fitasy {JOPS}R Documentation

Fit asymmetry parameters in the expectile bundle model


There are two functions for fitting the expectile bundle model, the present one for estimating asymmetry parameters (fitasy), the other for estimating the amplitude function, fitampl. See the details below.


fitasy(y, B, b, p, c0)



a response vector.


a proper B-spline basis matrix, see bbase().


a vector of B-spline coefficients.


a vector of asymmetries with values between 0 and 1.


a vector.


The expectile bundle model determines a set of expectile curves for a point cloud with data vectors x and y, as ψjxi=ajg(xi)\psi_j{x_i} = a_j g(x_i). Here aja_j is the asymmetry parameter corresponding to a given asymmetry pjp_j. A vector of asymmetries with all 0<pj<10 <p_j < 1 is specified by the user.

The asymmetric least squares objective function is

jiwij(yijajgj(xi))2.\sum_j \sum_i w_{ij}(y_i - \sum_j a_j g_j(x_i))^2.

The function g()g(\cdot) is called the amplitude. The weights depend on the residuals:

wij=pjw_{ij} = p_j

if yi>ajg(xi)y_i > a_jg(x_i) and wij=1pjw_{ij} = 1- p_j otherwise.

The amplitude function is a sum of B-splines with coefficients alpha. There is no direct solution, so alpha and the asymmetry parameters a must be updated alternatingly. See the example.


a vector of estimated asymmetry parameters .


This is a simplification of the model described in the reference. There is no explict term for the trend.


Paul Eilers


Schnabel, S.K. and Eilers, P.H.C. (2013) A location-scale model for non-crossing expectile curves. Stat 2: 171–183.

Eilers, P.H.C. and Marx, B.D. (2021). Practical Smoothing, The Joys of P-splines. Cambridge University Press.


# Get the data
x = bone_data$age
y = bone_data$spnbmd
m <- length(x)

# Set asymmetry levels
p = c(0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.98, 0.99, 0.995)
np <- length(p)

# Set P-spline parameters
x0 <- 5
x1 <- 30
ndx <- 20
bdeg <- 3
pord <- 2

# Compute bases
B <- bbase(x, x0, x1, ndx, bdeg)
xg <- seq(from = min(x), to = max(x), length = 100)
Bg <- clone_base(B, xg)
n <- ncol(B)

lambda = 1
alpha <- rep(1,n)
a = p
for (it in 1:20){
  alpha <- fitampl(y, B, alpha, p, a, pord, lambda)
  alpha <- alpha / sqrt(mean(alpha ^ 2))
  anew <- fitasy(y, B, alpha, p, a)
  da = max(abs(a - anew))
  a = anew
  cat(it, da, '\n')
     if (da < 1e-6) break

# Compute bundle on grid
ampl <- Bg %*% alpha
Z <- ampl %*% a

# Plot data and bundle
plot(x, y, pch = 15, cex = 0.7, col = 'grey', xlab = 'Age', ylab = 'Density')
cols = colorspace::rainbow_hcl(np, start = 10, end = 350)
matlines(xg, Z, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = cols)

[Package JOPS version 0.1.19 Index]