lme_multilevel_model_summary {psycModel} | R Documentation |
Model Summary for Mixed Effect Model
An integrated function for fitting a multilevel linear regression (also known as hierarchical linear regression).
model = NULL,
response_variable = NULL,
random_effect_factors = NULL,
non_random_effect_factors = NULL,
two_way_interaction_factor = NULL,
three_way_interaction_factor = NULL,
family = NULL,
cateogrical_var = NULL,
id = NULL,
graph_label_name = NULL,
estimation_method = "REML",
opt_control = "bobyqa",
na.action = stats::na.omit,
model_summary = TRUE,
interaction_plot = TRUE,
y_lim = NULL,
plot_color = FALSE,
digits = 3,
use_package = "lmerTest",
standardize = NULL,
ci_method = "satterthwaite",
simple_slope = FALSE,
assumption_plot = FALSE,
quite = FALSE,
streamline = FALSE,
return_result = FALSE
data |
model |
lme4 model syntax. Support more complicated model structure from lme4 . It is not well-tested to ensure accuracy ![[Experimental]](../help/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg)
response_variable |
DV (i.e., outcome variable / response variable). Length of 1. Support dplyr::select() syntax.
random_effect_factors |
random effect factors (level-1 variable for HLM from a HLM perspective) Factors that need to estimate fixed effect and random effect (i.e., random slope / varying slope based on the id). Support dplyr::select() syntax.
non_random_effect_factors |
non-random effect factors (level-2 variable from a HLM perspective). Factors only need to estimate fixed effect. Support dplyr::select() syntax.
two_way_interaction_factor |
two-way interaction factors. You need to pass 2+ factor. Support dplyr::select() syntax.
three_way_interaction_factor |
three-way interaction factor. You need to pass exactly 3 factors. Specifying three-way interaction factors automatically included all two-way interactions, so please do not specify the two_way_interaction_factor argument. Support dplyr::select() syntax.
family |
a GLM family. It will passed to the family argument in glmer. See ?glmer for possible options. ![[Experimental]](../help/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg)
cateogrical_var |
list. Specify the upper bound and lower bound directly instead of using ± 1 SD from the mean. Passed in the form of list(var_name1 = c(upper_bound1, lower_bound1),var_name2 = c(upper_bound2, lower_bound2))
id |
the nesting variable (e.g. group, time). Length of 1. Support dplyr::select() syntax.
graph_label_name |
optional vector or function. vector of length 2 for two-way interaction graph. vector of length 3 for three-way interaction graph. Vector should be passed in the form of c(response_var, predict_var1, predict_var2, ...). Function should be passed as a switch function (see ?two_way_interaction_plot for an example)
estimation_method |
character. ML or REML default is REML .
opt_control |
default is optim for lme and bobyqa for lmerTest .
na.action |
default is stats::na.omit . Another common option is na.exclude
model_summary |
print model summary. Required to be TRUE if you want assumption_plot .
interaction_plot |
generate interaction plot. Default is TRUE
y_lim |
the plot's upper and lower limit for the y-axis. Length of 2. Example: c(lower_limit, upper_limit)
plot_color |
If it is set to TRUE (default is FALSE ), the interaction plot will plot with color.
digits |
number of digits to round to
use_package |
Default is lmerTest . Only available for linear mixed effect model. Options are nlme , lmerTest , or lme4 ('lme4 return similar result as lmerTest except the return model)
standardize |
The method used for standardizing the parameters. Can be NULL (default; no standardization), "refit" (for re-fitting the model on standardized data) or one of "basic", "posthoc", "smart", "pseudo". See 'Details' in parameters::standardize_parameters()
ci_method |
see options in the Mixed model section in ?parameters::model_parameters()
simple_slope |
Slope estimate at ± 1 SD and the mean of the moderator. Uses interactions::sim_slope() in the background.
assumption_plot |
Generate an panel of plots that check major assumptions. It is usually recommended to inspect model assumption violation visually. In the background, it calls performance::check_model() .
quite |
suppress printing output
streamline |
print streamlined output.
return_result |
If it is set to TRUE (default is FALSE ), it will return the model , model_summary , and plot (plot if the interaction term is included)
a list of all requested items in the order of model, model_summary, interaction_plot, simple_slope
fit <- lme_multilevel_model_summary(
data = popular,
response_variable = popular,
random_effect_factors = NULL, # you can add random effect predictors here
non_random_effect_factors = c(extrav,texp),
two_way_interaction_factor = NULL, # you can add two-way interaction plot here
graph_label_name = NULL, #you can also change graph lable name here
id = class,
simple_slope = FALSE, # you can also request simple slope estimate
assumption_plot = FALSE, # you can also request assumption plot
plot_color = FALSE, # you can also request the plot in color
streamline = FALSE # you can change this to get the least amount of info
psycModel version 0.5.0