Revealing Splicing Dynamics at Single-Cell Resolution

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Documentation for package ‘MARVEL’ version 1.4.0

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adhocGene.DE.Gene.10x Differential gene expression analysis of specified gene
adhocGene.DE.PSI.10x Differential splice junction analysis of specified gene
adhocGene.PlotDEValues.10x Plot differential splice junction analysis results for a specified gene
adhocGene.PlotSJPosition.10x Plots the locations of specified splice junction relative to isoforms
adhocGene.TabulateExpression.Gene.10x Dotplot of gene expression values for a specified gene
adhocGene.TabulateExpression.PSI.10x Dotplot of splice junction expression values for a specified gene
AnnotateGenes.10x Annotate splice junctions
AnnotateSJ.10x Annotate splice junctions
AnnoVolcanoPlot Annotate volcano plot with nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) genes
AssignModality Assign modalities
BioPathways Pathway enrichment analysis
BioPathways.10x Pathway enrichment analysis
BioPathways.Plot Plot pathway enrichment analysis results
BioPathways.Plot.10x Plot pathway enrichment analysis results
CheckAlignment Pre-flight check
CheckAlignment.10x Pre-flight check
CheckAlignment.Exp Check gene data
CheckAlignment.PSI Check splicing data
CheckAlignment.PSI.Exp Check splicing and gene data against each other
CheckAlignment.SJ Check splice junction data
CompareExpr Compares gene expression changes based on nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) status
CompareValues Differential splicing and gene expression analysis
CompareValues.Exp Differential gene expression analysis
CompareValues.Exp.Spliced Differential gene expression analysis for differentially spliced genes
CompareValues.Genes.10x Differential gene expression analysis
CompareValues.PSI Differential splicing analysis
CompareValues.SJ.10x Differential splice junction analysis
ComputePSI Compute percent spliced-in (PSI) values
ComputePSI.A3SS Compute Alternative 3' Splice Site (A3SS) Percent Spliced-in (PSI) Values
ComputePSI.A5SS Compute alternative 5' splice site (A5SS) percent spliced-in (PSI) values
ComputePSI.AFE Compute alternative first exon (AFE) percent spliced-in (PSI) values
ComputePSI.ALE Compute alternative last exon (ALE) percent spliced-in (PSI) values
ComputePSI.MXE Compute mutually exclusive exons (MXE) percent spliced-in (PSI) values
ComputePSI.RI Compute retained-intron (RI) percent spliced-in (PSI) values
ComputePSI.SE Compute skipped-exon (SE) percent spliced-in (PSI) values
CountEvents Tabulate the number of expressed splicing events
CreateMarvelObject Create Marvel object for plate-based RNA-sequencing data
CreateMarvelObject.10x Create Marvel object for droplet-based RNA-sequencing data
DetectEvents Detect Splicing Events
DetectEvents.AFE Detect alternative first exons
DetectEvents.AFE.NegStrand Detect alternative first exons on negative strand
DetectEvents.AFE.PosStrand Detect alternative first exons on positive strand
DetectEvents.ALE Detect alternative last exons
DetectEvents.ALE.NegStrand Detect alternative last exons on negative strand
DetectEvents.ALE.PosStrand Detect alternative last exons on positive strand
FilterGenes.10x Filter specific gene types
FindPTC Find premature terminal codons (PTCs)
FindPTC.A3SS.NegStrand Find premature terminal codon (PTC) for alternative 3' splice site (A3SS) located on the negative strand of the transcript
FindPTC.A3SS.PosStrand Find premature terminal codon (PTC) for alternative 3' splice site (A3SS) located on the positive strand of the transcript
FindPTC.A5SS.NegStrand Find premature terminal codon (PTC) for alternative 5' splice site (A5SS) located on the negative strand of the transcript
FindPTC.A5SS.PosStrand Find premature terminal codon (PTC) for alternative 5' splice site (A5SS) located on the positive strand of the transcript
FindPTC.RI.NegStrand Find premature terminal codon (PTC) for retained-intron (RI) located on the negative strand of the transcript
FindPTC.RI.PosStrand Find premature terminal codon (PTC) for retained-Intron (RI) located on the positive strand of the transcript
FindPTC.SE.NegStrand Find premature terminal codon (PTC) for skipped-exon (SE) located on the negative Strand of the yranscript
FindPTC.SE.PosStrand Find premature terminal codon (PTC) for skipped-exon (SE) located on the positive strand of the transcript
IsoSwitch Classify gene-splicing relationship
IsoSwitch.10x Classify gene-splicing relationship
IsoSwitch.PlotExpr Plot gene-splicing relative change
ModalityChange Classify modality changes
ParseGTF Parse gene transfer file (GTF)
PctASE Tabulate differentially spliced splicing event
PlotDEValues Plot differential splicing and gene expression analysis results
PlotDEValues.Exp.Global Plot global differential gene expression analysis results
PlotDEValues.Exp.Spliced Plot differential gene expression analysis of differentially spliced genes
PlotDEValues.Genes.10x Plot differential gene analysis results
PlotDEValues.PSI.Distance Plot differential splicing analysis results based on distance statistics.
PlotDEValues.PSI.Mean Plot differential splicing analysis results based on mean PSI difference
PlotDEValues.PSI.Mean.g2vsg1 Plot differential splicing analysis results based on mean PSI difference
PlotDEValues.SJ.10x Plot differential splice junction analysis results
PlotPctExprCells.Genes.10x Plot gene expression distribution
PlotPctExprCells.SJ.10x Plot splice junction expression distribution
PlotValues Plot percent spliced-in (PSI) or gene expression values
PlotValues.Exp Plot gene expression values
PlotValues.PCA.CellGroup.10x Annotate reduced dimension space with cell feature
PlotValues.PCA.Gene.10x Annotate reduced dimension space with gene expression values
PlotValues.PCA.PSI.10x Annotate reduced dimension space with PSI values
PlotValues.PSI Plot percent spliced-in (PSI) values
PropModality Tabulate modality proportion
PropModality.Bar Modality proportion broken down by event type
PropModality.Doughnut Overall modality proportion
PropPTC Tabulate proportion of transcripts with PTC
RunPCA Principle component analysis
RunPCA.Exp Principle component analysis for gene Data
RunPCA.PSI Principle component analysis for splicing data
SubsetCrypticA3SS Differential gene expression analysis for differentially spliced genes
SubsetSamples Subset samples (cells)
TransformExpValues Transform gene expression Values
ValidateSJ.10x Validate splice junctions