Working with Rotation Data

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Documentation for package ‘rotations’ version 1.6.5

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A B C D F G H I L M N P Q R S T U V W Z misc

-- A --

Angular-distributions Angular distributions
Arithmetic Arithmetic operators on SO(3)
as.Q4 'Q4' class for storing rotation data as quaternions 'Q4' class for storing rotation data as quaternions
as.Q4.default 'Q4' class for storing rotation data as quaternions
as.Q4.Q4 'Q4' class for storing rotation data as quaternions
as.Q4.SO3 'Q4' class for storing rotation data as quaternions
as.SO3 'SO3' class for storing rotation data as rotation matrices 'SO3' class for storing rotation data as rotation matrices
as.SO3.default 'SO3' class for storing rotation data as rotation matrices
as.SO3.Q4 'SO3' class for storing rotation data as rotation matrices
as.SO3.SO3 'SO3' class for storing rotation data as rotation matrices

-- B --

bayes.mean Parameter estimates based on non-informative Bayes
bayes.mean.Q4 Parameter estimates based on non-informative Bayes
bayes.mean.SO3 Parameter estimates based on non-informative Bayes
bayesCR Bayes credible regions
bayesCR.Q4 Bayes credible regions
bayesCR.SO3 Bayes credible regions

-- C --

Cayley The symmetric Cayley distribution
cayley.kappa Circular variance and concentration parameter
center Center rotation data
center.Q4 Center rotation data
center.SO3 Center rotation data
chang M-estimator asymptotic confidence region
chang.Q4 M-estimator asymptotic confidence region
chang.SO3 M-estimator asymptotic confidence region

-- D --

dcayley The symmetric Cayley distribution
dfisher The matrix-Fisher distribution
dhaar Uniform distribution
discord Measure of Discord
dmaxwell The modified Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
drill Drill data set
duars Generic UARS Distribution
dvmises The circular-von Mises distribution

-- F --

Fisher The matrix-Fisher distribution
fisher.kappa Circular variance and concentration parameter
fisheretal Transformation based pivotal bootstrap confidence region
fisheretal.Q4 Transformation based pivotal bootstrap confidence region
fisheretal.SO3 Transformation based pivotal bootstrap confidence region

-- G --

genR Generate rotations Gradient optimization for rotation data

-- H --

Haar Uniform distribution
head Return the First or Last Parts of an Object
head.Q4 Return the First or Last Parts of an Object
head.SO3 Return the First or Last Parts of an Object

-- I --

id.Q4 'Q4' class for storing rotation data as quaternions
id.SO3 'SO3' class for storing rotation data as rotation matrices
is.Q4 'Q4' class for storing rotation data as quaternions
is.SO3 'SO3' class for storing rotation data as rotation matrices

-- L --

log.SO3 Rotation logarithm

-- M --

Maxwell The modified Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
maxwell.kappa Circular variance and concentration parameter
MCMCSO3 MCMC for rotation data
MCMCSO3.Q4 MCMC for rotation data
MCMCSO3.SO3 MCMC for rotation data
mean Mean rotation
mean.Q4 Mean rotation
mean.SO3 Mean rotation
median Median rotation
median.Q4 Median rotation
median.SO3 Median rotation
mis.angle Misorientation angle
mis.angle.Q4 Misorientation angle
mis.angle.SO3 Misorientation angle
mis.axis Misorientation axis
mis.axis.Q4 Misorientation axis
mis.axis.SO3 Misorientation axis
Mises The circular-von Mises distribution

-- N --

nickel Nickel electron backscatter diffraction data set

-- P --

pcayley The symmetric Cayley distribution
pfisher The matrix-Fisher distribution
phaar Uniform distribution
plot Visualizing random rotations
plot.Q4 Visualizing random rotations
plot.SO3 Visualizing random rotations
pmaxwell The modified Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
pointsXYZ Project rotation data onto sphere
prentice Transformation based asymptotic confidence region
prentice.Q4 Transformation based asymptotic confidence region
prentice.SO3 Transformation based asymptotic confidence region
project.SO3 Projection into SO(3)
puars Generic UARS Distribution
pvmises The circular-von Mises distribution

-- Q --

Q4 'Q4' class for storing rotation data as quaternions

-- R --

rcayley The symmetric Cayley distribution
region Confidence and credible regions for the central orientation
region.Q4 Confidence and credible regions for the central orientation
region.SO3 Confidence and credible regions for the central orientation
rfisher The matrix-Fisher distribution
rhaar Uniform distribution
rmaxwell The modified Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
rot.dist Rotational distance
rot.dist.Q4 Rotational distance
rot.dist.SO3 Rotational distance
rotations A package for working with rotation data.
rotdist.sum Sample distance
rotdist.sum.Q4 Sample distance
rotdist.sum.SO3 Sample distance
ruars Generic UARS Distribution
rvmises The circular-von Mises distribution

-- S --

skew.exp Matrix exponential
SO3 'SO3' class for storing rotation data as rotation matrices

-- T --

tail Return the First or Last Parts of an Object
tail.Q4 Return the First or Last Parts of an Object
tail.SO3 Return the First or Last Parts of an Object

-- U --

UARS Generic UARS Distribution

-- V --

vmises.kappa Circular variance and concentration parameter

-- W --

weighted.mean Weighted mean rotation
weighted.mean.Q4 Weighted mean rotation
weighted.mean.SO3 Weighted mean rotation

-- Z --

zhang M-estimator theory pivotal bootstrap confidence region
zhang.Q4 M-estimator theory pivotal bootstrap confidence region
zhang.SO3 M-estimator theory pivotal bootstrap confidence region

-- misc --

"+.Q4" Arithmetic operators on SO(3)
"+.SO3" Arithmetic operators on SO(3)
"-.Q4" Arithmetic operators on SO(3)
"-.SO3" Arithmetic operators on SO(3)
+.Q4 Arithmetic operators on SO(3)
+.SO3 Arithmetic operators on SO(3)
-.Q4 Arithmetic operators on SO(3)
-.SO3 Arithmetic operators on SO(3)