barPlot |
Compare Groups Based on Barplots Across Time |
BiAxisErrBar |
Compare Patterns of Two Outcomes in One Scatter Plot |
Box |
Compare Groups Based on Boxplots Across Time |
BoxROC |
Compare Boxplots with ROC Curve |
cv_glmnet_plot |
Plot the Cross-Validation Curve Produced by cv.glmnet |
Den |
Compare Groups Based on Density Plots |
Dendro |
Compare Groups Based on Dendrogram |
diffCorDat |
A Dataset for Differential Correlation Analysis |
ErrBar |
Compare Groups Based on dotplots Across Time |
esSim |
A Simulated Gene Expression Dataset |
genoSim |
An ExpressionSet Object Storing Simulated Genotype Data |
Heat |
Heatmap with Row Names Colored by Group |
Hist |
Compare Groups Based on Histograms |
ImpPlot |
Plot of Variable Importance |
iprcomp |
Improved Function for Obtaining Principal Components |
LinePlot |
Compare Groups Based on Trajectory Plots |
longDat |
A Simulated Dataset for Longitudinal Data Analysis |
PCA_score |
Scatter Plot of 2 Specified Principal Components |
Principal Variance Component Analysis (PVCA) |
stackedBarPlot |
Draw Stacked Bar Plots |
statVisual |
The Wrapper Function Incorporating All Wrapper Functions in statVisual |
Volcano |
Volcano Plot |
XYscatter |
Compare Groups Based on Scatter Plots |