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Documentation for package ‘scrutiny’ version 0.4.0

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-- A --

anti_trunc Uncommon rounding procedures
audit Summarize scrutiny objects
audit-special Summarize output of sequence mappers and total-n mappers
audit_cols_minimal Compute minimal 'audit()' summaries
audit_seq Summarize output of sequence mappers and total-n mappers
audit_total_n Summarize output of sequence mappers and total-n mappers

-- B --

before_parens Extract substrings from before and inside parentheses

-- C --

check_audit_special Alert user if more specific audit_*() summaries are available
check_mapper_input_colnames Check that a mapper's input has correct column names

-- D --

data-frame-predicates Is an object a consistency test output tibble?
debit The DEBIT (descriptive binary) test
debit_map Apply DEBIT to many cases
debit_map_seq Using DEBIT with dispersed inputs
debit_map_total_n Use DEBIT with hypothetical group sizes
debit_plot Visualize DEBIT results
decimal_places Count decimal places
decimal_places_df Count decimal places in a data frame
decimal_places_scalar Count decimal places
disperse Vary hypothetical group sizes
disperse2 Vary hypothetical group sizes
disperse_total Vary hypothetical group sizes
duplicate_count Count duplicate values
duplicate_count_colpair Count duplicate values by column
duplicate_detect Detect duplicate values
duplicate_tally Count duplicates at each observation

-- F --

fractional-rounding Generalized rounding to the nearest fraction of a specified denominator
function_map Create new *_map() functions
function_map_seq Create new *_map_seq() functions
function_map_total_n Create new *_map_total_n() functions

-- G --

grim The GRIM test (granularity-related inconsistency of means)
grim-stats Possible GRIM inconsistencies
grimmer The GRIMMER test (granularity-related inconsistency of means mapped to error repeats)
grimmer_map GRIMMER-test many cases at once
grimmer_map_seq GRIMMER-testing with dispersed inputs
grimmer_map_total_n GRIMMER-testing with hypothetical group sizes
grim_granularity Granularity of non-continuous scales
grim_items Granularity of non-continuous scales
grim_map GRIM-test many cases at once
grim_map_seq GRIM-testing with dispersed inputs
grim_map_total_n GRIM-testing with hypothetical group sizes
grim_plot Visualize GRIM test results
grim_ratio Possible GRIM inconsistencies
grim_ratio_upper Possible GRIM inconsistencies
grim_total Possible GRIM inconsistencies

-- I --

inside_parens Extract substrings from before and inside parentheses
is_equal_set Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_equal_set_vals Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_equal_set_vecs Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_map_basic_df Is an object a consistency test output tibble?
is_map_df Is an object a consistency test output tibble?
is_map_seq_df Is an object a consistency test output tibble?
is_map_total_n_df Is an object a consistency test output tibble?
is_numeric_like Test whether a vector is numeric or coercible to numeric
is_proper_subset_of Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_proper_subset_of_vals Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_proper_subset_of_vecs Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_proper_superset_of Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_proper_superset_of_vals Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_proper_superset_of_vecs Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_seq_ascending Is a vector a certain kind of sequence?
is_seq_descending Is a vector a certain kind of sequence?
is_seq_dispersed Is a vector a certain kind of sequence?
is_seq_linear Is a vector a certain kind of sequence?
is_subset_of Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_subset_of_vals Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_subset_of_vecs Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_superset_of Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_superset_of_vals Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets
is_superset_of_vecs Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets

-- M --

manage_helper_col Helper column operations
manage_key_colnames Enable name-independent key column identification

-- P --

parens-extractors Extract substrings from before and inside parentheses
pigs1 Means and sample sizes for GRIM-testing
pigs2 Percentages and sample sizes for GRIM-testing
pigs3 Binary means and standard deviations for using DEBIT
pigs4 Data with duplications
pigs5 Means, SDs, and sample sizes for GRIMMER-testing

-- R --

reround General interface to reconstructing rounded numbers
reround_to_fraction Generalized rounding to the nearest fraction of a specified denominator
reround_to_fraction_level Generalized rounding to the nearest fraction of a specified denominator
restore_zeros Restore trailing zeros
restore_zeros_df Restore trailing zeros
reverse_map_seq Reverse the *_map_seq() process
reverse_map_total_n Reverse the *_map_total_n() process
rounding-common Common rounding procedures
rounding-uncommon Uncommon rounding procedures
rounding_bias Compute rounding bias
round_anti_trunc Uncommon rounding procedures
round_ceiling Uncommon rounding procedures
round_down Common rounding procedures
round_down_from Common rounding procedures
round_floor Uncommon rounding procedures
round_trunc Uncommon rounding procedures
round_up Common rounding procedures
round_up_from Common rounding procedures
row_to_colnames Turn row values into column names

-- S --

sd-binary Standard deviation of binary data
sd_binary_0_n Standard deviation of binary data
sd_binary_1_n Standard deviation of binary data
sd_binary_groups Standard deviation of binary data
sd_binary_mean_n Standard deviation of binary data
seq-decimal Sequence generation at decimal level
seq-predicates Is a vector a certain kind of sequence?
seq_disperse Sequence generation with dispersion at decimal level
seq_disperse_df Sequence generation with dispersion at decimal level
seq_distance Sequence generation at decimal level
seq_distance_df Sequence generation at decimal level
seq_endpoint Sequence generation at decimal level
seq_endpoint_df Sequence generation at decimal level
seq_length Set sequence length
seq_length<- Set sequence length
seq_test_ranking Rank sequence test results
split_by_parens Split columns by parentheses, brackets, braces, or similar
subset-superset Test for subsets, supersets, and equal sets

-- U --

unnest_consistency_cols Unnest a test result column
unround Reconstruct rounding bounds

-- W --

write_doc_audit Documentation template for 'audit()'
write_doc_audit_seq Documentation template for 'audit_seq()'
write_doc_audit_total_n Documentation template for 'audit_total_n()'
write_doc_factory_map_conventions Documentation template for function factory conventions