plotsurface {plotfunctions}R Documentation

Creates a colored surface plot from data frame input.


This function is a wrapper around image and contour. See vignette('plotfunctions') for an example of how you could use image and contour.


  predictor = NULL,
  valCI = NULL,
  main = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  zlim = NULL,
  col = NULL,
  color = terrain.colors(50),
  ci.col = c("green", "red"),
  nCol = 50,
  add.color.legend = TRUE,
  dec = NULL,
  fit.margin = TRUE,



Data frame or list with plot data. A data frame needs to have a column with x values, a column with y values and a column with z values. A list contains a vector with unique x values, a vector with unique y values, and a matrix with z-values. The output of the function fvisgam is an example of a suitable list.


A vector with the names or numbers of the columns to plot on the x axis and y axis respectively.


Optional: the name of the column in the data frame data that provides the z-values. If data contains more than one column besides the x- and y-values, the predictor should be provided.


Optional: the name of the column in the data frame data that provides the CI-values. If not NULL, CI contour lines will be plotted.


Text string, an overall title for the plot.


Label for x axis. Default is name of first view variable.


Label for y axis. Default is name of second view variable.


x-limits for the plot.


y-limits for the plot.


z-limits for the plot.


Color for the contour lines and labels.


The color scheme to use for plots. One of 'topo', 'heat', 'cm', 'terrain', 'gray', 'bwr' (blue-white-red) or 'bw'. Or a list of colors such as that generated by rainbow, heat.colors colors, topo.colors, terrain.colors or similar functions. Alternatively a vector with some colors can be provided for a custom color palette.


Two-value vector with colors for the lower CI contour lines and for the upper CI contour lines.


The number of colors to use in color schemes.


Logical: whether or not to add a color legend. Default is TRUE. If FALSE (omitted), one could use the function gradientLegend to add a legend manually at any position.


Numeric: number of decimals for rounding the color legend. When NULL (default), no rounding. If -1 (default), automatically determined. Note: if value = -1 (default), rounding will be applied also when zlim is provided.


Logical: whether the labels of the gradient legend should be forced to fit in the margin or not.


Optional parameters for image and contour.


Jacolien van Rij

See Also

image, contour, color_contour

Other Functions for plotting: addInterval(), add_bars(), add_n_points(), alphaPalette(), alpha(), check_normaldist(), color_contour(), dotplot_error(), drawDevArrows(), emptyPlot(), errorBars(), fill_area(), getCoords(), getFigCoords(), getProps(), gradientLegend(), legend_margin(), marginDensityPlot(), plot_error(), plot_image(), sortBoxplot()


# From the package graphics, see help(image):
x <- 10*(1:nrow(volcano))
y <- 10*(1:ncol(volcano))
image(x, y, volcano, col = terrain.colors(100), axes = FALSE)
contour(x, y, volcano, levels = seq(90, 200, by = 5),
        add = TRUE, col = 'peru')
axis(1, at = seq(100, 800, by = 100))
axis(2, at = seq(100, 600, by = 100))
title(main = 'Maunga Whau Volcano', font.main = 4)

# now with plot surface:
# first convert to data frame
tmp <- data.frame(value = as.vector(volcano), 
    x = 10*rep(1:nrow(volcano), ncol(volcano)), 
    y = 10*rep(1:ncol(volcano), each=nrow(volcano)))
plotsurface(tmp, view=c('x', 'y'), predictor='value', 
    main='Maunga Whau Volcano')

# or with gray scale colors:
plotsurface(tmp, view=c('x', 'y'), predictor='value', 
    main='Maunga Whau Volcano', color='gray')

# change color range:
plotsurface(tmp, view=c('x', 'y'), predictor='value', 
    main='Maunga Whau Volcano', zlim=c(0,200))

#' remove color and color legend:
plotsurface(tmp, view=c('x', 'y'), predictor='value', 
    main='Maunga Whau Volcano', 
    color=NULL, col=1, add.color.legend=FALSE)

[Package plotfunctions version 1.4 Index]