Various Functions to Facilitate Visualization of Data and Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘plotfunctions’ version 1.4

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addInterval Draw intervals or arrows on plots.
add_bars Adding bars to an existing plot.
add_n_points Add groups of points to a plot
alpha Adjusting the transparency of colors.
alphaPalette Manipulate the transparency in a palette.
check_normaldist Compare distribution of data with normal distribution.
color_contour Creates a contour plot with colored background.
convertFile Replacing separators (for example, decimal and thousand separators).
dotplot_error Utility function
drawDevArrows Draw arrows between different plots.
emptyPlot Utility function
errorBars Add error bars to a plot.
fill_area Utility function
findAbsMin Return the value (or the element with the value) closest to zero.
find_n_neighbors Return n neighbors around given indices.
firstLetterCap Capitalize first letter of a string.
getArrowPos Converts coordinates in current plot region to device positions (in inch).
getCoords Convert proportions into coordinates of the plot or figure region.
getDec Return the number of decimal places.
getFigCoords Get the figure region as coordinates of the current plot region, or as corrdinates of the figure region.
getProps Transform coordinates into proportions of the figure or plot region.
getRange Function for rounding and/or segmenting a range.
getRatioCoords Move a vector n elements forward or backward.
get_palette Retrieve the color scheme for contour plots.
gradientLegend Add a gradient legend to a plot.
group_sort Sort split by grouping predictor.
img Image object.
inch2coords Convert device position (inch) to coordinates in current plot region.
isColor Check whether color specifications exists.
legend_margin Add legend with respect to figure instead of plot region. Allows to move legend to margin of plot.
list2str Combine list values as string.
marginDensityPlot Plot density of distribution in margins of the plot.
move_n_point Move a vector n elements forward or backward.
orderBoxplot Order boxplot stats following a given ordering.
plotfunctions Package plotfunctions: Various Functions to Facilitate Visualization of Data and Analysis
plotsurface Creates a colored surface plot from data frame input.
plot_error Utility function
plot_image Add images to plots.
plot_signifArea Creates a colored surface plot from data frame input.
se Calculate standard error of the mean.
sortBoxplot Produce box-and-whisker plot(s) ordered by function such as mean or median.
sortGroups Sort groups based on a function such as mean value or deviation.