head {rotations}R Documentation

Return the First or Last Parts of an Object


Returns the first or last parts of a vector, matrix, table, data frame or function. Since head() and tail() are generic functions, they may also have been extended to other classes.


## S3 method for class 'SO3'
head(x, n = 6L, ...)

## S3 method for class 'Q4'
head(x, n = 6L, ...)



an object


an integer vector of length up to dim(x) (or 1, for non-dimensioned objects). A logical is silently coerced to integer. Values specify the indices to be selected in the corresponding dimension (or along the length) of the object. A positive value of n[i] includes the first/last n[i] indices in that dimension, while a negative value excludes the last/first abs(n[i]), including all remaining indices. NA or non-specified values (when length(n) < length(dim(x))) select all indices in that dimension. Must contain at least one non-missing value.


arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


For vector/array based objects, head() (tail()) returns a subset of the same dimensionality as x, usually of the same class. For historical reasons, by default they select the first (last) 6 indices in the first dimension ("rows") or along the length of a non-dimensioned vector, and the full extent (all indices) in any remaining dimensions. head.matrix() and tail.matrix() are exported.

The default and array(/matrix) methods for head() and tail() are quite general. They will work as is for any class which has a dim() method, a length() method (only required if dim() returns NULL), and a [ method (that accepts the drop argument and can subset in all dimensions in the dimensioned case).

For functions, the lines of the deparsed function are returned as character strings.

When x is an array(/matrix) of dimensionality two and more, tail() will add dimnames similar to how they would appear in a full printing of x for all dimensions k where n[k] is specified and non-missing and dimnames(x)[[k]] (or dimnames(x) itself) is NULL. Specifically, the form of the added dimnames will vary for different dimensions as follows:

k=1 (rows):

"[n,]" (right justified with whitespace padding)

k=2 (columns):

"[,n]" (with no whitespace padding)

k>2 (higher dims):

"n", i.e., the indices as character values

Setting keepnums = FALSE suppresses this behaviour.

As data.frame subsetting (‘indexing’) keeps attributes, so do the head() and tail() methods for data frames.


An object (usually) like x but generally smaller. Hence, for arrays, the result corresponds to x[.., drop=FALSE]. For ftable objects x, a transformed format(x).


For array inputs the output of tail when keepnums is TRUE, any dimnames vectors added for dimensions >2 are the original numeric indices in that dimension as character vectors. This means that, e.g., for 3-dimensional array arr, tail(arr, c(2,2,-1))[ , , 2] and tail(arr, c(2,2,-1))[ , , "2"] may both be valid but have completely different meanings.


Patrick Burns, improved and corrected by R-Core. Negative argument added by Vincent Goulet. Multi-dimension support added by Gabriel Becker.


head(letters, n = -6L)

head(freeny.x, n = 10L)

head(iris3, c(6L, 2L))
head(iris3, c(6L, -1L, 2L))

tail(letters, n = -6L)

## the bottom-right "corner" :
tail(freeny.x, n = c(4, 2))

tail(iris3, c(6L, 2L))
tail(iris3, c(6L, -1L, 2L))

## iris with dimnames stripped
a3d <- iris3 ; dimnames(a3d) <- NULL
tail(a3d, c(6, -1, 2)) # keepnums = TRUE is default here!
tail(a3d, c(6, -1, 2), keepnums = FALSE)

## data frame w/ a (non-standard) attribute:
treeS <- structure(trees, foo = "bar")
(n <- nrow(treeS))
stopifnot(exprs = { # attribute is kept
    identical(htS <- head(treeS), treeS[1:6, ])
    identical(attr(htS, "foo") , "bar")
    identical(tlS <- tail(treeS), treeS[(n-5):n, ])
    ## BUT if I use "useAttrib(.)", this is *not* ok, when n is of length 2:
    ## --- because [i,j]-indexing of data frames *also* drops "other" attributes ..
    identical(tail(treeS, 3:2), treeS[(n-2):n, 2:3] )

tail(library) # last lines of function


## 1d-array (with named dim) :
a1 <- array(1:7, 7); names(dim(a1)) <- "O2"
stopifnot(exprs = {
  identical( tail(a1, 10), a1)
  identical( head(a1, 10), a1)
  identical( head(a1, 1), a1 [1 , drop=FALSE] ) # was a1[1] in R <= 3.6.x
  identical( tail(a1, 2), a1[6:7])
  identical( tail(a1, 1), a1 [7 , drop=FALSE] ) # was a1[7] in R <= 3.6.x

[Package rotations version 1.6.5 Index]