Tools for Prevalence Assessment Studies

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Documentation for package ‘prevalence’ version 0.4.1

Help Pages

prevalence-package Tools for prevalence assessment studies
as.matrix-method Methods for Function 'as.matrix' in Package 'prevalence'
as.matrix-methods Methods for Function 'as.matrix' in Package 'prevalence'
autocorr.plot-method Plotting functions from package 'coda'
autocorr.plot-methods Plotting functions from package 'coda'
betaExpert Calculate the parameters of a Beta distribution based on expert information
betaPERT Calculate the parameters of a Beta-PERT distribution
convert-methods Methods for Function 'as.matrix' in Package 'prevalence'
define_prior Definition of 'truePrevMulti' and 'truePrevMulti2' model
define_prior2 Definition of 'truePrevMulti' and 'truePrevMulti2' model
define_x Definition of 'truePrevMulti' and 'truePrevMulti2' model
densplot-method Plotting functions from package 'coda'
densplot-methods Plotting functions from package 'coda'
gelman.plot-method Plotting functions from package 'coda'
gelman.plot-methods Plotting functions from package 'coda'
plot-method Methods for Function 'plot' in Package 'prevalence'
plot-methods Methods for Function 'plot' in Package 'prevalence'
plot-methods-coda Plotting functions from package 'coda'
plot.betaExpert Calculate the parameters of a Beta distribution based on expert information
plot.betaPERT Calculate the parameters of a Beta-PERT distribution
prev-class Class '"prev"'
prevalence Tools for prevalence assessment studies
print-method Methods for Function 'print' in Package 'prevalence'
print-methods Methods for Function 'print' in Package 'prevalence'
print.betaExpert Calculate the parameters of a Beta distribution based on expert information
print.betaPERT Calculate the parameters of a Beta-PERT distribution
propCI Calculate confidence intervals for prevalences and other proportions
show-method Methods for Function 'show' in Package 'prevalence'
show-methods Methods for Function 'show' in Package 'prevalence'
summary-method Methods for Function 'summary' in Package 'prevalence'
summary-methods Methods for Function 'summary' in Package 'prevalence'
traceplot-method Plotting functions from package 'coda'
traceplot-methods Plotting functions from package 'coda'
truePrev Estimate true prevalence from individuals samples
truePrevMulti Estimate true prevalence from individuals samples using multiple tests - conditional probability scheme
truePrevMulti2 Estimate true prevalence from individuals samples using multiple tests - covariance scheme
truePrevPools Estimate true prevalence from pooled samples