unround {scrutiny}R Documentation

Reconstruct rounding bounds


unround() takes a rounded number and returns the range of the original value: lower and upper bounds for the hypothetical earlier number that was later rounded to the input number. It also displays a range with inequation signs, showing whether the bounds are inclusive or not.

By default, the presumed rounding method is rounding up (or down) from 5. See the Rounding section for other methods.


unround(x, rounding = "up_or_down", threshold = 5, digits = NULL)



String or numeric. Rounded number. x must be a string unless digits is specified (most likely by a function that uses unround() as a helper).


String. Rounding method presumably used to create x. Default is "up_or_down". For more, see section Rounding.


Integer. Number from which to round up or down. Other rounding methods are not affected. Default is 5.


Integer. This argument is meant to make unround() more efficient to use as a helper function so that it doesn't need to redundantly count decimal places. Don't specify it otherwise. Default is NULL, in which case decimal places really are counted internally and x must be a string.


The function is vectorized over x and rounding. This can be useful to unround multiple numbers at once, or to check how a single number is unrounded with different assumed rounding methods.

If both vectors have a length greater than 1, it must be the same length. However, this will pair numbers with rounding methods, which can be confusing. It is recommended that at least one of these input vectors has length 1.

Why does x need to be a string if digits is not specified? In that case, unround() must count decimal places by itself. If x then was numeric, it wouldn't have any trailing zeros because these get dropped from numerics.

Trailing zeros are as important for reconstructing boundary values as any other trailing digits would be. Strings don't drop trailing zeros, so they are used instead.


A tibble with seven columns: range, rounding, lower, incl_lower, x, incl_upper, and upper. The range column is a handy representation of the information stored in the columns from lower to upper, in the same order.


Depending on how x was rounded, the boundary values can be inclusive or exclusive. The incl_lower and incl_upper columns in the resulting tibble are TRUE in the first case and FALSE in the second. The range column reflects this with equation and inequation signs.

However, these ranges are based on assumptions about the way x was rounded. Set rounding to the rounding method that hypothetically lead to x:

Value of rounding Corresponding range
"up_or_down" (default) ⁠lower <= x <= upper⁠
"up" ⁠lower <= x < upper⁠
"down" ⁠lower < x <= upper⁠
"even" (no fix range)
"ceiling" lower < x = upper
"floor" lower = x < upper
"trunc" (positive x) lower = x < upper
"trunc" (negative x) lower < x = upper
"trunc" (zero x) ⁠lower < x < upper⁠
"anti_trunc" (positive x) lower < x = upper
"anti_trunc" (negative x) lower = x < upper
"anti_trunc" (zero x) (undefined; NA)

Base R's own round() (R version >= 4.0.0), referenced by rounding = "even", is reconstructed in the same way as "up_or_down", but whether the boundary values are inclusive or not is hard to predict. Therefore, unround() checks if they are, and informs you about it.

See Also

For more about rounding "up", "down", or to "even", see round_up().

For more about the less likely rounding methods, "ceiling", "floor", "trunc", and "anti_trunc", see round_ceiling().


# By default, the function assumes that `x`
# was either rounded up or down:
unround(x = "2.7")

# If `x` was rounded up, run this:
unround(x = "2.7", rounding = "up")

# Likewise with rounding down...
unround(x = "2.7", rounding = "down")

# ...and with `base::round()` which, broadly
# speaking, rounds to the nearest even number:
unround(x = "2.7", rounding = "even")

# Multiple input number-strings return
# multiple rows in the output data frame:
unround(x = c(3.6, "5.20", 5.174))

[Package scrutiny version 0.4.0 Index]