Multivariate Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘MVar’ version 2.2.1

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MVar-package Multivariate Analysis.
Biplot Biplot graph.
CA Correspondence Analysis (CA).
CCA Canonical Correlation Analysis(CCA).
Cluster Cluster Analysis.
CoefVar Coefficient of variation of the data.
DA Linear (LDA) and quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA).
DataCoffee Frequency data set.
DataFreq Frequency data set.
DataInd Frequency data set.
DataMix Mixed data set.
DataQuali Qualitative data set
DataQuan Quantitative data set
FA Factor Analysis (FA).
GrandTour Animation technique Grand Tour.
GSVD Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD).
IM Indicator matrix.
LocLab Function for better position of the labels in the graphs.
MDS Multidimensional Scaling (MDS).
MFA Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA).
NormData Normalizes the data.
NormTest Test of normality of the data.
PCA Principal Components Analysis (PCA).
Plot.CA Graphs of the simple (CA) and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA).
Plot.CCA Graphs of the Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA).
Plot.Cor Plot of correlations between variables.
Plot.FA Graphs of the Factorial Analysis (FA).
Plot.MFA Graphics of the Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA).
Plot.PCA Graphs of the Principal Components Analysis (PCA).
Plot.PP Graphics of the Projection Pursuit (PP).
Plot.Regr Graphs of the linear regression results.
PP_Index Function to find the Projection Pursuit indexes (PP).
PP_Optimizer Optimization function of the Projection Pursuit index (PP).
Regr Linear regression.
Scatter Scatter plot.