Integrated Toolkit for Psychological Analysis and Modeling in R

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Documentation for package ‘psycModel’ version 0.5.0

Help Pages

anova_plot ANOVA Plot
cfa_groupwise Confirmatory Factor Analysis (groupwise)
cfa_summary Confirmatory Factor Analysis
compare_fit Comparison of Model Fit
cor_test Correlation table
cronbach_alpha Cronbach alpha
descriptive_table Descriptive Statistics Table
efa_summary Exploratory Factor Analysis
get_interaction_term get interaction term
get_predict_df get factor df to combine with mean_df
glm_model Generalized Linear Regression
html_to_pdf Convert HTML to PDF
interaction_plot Interaction plot
knit_to_Rmd Knit Rmd Files Instruction
label_name get label name
lme_model Linear Mixed Effect Model
lme_multilevel_model_summary Model Summary for Mixed Effect Model
lm_model Linear Regressions / ANOVA / ANCOVA
lm_model_summary Model Summary for Linear Regression
lm_model_table Linear Regression Model Table Generate tables with multiple response and predictor variable (only 'lm' models are supported)
measurement_invariance Measurement Invariance
mediation_summary Mediation Analysis
model_summary Model Summary for Regression Models
polynomial_regression_plot Polynomial Regression Plot
popular Popular dataset
reliability_summary Reliability Analysis
simple_slope Slope Estimate at Varying Level of Moderators
three_way_interaction_plot Three-way Interaction Plot
two_way_interaction_plot Two-way Interaction Plot