JOPS-package |
Joys of P-Splines |
bbase |
Compute a B-spline basis matrix |
binit |
Translated number vector to bin index. |
bone_data |
Spinal bone relative mineral density |
cbase |
Compute a circular B-spline basis matrix |
cdiff |
Compute a second order circular differencing matrix |
CGHsim |
Simulation of CGH data |
clone_base |
Clone a B-spline basis for new x |
Complaints |
Environmental complaints from the Rijnomond area of The Netherlands |
count2d |
Create a matrix of counts. |
dev_calc |
Deviance calculation for GLM P-spline fitting. |
Disks |
Prices of hard disk drives |
A section of an ECG (electrocardiogram) |
fitampl |
Fit amplitude coeffcients in the bundle model for expectiles |
fitasy |
Fit asymmetry parameters in the expectile bundle model |
G519C18 |
Chromosome G519C18 data |
Greece_deaths |
Deaths in Greece in 1960. |
Hepatitis |
Prevalence of Hepatitis among a sample of Bulgarian males. |
hist2d |
Compute a 2D histogram |
hist2dsm |
Smooth a 2D histogram |
indiumoxide |
An X-ray diffractogram. |
inverse_link |
Inverse link function, used for GLM fitting. |
Joys of P-Splines |
JOPS_colors |
Custom color ramp. |
JOPS_point |
Themeing functions used to unify ggplot features |
JOPS_theme |
Custom theme for ggplot |
LAPS_dens |
Bayesian density estimation |
Mixture |
Mixture Data |
ova |
Ovarian cancer data |
pclm |
Fit a composite link model |
plot.ps2dglm |
Plotting function for 'ps2DGLM' |
plot.ps2dnormal |
Plotting function for 'ps2DNormal' |
plot.ps2dsignal |
Plotting function for 'ps2DSignal' |
plot.pspfit |
Plotting function for 'psNormal', 'psPoisson', 'psBinomial' |
plot.pssignal |
Plotting function for 'psSignal' |
plot.psvcsignal |
Plotting function for 'psVCSignal' |
plot.simpsr |
Plotting function for 'sim_psr' |
plot.simvcpsr |
Plotting function for 'sim_vcpsr' |
predict.ps2dglm |
Predict function for 'ps2DGLM' |
predict.ps2dnormal |
Predict function for 'ps2DNormal' |
predict.ps2dsignal |
Predict function for 'ps2DSignal' |
predict.pspfit |
Predict function for 'psNormal', 'psBinomial', 'psPoisson' |
predict.pssignal |
Predict function for 'psSignal' |
predict.psvcsignal |
Predict function for 'psVCSignal' |
predict.simpsr |
Predict function for 'sim_psr' |
predict.simvcpsr |
Predict function for 'sim_vcpsr' |
ps2DGLM |
Two-dimensional smoothing of scattered normal or non-normal (GLM) responses using tensor product P-splines. |
ps2DNormal |
Two-dimensional smoothing scattered (normal) data using P-splines. |
ps2DSignal |
Two-dimensional penalized signal regression using P-splines. |
ps2D_PartialDeriv |
Partial derivative two-dimensional smoothing scattered (normal) data using P-splines. |
psBinomial |
Smoothing scattered binomial data using P-splines. |
psNormal |
Smoothing scattered (normal) data using P-splines. |
psNormal_Deriv |
Derivative for a P-spline fit of scattered (normal) data. |
pspline2d_checker |
P-spline 2D tensor product checking algorithm for the GLM. |
pspline_checker |
P-spline checking algorithm for the GLM. |
pspline_fitter |
P-spline fitting algorithm for the GLM. |
psPoisson |
Smoothing scattered Poisson data using P-splines. |
psSignal |
Smooth signal (multivariate calibration) regression using P-splines. |
psVCSignal |
Varying-coefficient penalized signal regression using P-splines. |
rdw |
Observations on the widths of red blood cell distributions (RDW). |
rowtens |
Compute the row tensor product of two matrices |
save_PDF |
Save a plot as a PDF file. |
set_panels |
Prepare graphics layout for multiple panels |
set_window |
Open a graphics window. |
sim_psr |
Single-Index signal regression using P-splines |
sim_vcpsr |
Varying-coefficient single-index signal regression using tensor P-splines. |
SpATS.nogeno |
Two-dimensional P-spline smoothing |
spbase |
Compute a sparse B-spline basis on evenly spaced knots |
Sugar |
Sugar Processing Data |
Suicide |
Suicide Data Set |
tpower |
Compute a truncated power function. |
Varstar |
Brightness of a variable star. |
Woodsurf |
Profile of a sanded piece of wood. |