getFigCoords {plotfunctions}R Documentation

Get the figure region as coordinates of the current plot region, or as corrdinates of the figure region.


Get the figure region as coordinates of the current plot region, or as corrdinates of the figure region.


getFigCoords(input = "f")



Text string: 'f' (figure, default), 'p' (plot region), 'hf' (half way figure region), or 'hp' (half way plot region)


A vector of the form c(x1, x2, y1, y2) giving the boundaries of the figure region as coordinates of the current plot region.


Jacolien van Rij

See Also

getCoords, getProps

Other Functions for plotting: addInterval(), add_bars(), add_n_points(), alphaPalette(), alpha(), check_normaldist(), color_contour(), dotplot_error(), drawDevArrows(), emptyPlot(), errorBars(), fill_area(), getCoords(), getProps(), gradientLegend(), legend_margin(), marginDensityPlot(), plot_error(), plot_image(), plotsurface(), sortBoxplot()


# setup plot region:
emptyPlot(1,1, bty='o')
fc <- getFigCoords()
pc <- getFigCoords('p')
arrows(x0=pc[c(1,2,1,2)], x1=fc[c(1,2,1,2)],
    y0=pc[c(3,3,4,4)], y1=fc[c(3,3,4,4)], xpd=TRUE)

# Same plot with different axis:
emptyPlot(c(250,500),c(331, 336), bty='o')
fc <- getFigCoords()
pc <- getFigCoords('p')
arrows(x0=pc[c(1,2,1,2)], x1=fc[c(1,2,1,2)],
    y0=pc[c(3,3,4,4)], y1=fc[c(3,3,4,4)], xpd=TRUE)
hc <-  getFigCoords('h')

# other options:
# 1. center of figure region:
abline(v=getFigCoords('hf')[1], col='blue', xpd=TRUE)
abline(h=getFigCoords('hf')[2], col='blue', xpd=TRUE)
# 2. center of plot region:
abline(v=getFigCoords('hp')[1], col='red', lty=3)
abline(h=getFigCoords('hp')[2], col='red', lty=3)

[Package plotfunctions version 1.4 Index]