show BayesX Term Options
bayesx_logfile BayesX Log-Files
bayesx_prgfile BayesX Program-Files
bayesx_runtime BayesX Program-Runtimes
BeechBnd Beech Location Map
BeechGra Beech Neighborhood Information
bnd2gra Convert Boundary Format to Graph Format
bnd2sp Convert sp and bnd format into each other
bxopts Show BayesX Term Options
colorlegend Plot a Color Legend
cprob Extract Contour Probabilities
delete.neighbor Delete Neighborhood Relations
DIC Deviance Information Criterion
DIC.bayesx Deviance Information Criterion
drawmap Plot Maps
FantasyBnd Fantasy Map
fitted.bayesx Extract BayesX Fitted Values and Residuals
forest Forest Health Data
ForestHealth Forest Health Data
GAMart GAM Artificial Data Set
gamart GAM Artificial Data Set
GCV Gerneralized Cross Validation Criterion
GCV.bayesx Gerneralized Cross Validation Criterion
GermanyBnd Germany Map
get.neighbor Obtain Neighbors of Given Regions
getscript Generate an executable R fitted model script
gra2nb Convert nb and gra format into each other
GRstats Compute Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostics from multicore BayesX models.
logfile BayesX Log-Files
MunichBnd Munich Map
nb2gra Convert nb and gra format into each other
parse.bayesx.input Parse BayesX Input
plot.bayesx Default BayesX Plotting
plot.bnd Plot Maps
plot2d 2D Effect Plot
plot3d 3D Effect Plot
plotblock Factor Variable and Random Effects Plots
plotmap Plot Maps
plotnonp 2D Effect Plot
plotsamples Plot Sampling Path(s) of Coefficient(s) and Variance(s)
plotsurf 3D Effect Plot
predict.bayesx Prediction from fitted BayesX objects
prgfile BayesX Program-Files
R2BayesX Estimate STAR Models with BayesX
r2bayesx Estimate STAR Models with BayesX
read.bayesx.output Read BayesX Output from Directories
read.bnd Read Geographical Information in Boundary Format
read.gra Read Geographical Information in Graph Format
residuals.bayesx Extract BayesX Fitted Values and Residuals
runtime BayesX Program-Runtimes
samples Extract Samples of Coefficients and Variances
shp2bnd convert a shape-file into a boundary object
sliceplot Plot Slices of Bivariate Functions
sp2bnd Convert sp and bnd format into each other
summary.bayesx Bayesx Summary Statistics
sx Construct BayesX Model Terms in A Formula
term.freqs Extract model term selection frequencies.
write.bayesx.input Write the BayesX Program
write.bnd Saving Maps in Boundary Format
write.gra Saving Maps in Graph Format
zambia Determinants of Childhood Malnutrition in Zambia
ZambiaBnd Zambia Map
ZambiaNutrition Determinants of Childhood Malnutrition in Zambia