truePrevPools {prevalence}R Documentation

Estimate true prevalence from pooled samples


Bayesian estimation of true prevalence from apparent prevalence obtained by testing pooled samples.


truePrevPools(x, n, SE = 1, SP = 1, prior = c(1, 1),
              nchains = 2, burnin = 10000, update = 10000,
              verbose = FALSE)



The vector of indicator variables, indicating whether a pool was positive ("1") or negative ("0")


The vector of pool sizes


The prior distribution for sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP); see 'Details' below for specification of these distributions


The parameters of the prior Beta distribution for true prevalence; defaults to c(1, 1)


The number of chains used in the estimation process; nchains must be 2\ge 2


The number of discarded model iterations; defaults to 10,000


The number of withheld model iterations; defaults to 10,000


Logical flag, indicating if JAGS process output should be printed to the R console; defaults to FALSE


truePrevPools calls on JAGS/rjags to estimate the true prevalence from the apparent prevalence in a Bayesian framework. The default model, in BUGS language, is given below. To see the actual fitted model, see the model slot of the prev-object.

  model {
    for (i in 1:N) {
      x[i] ~ dbern(AP[i])
      AP[i] <- SEpool[i] * (1 - pow(1 - TP, n[i])) + (1 - SPpool[i]) * pow(1 - TP, n[i])
      SEpool[i] <- 1 - (pow(1 - SE, n[i] * TP) * pow(SP, n[i] * (1 - TP)))
      SPpool[i] <- pow(SP, n[i])
  # SE ~ user-defined (see below)
  # SP ~ user-defined (see below)
  TP ~ dbeta(prior[1], prior[2])

The test sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) can be specified by the user, independently, as one of "fixed", "uniform", "beta", "pert", or "beta-expert", with "fixed" as the default. Note that SE and SP must correspond to the test characteristics for testing individual samples; truePrevPools will calculate SEpool and SPpool, the sensitivity and specificitiy for testing pooled samples, based on Boelaert et al. (2000).

Distribution parameters can be specified in a named list() as follows:

For Uniform, Beta and Beta-PERT distributions, BUGS-style short-hand notation is also allowed:


An object of class prev.


Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling in truePrevPools is performed by JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler) through the rjags package. JAGS can be downloaded from


Brecht Devleesschauwer <>


See Also

coda for various functions that can be applied to the prev@mcmc object
truePrev: estimate true prevalence from apparent prevalence obtained by testing individual samples with a single test
truePrevMulti: estimate true prevalence from apparent prevalence obtained by testing individual samples with multiple tests, using a conditional probability scheme
truePrevMulti2: estimate true prevalence from apparent prevalence obtained by testing individual samples with multiple tests, using a covariance scheme
betaPERT: calculate the parameters of a Beta-PERT distribution
betaExpert: calculate the parameters of a Beta distribution based on expert opinion


## Sandflies in Aurabani, Nepal, 2007
pool_results <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
pool_sizes <- c(2, 1, 6, 10, 1, 7, 1, 4, 1, 3)

## Sensitivity ranges uniformly between 60% and 95%
## Specificity is considered to be 100%

#> BUGS-style:
truePrevPools(x = pool_results, n = pool_sizes,
              SE = ~dunif(0.60, 0.95), SP = 1)
#> list-style:
SE <- list(dist = "uniform", min = 0.60, max = 0.95)
truePrevPools(x = pool_results, n = pool_sizes,
              SE = SE, SP = 1)

[Package prevalence version 0.4.1 Index]