bayesx {R2BayesX}R Documentation

Estimate STAR Models with BayesX


This is the documentation of the main model fitting function of the interface. Within function bayesx, three inferential concepts are available for estimation: Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation (MCMC), estimation based on mixed model technology and restricted maximum likelihood (REML), and a penalized least squares (respectively penalized likelihood) approach for estimating models using model selection tools (STEP).


bayesx(formula, data, weights = NULL, subset = NULL, 
  offset = NULL, na.action = NULL, contrasts = NULL, 
  control = bayesx.control(...), model = TRUE,
  chains = NULL, cores = NULL, ...)



symbolic description of the model (of type y ~ x), also see sx, formula.gam and s.


a data.frame or list containing the model response variable and covariates required by the formula. By default the variables are taken from environment(formula): typically the environment from which bayesx is called. Argument data may also be a character string defining the directory the data is stored, where the first row in the data set must contain the variable names and columns should be tab separated. Using this option will avoid loading the complete data into R, only the BayesX output files will be imported, which might be helpful using large datasets.


prior weights on the data.


an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.


can be used to supply a model offset for use in fitting.


a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NA's. The default is set by the na.action setting of options, and is na.omit if set to NULL.


an optional list. See the contrasts.arg of model.matrix.default.


specify several global control parameters for bayesx, see bayesx.control.


a logical value indicating whether model.frame should be included as a component of the returned value.


integer. The number of sequential chains that should be run, the default is one chain if chains = NULL. For each chain a separate seed for the random number generator is used. The return value of bayesx is a list of class "bayesx", i.e. each list element represents a seperate model, for which the user can e.g. apply all plotting methods or extractor functions. Convergence diagnostics can then be computed using function GRstats.


integer. How many cores should be used? The default is one core if cores = NULL. The return value is again a list of class "bayesx", for which all plotting and extractor functions can be applied, see argument chains. Note that this option is not available on Windows systems, see the documentation of function mclapply.


arguments passed to bayesx.control, e.g. family and method, defaults are family = "gaussian", method = "MCMC".


In BayesX, estimation of regression parameters is based on three inferential concepts:

Full Bayesian inference via MCMC: A fully Bayesian interpretation of structured additive regression models is obtained by specifying prior distributions for all unknown parameters. Estimation can be facilitated using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation techniques. BayesX provides numerically efficient implementations of MCMC schemes for structured additive regression models. Suitable proposal densities have been developed to obtain rapidly mixing, well-behaved sampling schemes without the need for manual tuning.

Inference via a mixed model representation: The other concept used for estimation is based on mixed model methodology. Within BayesX this concept has been extended to structured additive regression models and several types of non-standard regression situations. The general idea is to take advantage of the close connection between penalty concepts and corresponding random effects distributions. The smoothing parameters of the penalties then transform to variance components in the random effects (mixed) model. While the selection of smoothing parameters has been a difficult task for a long time, several estimation procedures for variance components in mixed models are already available since the 1970's. The most popular one is restricted maximum likelihood in Gaussian mixed models with marginal likelihood as the non-Gaussian counterpart. While regression coefficients are estimated based on penalized likelihood, restricted maximum likelihood or marginal likelihood estimation forms the basis for the determination of smoothing parameters. From a Bayesian perspective, this yields empirical Bayes/posterior mode estimates for the structured additive regression models. However, estimates can also merely be interpreted as penalized likelihood estimates from a frequentist perspective.

Penalized likelihood including variable selection: As a third alternative BayesX provides a penalized least squares (respectively penalized likelihood) approach for estimating structured additive regression models. In addition, a powerful variable and model selection tool is included. Model choice and estimation of the parameters is done simultaneously. The algorithms are able to

Inference is based on penalized likelihood in combination with fast algorithms for selecting relevant covariates and model terms. Different models are compared via various goodness of fit criteria, e.g. AIC, BIC, GCV and 5 or 10 fold cross validation.

Within the model fitting function bayesx, the different inferential concepts may be chosen by argument method of function bayesx.control. Options are "MCMC", "REML" and "STEP".

The wrapper function bayesx basically starts by setting up the necessary BayesX program file using function bayesx.construct, parse.bayesx.input and write.bayesx.input. Afterwards the generated program file is send to the command-line binary executable version of BayesX with run.bayesx. As a last step, function read.bayesx.output will read the estimated model object returned from BayesX back into R.

For estimation of STAR models, function bayesx uses formula syntax as provided in package mgcv (see formula.gam), i.e., models may be specified using the R2BayesX main model term constructor functions sx or the mgcv constructor functions s. For a detailed description of the model formula syntax used within bayesx models see also bayesx.construct and bayesx.term.options.

After the BayesX binary has successfully finished processing an object of class "bayesx" is returned, wherefore a set of standard extractor functions and methods is available, including methods to the generic functions print, summary, plot, residuals and fitted.

See fitted.bayesx, plot.bayesx, and summary.bayesx for more details on these methods.


A list of class "bayesx", see function read.bayesx.output.


For geographical effects, note that BayesX may crash if the region identification covariate is a factor, it is recommended to code these variables as integer, please see the example below.


If a model is specified with a structured and an unstructured spatial effect, e.g. the model formula is something like y ~ sx(id, bs = "mrf", map = MapBnd) + sx(id, bs = "re"), the model output contains of one additional total spatial effect, named with "sx(id):total". Also see the last example.


Nikolaus Umlauf, Thomas Kneib, Stefan Lang, Achim Zeileis.


Belitz C, Brezger A, Kneib T, Lang S (2011). BayesX - Software for Bayesian Inference in Structured Additive Regression Models. Version 2.0.1. URL

Belitz C, Lang S (2008). Simultaneous selection of variables and smoothing parameters in structured additive regression models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53, 61–81.

Brezger A, Kneib T, Lang S (2005). BayesX: Analyzing Bayesian Structured Additive Regression Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 14(11), 1–22. URL

Brezger A, Lang S (2006). Generalized Structured Additive Regression Based on Bayesian P-Splines. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 50, 947–991.

Fahrmeir L, Kneib T, Lang S (2004). Penalized Structured Additive Regression for Space Time Data: A Bayesian Perspective. Statistica Sinica, 14, 731–761.

Umlauf N, Adler D, Kneib T, Lang S, Zeileis A (2015). Structured Additive Regression Models: An R Interface to BayesX. Journal of Statistical Software, 63(21), 1–46.

See Also

parse.bayesx.input, write.bayesx.input, run.bayesx, read.bayesx.output, summary.bayesx, plot.bayesx, fitted.bayesx, bayesx.construct, bayesx.term.options, sx, formula.gam, s.


## generate some data
n <- 200

## regressor
dat <- data.frame(x = runif(n, -3, 3))

## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6))

## estimate models with
## bayesx REML and MCMC
b1 <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x), method = "REML", data = dat)

## same using mgcv syntax
b1 <- bayesx(y ~ s(x, bs = "ps", k = 20), method = "REML", data = dat)

## now with MCMC
b2 <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x), method = "MCMC", 
  iter = 1200, burnin = 200, data = dat)

## compare reported output
summary(c(b1, b2))

## plot the effect for both models
plot(c(b1, b2), residuals = TRUE)

## use confint
confint(b1, level = 0.99)
confint(b2, level = 0.99)

## Not run: 
## more examples
n <- 500

## regressors
dat <- data.frame(x = runif(n, -3, 3), z = runif(n, -3, 3),
  w = runif(n, 0, 6), fac = factor(rep(1:10, n/10)))

## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x) + cos(z) * sin(w) +
  c(2.67, 5, 6, 3, 4, 2, 6, 7, 9, 7.5)[fac] + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6))

## estimate models with
## bayesx MCMC and REML
## and compare with
## mgcv gam()
b1 <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x) + sx(z, w, bs = "te") + fac,
  data = dat, method = "MCMC")
b2 <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x) + sx(z, w, bs = "te") + fac,
  data = dat, method = "REML")
b3 <- gam(y ~ s(x, bs = "ps") + te(z, w, bs = "ps") + fac, 
  data = dat)

## summary statistics

## plot the effects
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(3, 2))
plot(b1, term = "sx(x)")
plot(b1, term = "sx(z,w)")
plot(b2, term = "sx(x)")
plot(b2, term = "sx(z,w)")
plot(b3, select = 1)
vis.gam(b3, c("z","w"), theta = 40, phi = 40)

## combine models b1 and b2
b <- c(b1, b2)

## summary

## only plot effect 2 of both models
plot(b, term = "sx(z,w)") 

## with residuals
plot(b, term = "sx(z,w)", residuals = TRUE) 

## same model with kriging
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x) + sx(z, w, bs = "kr") + fac, 
  method = "REML", data = dat)

## now a mrf example
## note: the regional identification
## covariate and the map regionnames
## should be coded as integer
## simulate some geographical data
N <- length(MunichBnd); n <- N*5
## regressors
dat <- data.frame(x1 = runif(n, -3, 3),
  id = as.factor(rep(names(MunichBnd), length.out = n)))
dat$sp <- with(dat, sort(runif(N, -2, 2), decreasing = TRUE)[id])
## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x1) + sp + rnorm(n, sd = 1.2))

## estimate models with
## bayesx MCMC and REML
b1 <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x1) + sx(id, bs = "mrf", map = MunichBnd), 
  method = "MCMC", data = dat)
b2 <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x1) + sx(id, bs = "mrf", map = MunichBnd), 
  method = "REML", data = dat)

## summary statistics

## plot the spatial effects
plot(b1, term = "sx(id)", map = MunichBnd, 
  main = "bayesx() MCMC estimate")
plot(b2, term = "sx(id)", map = MunichBnd, 
  main = "bayesx() REML estimate")
plotmap(MunichBnd, x = dat$sp, id = dat$id, 
  main = "Truth")

## try geosplines instead
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(id, bs = "gs", map = MunichBnd) + sx(x1), data = dat)
plot(b, term = "sx(id)", map = MunichBnd)

## geokriging
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(id, bs = "gk", map = MunichBnd) + sx(x1), 
  method = "REML", data = dat)
plot(b, term = "sx(id)", map = MunichBnd)

## perspective plot of the effect
plot(b, term = "sx(id)")

## image and contour plot 
plot(b, term = "sx(id)", image = TRUE, 
  contour = TRUE, grid = 200)

## model with random effects
N <- 30
n <- N*10

## regressors
dat <- data.frame(id = sort(rep(1:N, n/N)), x1 = runif(n, -3, 3))
dat$re <- with(dat, rnorm(N, sd = 0.6)[id])

## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x1) + re + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6))

## estimate model
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x1) + sx(id, bs = "re"), data = dat)

## extract estimated random effects
## and compare with true effects
plot(fitted(b, term = "sx(id)")$Mean ~ unique(dat$re))

## now a spatial example
## with structured and
## unstructered spatial 
## effect

## simulate some geographical data
N <- length(MunichBnd); names(MunichBnd) <- 1:N
n <- N*5

## regressors
dat <- data.frame(id = rep(1:N, n/N), x1 = runif(n, -3, 3))
dat$sp <- with(dat, sort(runif(N, -2, 2), decreasing = TRUE)[id])
dat$re <- with(dat, rnorm(N, sd = 0.6)[id])

## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x1) + sp + re + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6))

## estimate model
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x1) + 
  sx(id, bs = "mrf", map = MunichBnd) +
  sx(id, bs = "re"), method = "MCMC", data = dat)

## plot all spatial effects
plot(b, term = "sx(id):mrf", map = MunichBnd, 
  main = "Structured spatial effect")
plot(b, term = "sx(id):re", map = MunichBnd, 
  main = "Unstructured spatial effect")
plot(b, term = "sx(id):total", map = MunichBnd, 
  main = "Total spatial effect", digits = 4)

## some experiments with the
## stepwise algorithm
## generate some data
n <- 1000

## regressors
dat <- data.frame(x1 = runif(n, -3, 3), x2 = runif(n),
  x3 = runif(n, 3, 6), x4 = runif(n, 0, 1))

## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x1) + 0.6 * x2 + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6))

## estimate model with STEP
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x1) + sx(x2) + sx(x3) + sx(x4), 
  method = "STEP", algorithm = "cdescent1", CI = "MCMCselect", 
  iter = 10000, step = 10, data = dat)

## a probit example
n <- 1000
dat <- data.frame(x <- runif(n, -3, 3))

dat$z <- with(dat, sin(x) + rnorm(n))
dat$y <- rep(0, n)
dat$y[dat$z > 0] <- 1

b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x), family = "binomialprobit", data = dat)

## estimate varying coefficient models
n <- 1000
dat <- data.frame(x = runif(n, -3, 3), id = factor(rep(1:4, n/4)))

## response
dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x) * c(-1, 0.2, 1, 5)[id] + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6))

## estimate model
b <- bayesx(y ~ sx(x, by = id, center = TRUE),
  method = "REML", data = dat)
plot(b, resid = TRUE, cex.resid = 0.1)

## End(Not run)

[Package R2BayesX version 1.1-5 Index]