Statistical Visualization Tools

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Documentation for package ‘statVisual’ version 1.2.1

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barPlot Compare Groups Based on Barplots Across Time
BiAxisErrBar Compare Patterns of Two Outcomes in One Scatter Plot
Box Compare Groups Based on Boxplots Across Time
BoxROC Compare Boxplots with ROC Curve
cv_glmnet_plot Plot the Cross-Validation Curve Produced by cv.glmnet
Den Compare Groups Based on Density Plots
Dendro Compare Groups Based on Dendrogram
diffCorDat A Dataset for Differential Correlation Analysis
ErrBar Compare Groups Based on dotplots Across Time
esSim A Simulated Gene Expression Dataset
genoSim An ExpressionSet Object Storing Simulated Genotype Data
Heat Heatmap with Row Names Colored by Group
Hist Compare Groups Based on Histograms
ImpPlot Plot of Variable Importance
iprcomp Improved Function for Obtaining Principal Components
LinePlot Compare Groups Based on Trajectory Plots
longDat A Simulated Dataset for Longitudinal Data Analysis
PCA_score Scatter Plot of 2 Specified Principal Components
PVCA Principal Variance Component Analysis (PVCA)
stackedBarPlot Draw Stacked Bar Plots
statVisual The Wrapper Function Incorporating All Wrapper Functions in statVisual
Volcano Volcano Plot
XYscatter Compare Groups Based on Scatter Plots