Practical Smoothing with P-Splines

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Documentation for package ‘JOPS’ version 0.1.19

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JOPS-package Joys of P-Splines
bbase Compute a B-spline basis matrix
binit Translated number vector to bin index.
bone_data Spinal bone relative mineral density
cbase Compute a circular B-spline basis matrix
cdiff Compute a second order circular differencing matrix
CGHsim Simulation of CGH data
clone_base Clone a B-spline basis for new x
Complaints Environmental complaints from the Rijnomond area of The Netherlands
count2d Create a matrix of counts.
dev_calc Deviance calculation for GLM P-spline fitting.
Disks Prices of hard disk drives
ECG A section of an ECG (electrocardiogram)
fitampl Fit amplitude coeffcients in the bundle model for expectiles
fitasy Fit asymmetry parameters in the expectile bundle model
G519C18 Chromosome G519C18 data
Greece_deaths Deaths in Greece in 1960.
Hepatitis Prevalence of Hepatitis among a sample of Bulgarian males.
hist2d Compute a 2D histogram
hist2dsm Smooth a 2D histogram
indiumoxide An X-ray diffractogram.
inverse_link Inverse link function, used for GLM fitting.
JOPS Joys of P-Splines
JOPS_colors Custom color ramp.
JOPS_point Themeing functions used to unify ggplot features
JOPS_theme Custom theme for ggplot
LAPS_dens Bayesian density estimation
Mixture Mixture Data
ova Ovarian cancer data
pclm Fit a composite link model
plot.ps2dglm Plotting function for 'ps2DGLM'
plot.ps2dnormal Plotting function for 'ps2DNormal'
plot.ps2dsignal Plotting function for 'ps2DSignal'
plot.pspfit Plotting function for 'psNormal', 'psPoisson', 'psBinomial'
plot.pssignal Plotting function for 'psSignal'
plot.psvcsignal Plotting function for 'psVCSignal'
plot.simpsr Plotting function for 'sim_psr'
plot.simvcpsr Plotting function for 'sim_vcpsr'
predict.ps2dglm Predict function for 'ps2DGLM'
predict.ps2dnormal Predict function for 'ps2DNormal'
predict.ps2dsignal Predict function for 'ps2DSignal'
predict.pspfit Predict function for 'psNormal', 'psBinomial', 'psPoisson'
predict.pssignal Predict function for 'psSignal'
predict.psvcsignal Predict function for 'psVCSignal'
predict.simpsr Predict function for 'sim_psr'
predict.simvcpsr Predict function for 'sim_vcpsr'
ps2DGLM Two-dimensional smoothing of scattered normal or non-normal (GLM) responses using tensor product P-splines.
ps2DNormal Two-dimensional smoothing scattered (normal) data using P-splines.
ps2DSignal Two-dimensional penalized signal regression using P-splines.
ps2D_PartialDeriv Partial derivative two-dimensional smoothing scattered (normal) data using P-splines.
psBinomial Smoothing scattered binomial data using P-splines.
psNormal Smoothing scattered (normal) data using P-splines.
psNormal_Deriv Derivative for a P-spline fit of scattered (normal) data.
pspline2d_checker P-spline 2D tensor product checking algorithm for the GLM.
pspline_checker P-spline checking algorithm for the GLM.
pspline_fitter P-spline fitting algorithm for the GLM.
psPoisson Smoothing scattered Poisson data using P-splines.
psSignal Smooth signal (multivariate calibration) regression using P-splines.
psVCSignal Varying-coefficient penalized signal regression using P-splines.
rdw Observations on the widths of red blood cell distributions (RDW).
rowtens Compute the row tensor product of two matrices
save_PDF Save a plot as a PDF file.
set_panels Prepare graphics layout for multiple panels
set_window Open a graphics window.
sim_psr Single-Index signal regression using P-splines
sim_vcpsr Varying-coefficient single-index signal regression using tensor P-splines.
SpATS.nogeno Two-dimensional P-spline smoothing
spbase Compute a sparse B-spline basis on evenly spaced knots
Sugar Sugar Processing Data
Suicide Suicide Data Set
tpower Compute a truncated power function.
Varstar Brightness of a variable star.
Woodsurf Profile of a sanded piece of wood.