sx {R2BayesX}R Documentation

Construct BayesX Model Terms in A Formula


Function sx is a model term constructor function for terms used within the formula argument of function bayesx. The function does not evaluate matrices etc., the behavior is similar to function s from package mgcv. It purely exists to build a basic setup for the model term which can be processed by function bayesx.construct.


sx(x, z = NULL, bs = "ps", by = NA, ...)



the covariate the model term is a function of.


a second covariate.


a character string, specifying the basis/type which is used for this model term.


a numeric or factor variable of the same dimension as each covariate. In the numeric vector case the elements multiply the smooth, evaluated at the corresponding covariate values (a ‘varying coefficient model’ results). In the factor case the term is replicated for each factor level. Note that centering of the term may be needed, please see the notes.


special controlling arguments or objects used for the model term, see also the examples and function bayesx.term.options for all possible optional parameters.


The following term types may be specified using argument bs:


A list of class "xx.smooth.spec", where "xx" is a basis/type identifying code given by the bs argument of f.


Some care has to be taken with the identifiability of varying coefficients terms. The standard in BayesX is to center nonlinear main effects terms around zero whereas varying coefficient terms are not centered. This makes sense since main effects nonlinear terms are not identifiable and varying coefficients terms are usually identifiable. However, there are situations where a varying coefficients term is not identifiable. Then the term must be centered. Since centering is not automatically accomplished it has to be enforced by the user by adding option center = TRUE in function f. To give an example, the varying coefficient terms in η=+g1(z1)z+g2(z2)z+γ0+γ1z+\eta = \ldots + g_1(z_1)z + g_2(z_2)z + \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 z + \ldots are not identified, whereas in η=+g1(z1)z+γ0+\eta = \ldots + g_1(z_1)z + \gamma_0 + \ldots, the varying coefficient term is identifiable. In the first case, centering is necessary, in the second case, it is not.


Nikolaus Umlauf, Thomas Kneib, Stefan Lang, Achim Zeileis.

See Also

bayesx, bayesx.term.options, s, bayesx.construct.


## funktion sx() returns a list
## which is then processed by function
## bayesx.construct to build the
## BayesX model term structure

bayesx.construct(sx(x, bs = "rw1"))
bayesx.construct(sx(x, bs = "factor"))
bayesx.construct(sx(x, bs = "offset"))
bayesx.construct(sx(x, z, bs = "te"))

## varying coefficients
bayesx.construct(sx(x1, by = x2))
bayesx.construct(sx(x1, by = x2, center = TRUE))

## using a map for markov random fields
bayesx.construct(sx(id, bs = "mrf", map = FantasyBnd))

## random effects
bayesx.construct(sx(id, bs = "re"))

## examples using optional controlling
## parameters and objects
bayesx.construct(sx(x, bs = "ps", knots = 20))
bayesx.construct(sx(x, bs = "ps", nrknots = 20))
bayesx.construct(sx(x, bs = "ps", knots = 20, nocenter = TRUE))

## use of bs with original 
## BayesX syntax 
bayesx.construct(sx(x, bs = "psplinerw1"))
bayesx.construct(sx(x, bs = "psplinerw2"))
bayesx.construct(sx(x, z, bs = "pspline2dimrw2"))

bayesx.construct(sx(id, bs = "spatial", map = FantasyBnd))
bayesx.construct(sx(x, z, bs = "kriging"))
bayesx.construct(sx(id, bs = "geospline", map = FantasyBnd, nrknots = 5))
bayesx.construct(sx(x, bs = "catspecific"))

## Not run: 
## generate some data
n <- 200

## regressor
dat <- data.frame(x = runif(n, -3, 3))

## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6))

## estimate models with
## bayesx REML and MCMC
b1 <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x), method = "REML", data = dat)

## increase inner knots
## decrease degree of the P-spline
b2 <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x, knots = 30, degree = 2), method = "REML", data = dat)

## compare reported output
summary(c(b1, b2))

## plot the effect for both models
plot(c(b1, b2), residuals = TRUE)

## more examples
n <- 500

## regressors
dat <- data.frame(x = runif(n, -3, 3), z = runif(n, -3, 3),
  w = runif(n, 0, 6), fac = factor(rep(1:10, n/10)))

## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x) + cos(z) * sin(w) +
  c(2.67, 5, 6, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7, 9, 7.5)[fac] + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6))

## estimate model
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x) + sx(z, w, bs = "te") + fac,
  data = dat, method = "MCMC")


## now a mrf example
## note: the regional identification
## covariate and the map regionnames
## should be coded as integer
## simulate some geographical data
N <- length(MunichBnd); n <- N*5
names(MunichBnd) <- 1:N
## regressors
dat <- data.frame(x1 = runif(n, -3, 3),
  id = as.factor(rep(names(MunichBnd), length.out = n)))
dat$sp <- with(dat, sort(runif(N, -2, 2), decreasing = TRUE)[id])
## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x1) + sp + rnorm(n, sd = 1.2))

## estimate models with
## bayesx MCMC and REML
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x1) + sx(id, bs = "mrf", map = MunichBnd), 
  method = "REML", data = dat)

## summary statistics

## plot the effects
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(b, term = "sx(id)", map = MunichBnd, 
  main = "bayesx() estimate")
plotmap(MunichBnd, x = dat$sp, id = dat$id, 
  main = "Truth")

## model with random effects
N <- 30
n <- N*10

## regressors
dat <- data.frame(id = sort(rep(1:N, n/N)), x1 = runif(n, -3, 3))
dat$re <- with(dat, rnorm(N, sd = 0.6)[id])

## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x1) + re + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6))

## estimate model
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x1, bs = "psplinerw1") + sx(id, bs = "re"), data = dat)

## extract estimated random effects
## and compare with true effects
plot(fitted(b, term = "sx(id)")$Mean ~ unique(dat$re))

## End(Not run)

[Package R2BayesX version 1.1-5 Index]