after_ortho_format |
Formatted output of OrthoMCL. |
after_ortho_format_grps |
Formatted output of OrthoMCL. |
AnalyzeOrthoMCL |
Main OrthoMCL Analysis |
CalculatePrincipalCoordinates |
Show Principal Components Breakdown |
FormatAfterOrtho |
Format file from output of OrthoMCL algorithm before use in AnalyzeOrthoMCL |
FormatMCLFastas |
Format all raw GenBank fastas to single OrthoMCL compatible fasta file |
joined_mtrx |
Final output of join_repset. |
joined_mtrx_grps |
Final output of join_repset. |
JoinRepSeq |
Join Representative Sequences |
ManhatGrp |
Manhattan Plot of All Taxa |
mcl_mtrx |
Final output of AnalyzeOrthoMCL |
mcl_mtrx_grps |
Final output of AnalyzeOrthoMCL |
PDGPlot |
Plot of a PDG and Data with Standard Error Bars |
Number of PDGs vs OGs/PDG |
pheno_data |
Triglyceride (TAG) content of fruit flies dataset. |
PhyDataError |
Phylogenetic Tree with Attached Bar Plot and Standard Error Bars |
PrintOGSeqs |
Print OG Sequences |
QQPlotter |
QQPlot |
Write RAST files to Genbank formats OrthoMCL Analysis |
starv_pheno_data |
Starvation rate of fruit flies dataset. |
SurvAppendMatrix |
Append Survival Test Outputs |
WriteMCL |
Print analyzed matrix |