AnalyzeOrthoMCL {MAGNAMWAR}R Documentation

Main OrthoMCL Analysis


Main function for analyzing the statistical association of OG (orthologous group) presence with phenotype data


AnalyzeOrthoMCL(mcl_data, pheno_data, model, species_name, resp = NULL,
  fix2 = NULL, rndm1 = NULL, rndm2 = NULL, multi = 1, time = NULL,
  event = NULL, time2 = NULL, startnum = 1, stopnum = "end",
  output_dir = NULL, sig_digits = NULL, princ_coord = 0)



output of FormatAfterOrtho; a list of matrices; (1) a presence/absence matrix of taxa per OG, (2) a list of the specific protein ids within each OG


a data frame of phenotypic data with specific column names used to specify response variable as well as other fixed and random effects


linear model with gene presence as fixed effect (lm), linear mixed mffect models with gene presence as fixed effect and additional variables specified as: one random effect (lmeR1); two independent random effects (lmeR2ind); two random effects with rndm2 nested in rndm1 (lmeR2nest); or two independent random effects with one additional fixed effect (lmeF2), Wilcox Test with gene presence as fixed effect (wx), Survival Tests with support for multi core design: with two random effects (survmulti), and with two times as well as an additional fixed variable (survmulticensor)


Column name in pheno_data containing 4-letter species designations


Column name in pheno_data containing response variable


Column name in pheno_data containing second fixed effect


Column name in pheno_data containing first random variable


Column name in pheno_data containing second random variable


(can only be used with survival tests) Number of cores


(can only be used with survival tests) Column name in pheno_data containing first time


(can only be used with survival tests) Column name in pheno_data containing event


(can only be used with survival tests) Column name in pheno_data containing second time


number of test to start on


number of test to stop on


(if using survival tests) directory where small output files will be placed before using SurvAppendMatrix. Must specify a directory if choosing to output small files, else only written as a matrix


amount of digits to display for p-values and means of data; default to NULL (no rounding)


the number of principle coordinates to be included in model as fixed effects (1, 2, or 3), if a decimal is specified, as many principal coordinates as are needed to account for that percentage of the variance will be included in the analysis


A matrix with the following columns: OG, p-values, Bonferroni corrected p-values, mean phenotype of OG-containing taxa, mean pheotype of OG-lacking taxa, taxa included in OG, taxa not included in OG


#Linear Model

## Not run: 
mcl_mtrx <- AnalyzeOrthoMCL(after_ortho_format, pheno_data, 'lm',
 'Treatment', resp='RespVar')

## End(Not run)

# the rest of the examples are not run for time's sake
#Linear Mixed Effect with one random effect
## Not run: 
mcl_mtrx <- AnalyzeOrthoMCL(after_ortho_format, pheno_data, 'lmeR1',
'Treatment', resp='RespVar', rndm1='Experiment')

## End(Not run)

#Linear Mixed Effect with two independent random effects
## Not run: 
mcl_mtrx <- AnalyzeOrthoMCL(after_ortho_format, pheno_data, 'lmeR2ind',
 'Treatment', resp='RespVar', rndm1='Experiment', rndm2='Vial')

## End(Not run)

#Linear Mixed Effect with rndm2 nested in rndm1
## Not run: 
mcl_mtrx <- AnalyzeOrthoMCL(after_ortho_format, pheno_data, 'lmeR2nest',
 'Treatment',  resp='RespVar', rndm1='Experiment', rndm2='Vial')

## End(Not run) 

#Linear Mixed Effect with two independent random effects and one additional fixed effect
## Not run: 
mcl_mtrx3 <- AnalyzeOrthoMCL(after_ortho_format, pheno_data, 'lmeF2',
 'Treatment', resp='RespVar', fix2='Treatment', rndm1='Experiment', rndm2='Vial', princ_coord = 4)

## End(Not run)

#Wilcoxon Test
## Not run: 
mcl_mtrx <- AnalyzeOrthoMCL(after_ortho_format, pheno_data, 'wx',
 'Treatment', resp='RespVar')

## End(Not run)

# ~ 5 minutes
#Survival with two independent random effects, run on multiple cores
## Not run: 
mcl_mtrx <- AnalyzeOrthoMCL(after_ortho_format, starv_pheno_data, 'TRT', model='survmulti',
 time='t2', event='event', rndm1='EXP', rndm2='VIAL', multi=1)

## End(Not run)

# ~ 5 minutes
#Survival with two independent random effects and one additional fixed effect,
#including drops on multi cores
## Not run: 
mcl_mtrx <- AnalyzeOrthoMCL(after_ortho_format, starv_pheno_data, 'TRT', model='survmulticensor',
 time='t1', time2='t2', event='event', rndm1='EXP', rndm2='VIAL', fix2='BACLO', multi=1)
## End(Not run)
#to be appended with SurvAppendMatrix

[Package MAGNAMWAR version 2.0.4 Index]